Why Gay marriage is "wrong"

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    • Re: Why Gay marriage is "wrong"

      There is a far better argument against the naturalist anti-gay argument. Gay sex does not only occur between homo sapiens, but between creatures of the same sex in other species of animal. Furthermore it has been occurring probably about as long as heterosexual intercourse has.
      This being the case, how is it any more or less unnatural than straight sex?

      if it needs discussion, something is up........
    • Re: Why Gay marriage is "wrong"

      Jarndyce wrote:

      Thanks to the people who gave me negative rep for my post. I'm sure that 'thinking too much' about this is clearly a bad thing.
      Was the one that called me 'gay' going for some obscure self-demeaning irony?

      But It's sooo borderline Trolling, You want to argue go to the debate section.
      [LEFT][COLOR="Black"]“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”[/COLOR][/LEFT]
      [COLOR="DarkRed"][RIGHT]Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Just chillin' out down here at Kings Cross Station y'all! It's a bit foggy though... what's up with that?[/RIGHT][/COLOR]
    • Re: Why Gay marriage is "wrong"

      Thanks, everyone! Glad you like it.

      And thanks to everyone who input their ideas about the different points. I didn't think I was capable of setting off a debate like that XD

      But, as ohemgee said, this isn't my list. Probably should have mentioned earlier, but I've seen it several times whilst roaming the Tubes and thought I should share it with everyone here. I love that list. It can really help out when you're having one of those days :3
      Women upset everything. When you let them into your life, you find that the woman is driving at one thing and you're driving at another.
      -G. Bernard Shaw (Pygmalion, 1913)
    • Re: Why Gay marriage is "wrong"

      Batgirl wrote:

      Lady Gaga doesn't make people crazy. She's not crazy, just herself<3 If being creative is being 'crazy' then I don't want to be sane.

      i love you for defending gaga btdubs<3 gaga is amazing lol and she is completely right she is a unique person with a different view on music and society then alot of other people, she is just expressing herself in dress and music. the united states of America was founded on freedom she can express herself how ever she wants<3
    • Re: Why Gay marriage is &quot;wrong&quot;

      Bazinga! wrote:

      But It's sooo borderline Trolling, You want to argue go to the debate section.

      While I think it's rather obvious that this post was intended to be humorous (hence the sarcasm in responses) the sad fact remains that 1) A sizable portion of the world's population does actually believe gay marriage is "wrong" and, 2) some of these arguments are actually used as justification for the stance. Can you really blame a guy for logically breaking down these arguments and trying to come up with real responses rather than just laughing off the issue?

      I realize this sounds fairly adversarial (especially for my first post...hey everyone!) but that's really not my intention. Just wanted to share my two cents here (I rather liked Jarndyce's first reply). I did think the original post was quite humorous though :)