if im going out im going out in style.

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    • if im going out im going out in style.

      k so how do i sum this up. i ride a sportbike way to fast.... on the back wheel.. i have a 600 now wanting to upgrade all my buddys i ride with say im gonna kill myself... they have yet to clue in thats kinda the point. as i have said to many people im not gonna try to kill myself im gonna do what i want and die when i die. i cant say i enjoy life right now witch makes me just crazier. between being single and family problems "friends" work tickets and everything its just not worth it to me to try to prolong my life. speaking of tickets i have some and am gonna lose my license and all i have to say is i rather be laying in the ditch dead after trying to run from the cops then be in this situation knowing im losing it and am gonna be sitting on my ass alone at home all the time. input????
      life may begin at 40 but it doesn't get very interesting till about 180.

      for those who know me no explanation is needed for those who don't none is possible.
    • Re: if im going out im going out in style.

      ok dude, you know im a stunt rider too and ive had heaps of bikes.

      A 600 is more than fast enough bro, I like them better than 1000's you have no idea how fast they are and its not even fun man, its just crazy and there so much harder to wheelie which generally just pisses you off, so stick with the 600 bro, honestly, there is a reason why all stunters ride them.

      Next, ive been there bro, its not that your gonna kill yourself on purpose but your just gonna go more crazy than usual and just see what happens, but take a step back man, shit in your life can seem impossible to get through, but really, after a change in perspective and some help, you can get through it without too many issue's.

      Being single isnt a bad thing bro, honestly, take advantage of it, and if you really want a girl then im sure you can make it happen, but its a personal choice and only do it for yourself not for anybody else.

      Family issue's can be very damaging, I know man, but you can get through them too, just dont make the same mistake I did and seperate yourself from everybody like a lone wolf, you need somebody to talk things out with every day or couple days when stuff at home gets a bit rough, thats the best advise I can give, just having somebody to talk to on msn or on the phone can make a huge differents.

      With your licence, dude I just got mine back after being suspended for six months, yes it sucks but no its not the end of the world, i mean jeez I didnt have a licence for 15 years and I managed to get around fine, dont let it get to you, car pooling, public transport and of course family should be able to take you where you need to go, as for stunting, you can just get a fiddy or 70 and ride in a lot, thats normally pretty safe or if you wanna be even more safe you can get a bicycle and stunt that, its actually a shitload more fun than you would think and its really challenging, thats what I started on if you look in my album

      Just keep your chin up man, your a stunter, were all tough as nails, you have to be to survive in a sport which requires so little fear and so much physical endurance from crashes etc, you just need to have a big talk with somebody you know quite well on the phone or face to face and just go over everything and try keep an open mind to there suggestions, and go from there
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: if im going out im going out in style.

      air cooled 600 from 1988? not enough. i bought it for pretty darn near nothing was gonna street fighter it and make a cage and just beat the living piss outta it. was looking at an 02 GSXR 750 but everyone says its to much even the guy who looped his 1000 2 times within 6 months both at 120 + k/h. fuckin stupid.
      life may begin at 40 but it doesn't get very interesting till about 180.

      for those who know me no explanation is needed for those who don't none is possible.
    • Re: if im going out im going out in style.

      yeah but not when you ride with everyone on liter bikes [1000's] 02 gsxr 750 or 04 r6 is what im getting next. and as all my friends say when the lights come on. catch me if you can. ever seem them shows with police chases well they only show the ones that get caught trying to prove that you cant get away from the cops how many sportbikes do you see on those shows? NONE! my friend who also rides dad is a cop and said they cant chase any bikes doing 2 times over the limit or more.
      life may begin at 40 but it doesn't get very interesting till about 180.

      for those who know me no explanation is needed for those who don't none is possible.
    • Re: if im going out im going out in style.

      bro ive done plenty of runners and they are fun, but pretty damn dodgy..

      I have 6 years of racing under my belt (3 years road racing and 3 years motocross) and still some of the times the cops got pretty close even with me on a cbr600rr, so dont think its that easy, plus unless you can read traffic really good your gonna get smashed by a car, but it seems like you want a bigger bike for all the wrong reasons bro, god damn...
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    • Re: if im going out im going out in style.

      In life we always want what we dont have, it may seem to you that life has offered you nothing but just before you will lose it all you will start missing the small things.

      Stunt riding is the best, but this could be done without endagering your life too much no?? Doesnt death scare you? If you dont want to be alone (due to tickets) you sound quite independent go out, join a group of stunt drivers, join their activities and stuff, it will save you tickets and maby give value to your life...

      Life is a bitch, i understand this, beleive me, but fight back, show yourself that you can make life fun. Life is not good/fun just from the sake of it, we are not 10 anymore, you got to work at it. Dont trow it away....

      BTW since your friends are advising you not to buy the faster bike, i assume that they look out for you, and they value your friendship. Build on that, maby you dont think that alot, maby you take that for granted but beleive me going out in style or just going out, will make you absolutely no difference....dont you think?
    • Re: if im going out im going out in style.

      Wait this period of your life out. As time passes your priorities will change and times that seemed to bad going threw them dont end up as bad as they really are when you reflect upon them with a new and healthier mind set. Stay safe
      Think of that saying Some One Loves You Ya Know??
      (i hate it it to)
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]They Hate me cause I'm right.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: if im going out im going out in style.

      amando96 wrote:

      You can't out run cops on a 600?
      not my 600 air cooled tops out at 220 the same as a highway patrol car. r6 will do 280 gsxr 750 will do 295 my friends liter bikes will do 320 330 k/h
      life may begin at 40 but it doesn't get very interesting till about 180.

      for those who know me no explanation is needed for those who don't none is possible.