My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

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    • My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      this life is nothing but an overpopulated hell hole. Filled with polotitians, whores, & monkey preformers we call celebrities. I look in the mirror & I am disgusted. Not because of my face, skin color, nationality, clothes...... things todays youth are obbsessed with. But because I am part of a corrupt species that Jesus Christ shouldn't have saved so long ago. We were created as some sort of sick joke. We will all die at eachothers hands. Mankind shall erase its self from existance. We will rot.
    • Re: My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      Humanity is pretty disgusting in this modern society.
      A lot of people are selfish and corrupt and will do absolutely anything to get a bit of money.
      It seems the majority of teenagers are more concerned with materialistic things rather than being cultured or intelligent... there are exceptions of course though!
      People used to protest against oppression, germ warfair, the establishment and for human rights... now people protest against companies because they want pay rises. People are rather pathetic now.
      What we create to protect ourselves or make our lives better will ultimately be the thing that destroys mankind.
      How cheerful haha :P

    • Re: My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      Alas, in the most simple sense you're right.

      I've always found that I have a keen distaste for Western culture and its ideas of individualism and the pursuit of happiness. The United States especially is a nation of children who no longer know how to be happy or how to create a cohesive and functioning society.

      However the important thing is not to lose faith in humanity, this is a new philosophy and humanity through out its history hasn't been dominated by selfishness only exported with the ideas fo capitalism and social darwinism since the 19th century. As someone who is working towards politics its my goal to help steer society back towards a more ethical and self sustaining, instead of self degenerating, route. If you dislike society the best thing you can do is change it.

      We have all heard "Life is cruel, get use to it," but I think its important to learn a new mantra.

      Life is cruel, so change it.

      PS: Don't hate on whores, they're very respectable people; except the crack whores who are the pitiable ones.
      Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind. ~Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
      [CENTER]The greatest thing you'll ever learn
      Is just to Love
      And be Loved in return

      The post was edited 1 time, last by DeaExMachina ().

    • Re: My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      I think that there are a lot of wonderful things about contemporary society. I mean, everything could be a lot worse for us. I think that instead of just being upset over all the shit things, we should enjoy all the good stuff, not take it for granted, and try to improve everything else that isn't good.
    • Re: My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      I disagree with a lot of your opinion.
      I do agree that humanity is a corrupt species, but I also believe that we can change.
      Jesus chose to save us for something. God did not create humans as some sort of sick joke.
      A lot of the things of actual society are pretty stupid though. But, now that you see the mistakes that the people around you are making you can strive to be the better human being.
      Humans aren't perfect, of course there will be defects. But you do not have to view humanity in such a bad light.

      I agree with Sydb.
    • Re: My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      The problem of this thread is that we cannot reach a conclusion. Everyone's view of life is different, as no human is identical to another. We are complex beings and the process of our thought cannot even be described. You have already mentioned the Christian God as the Creator, but I disagree even with that.

      Anyway, this is not the thread to discuss such matters. My view on humanity is kind of different than yours. I think that everyone's part in life is his own to choose. You can't just go out and dismiss people who think and act in a different way than your own. Even "whores and politicians". Perhaps that's what makes us selfish and materialistic though.
    • Re: My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      I have had a rather rough life, still i don't consider mankind *that* bad, yeah sure we are driven by money, but that's because we must, money = good life, but of course it's not JUST money, and people get blinded by money, and forget the rest.

      You say people to anything for a raise, how many people do you think have to feed, and send to school 2, or 3 kids, and make minimum wage?
    • Re: My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      PotEl wrote:

      The problem of this thread is that we cannot reach a conclusion. Everyone's view of life is different, as no human is identical to another. We are complex beings and the process of our thought cannot even be described.

      This is true, but does not detract value of the discussion, for even if the purpose of debate is to meet truth, and this purpose is forever unfulfilled, there is still much to learn just from reading or hearing other people's points of view.

      I hope that you don't think I'm belittling your opinion, and if I've misinterpreted, please inform me so.
    • Re: My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      thats true on every level apart from the jesus bit but thats just cause i dont beleive. but yes the world is corupt and as a speices we are revolting. and reali there is no meaning to life because of wat we hav done to soiciety, but in my opinion that leaves nothing but rebelious and outrageous acts to be the best source of full fillment. like alot of people i know i hate the world, but unlike them i dont set my eyes on getting a good job and living a rich and expensive life, i want to waste everylast second doing wat ever i want, and letting nothing stand in my way, i dont see the point in living by society, we will eventuly kill ourselves off and the rest of our planet so why should we follow what we should do, wats the point in living if u cant live it reclously.
    • Re: My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      harvey wrote:

      thats true on every level apart from the jesus bit but thats just cause i dont beleive. but yes the world is corupt and as a speices we are revolting. and reali there is no meaning to life because of wat we hav done to soiciety, but in my opinion that leaves nothing but rebelious and outrageous acts to be the best source of full fillment. like alot of people i know i hate the world, but unlike them i dont set my eyes on getting a good job and living a rich and expensive life, i want to waste everylast second doing wat ever i want, and letting nothing stand in my way, i dont see the point in living by society, we will eventuly kill ourselves off and the rest of our planet so why should we follow what we should do, wats the point in living if u cant live it reclously.

      It's people like you that make the world what it is.
    • Re: My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      i am who i am because of wat the world has become and how i have been treated, so u cant blame it on "people like me" i am nothing like my family yet it is because of how they hav treated me that i am how i am, and politions are not like me, so u are wrong, people that send people to war are the people at fault just because i hate society and because of my up bringing dont care about other peoples feelings does not make it my fault
    • Re: My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      Kaitlin wrote:

      i wish i could bake a cake out of rainbows and smiles and we'd all eat it and be happy

      Lol I am with you on that. Except on the rainbows part...

      Harvey do you believe in God?
      You say that "You are how you are" does that mean that you are just gonna stay like that and you are not trying to get any better?
      You say that you are going to do whatever you want and not let anything stay in your way... does that mean that you don't care about the consequences?

      Not everything is your fault, but you are at fault for your decisions man.
      You have responsibilities like everybody else. Whatever you do has consequences not only for yourself but for other people.
    • Re: My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      This doesn't hold true to everyone though. There are beautiful, fantastic people out there.. you just have to look for them.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • Re: My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      You're forgetting about the great things about our society. Things that so many of us take for granted. Do you have running water? Food on your table? Clothes on your back? We take for granted the fact that we are healthy and able to do so many things that others can not. Can you speak? Can you walk? Can you breathe?
      Yes, there are so many things to get frustrated about, but if you have the ability to keep yourself free of all the toxic influences and appreciate all the great things in life then you deserve to be happy. You gotta just shrug off all the things that you think are ridiculous. You can't let them get to you.

      So many people like to talk negatively about America and I don't get it. In America, we have the privilege to say what we want to say, practice what religion we want to practice, dress how we want to dress, and do so many other things that people in other countries can not. I'm not a huge fan of the government, but if you've taken US history you must know that before we had a strong central government things were crazy. The way our society is set up now prevents anarchy.

      People need to chill out and appreciate things for what they are. If you're so sick with society then go out and volunteer somewhere. Help change society little by little for the better. That's pretty much all you can do. Just be the best you can be and ignore the things you don't like. Not every one is so plastic and materialistic. You need to surround yourself with those people.
      [CENTER][SIGPIC][/SIGPIC][/CENTER][COLOR="Indigo"][CENTER]Block out all your demons with
      white noise, pills, and Jesus[/CENTER][/COLOR]
    • Re: My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      lcky wrote:

      You're forgetting about the great things about our society. Things that so many of us take for granted. Do you have running water? Food on your table? Clothes on your back? We take for granted the fact that we are healthy and able to do so many things that others can not. Can you speak? Can you walk? Can you breathe?
      Yes, there are so many things to get frustrated about, but if you have the ability to keep yourself free of all the toxic influences and appreciate all the great things in life then you deserve to be happy. You gotta just shrug off all the things that you think are ridiculous. You can't let them get to you.

      So many people like to talk negatively about America and I don't get it. In America, we have the privilege to say what we want to say, practice what religion we want to practice, dress how we want to dress, and do so many other things that people in other countries can not. I'm not a huge fan of the government, but if you've taken US history you must know that before we had a strong central government things were crazy. The way our society is set up now prevents anarchy.

      People need to chill out and appreciate things for what they are. If you're so sick with society then go out and volunteer somewhere. Help change society little by little for the better. That's pretty much all you can do. Just be the best you can be and ignore the things you don't like. Not every one is so plastic and materialistic. You need to surround yourself with those people.

    • Re: My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      Well please bear with me here because I am not Christian , but I do sort of share the same opinion as you .

      I think most humans are idiotic and self-centered and that our species will eventually blot ourselves out from this world . Mainly because there are way more idiots than smart people in this world . I'd say about 97% of the human population is idiotic.

      As for the celebrities most of them are shitty people , but there are a couple who have really done some good in this world : Tyra Banks , Oprah Winfrey , Bill Gates , etc .

      I don't know . Maybe it's just me but I hate most humans . I just don't get on with them . Mainly because I have no tolerance for stupidity , laziness , close-minded people , etc . I don't look in the mirror disgustedly at myself though because I know I am an amazing person and that I actually contribute to the good of this world , no matter how little it may affect anyone .
      [CENTER]"Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul." ~Marilyn Monroe[/CENTER]
    • Re: My perspective on humanity. opinions please!!!

      I hope this part of the lyrics of this song I leave you here, tell you something that make you feel better someway. :cool:

      "If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are half way through.
      We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness.
      We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.
      We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace.
      No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others.
      That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear.
      We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows.
      Self seeking will slip away.
      Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change.
      Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us.
      We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us.
      We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.

      Are these extravagant promises? We think not. They are being fulfilled among us - sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. They will always materialize if we work for them.

      You're only as sick as your secrets, but the truth shall set you free...

      The truth is the truth, so all you can do is live with it."

      "Repentance" By: Dream Theater.