Why are guys so shallow?

  • Re: Why are guys so shallow?

    rmg126 wrote:


    Actual example of this:

    A few years ago, I was practicing driving with my mom. Everything went better than expected...until she told me to put the car in reverse and pull into the driveway backwards. I was like "OK sure," so I swung around and reversed and in the process my car's back bumper veered dangerously close to my dad's car, and my mom shrieked. "ZOMG YOU GOT LIKE THIS CLOSE *spaces hands about 8 inches apart* TO DAD'S CAR YOU ALMOST HIT IT *gasp*" and I was like "Calm down, even if I'd got like this close *spaces fingers about an inch apart* it still wouldnt've damaged his car." ;) She facepalmed and was like "Oh geez, typical male response." :rolleyes:


    My first thought was "I don't get it, he had a whole inch..."
    [SIZE=2]It's [/SIZE][SIZE=2]love[/SIZE][SIZE=2], it's [/SIZE][SIZE=2]love[/SIZE][SIZE=2], it's [/SIZE][SIZE=2]love[/SIZE][SIZE=2], make it [/SIZE][SIZE=2]HURT[/SIZE][SIZE=2]![/SIZE]
  • Re: Why are guys so shallow?

    For both sexes I really think it's all subjective. I've met some girls that are absolute cold hearted cunts but others that are absolutely kind and generous people. On the other hand I've met other guys that are just flat our jackasses and others that are helpful and caring.

    For some people it even depends on the day, unfortunately human beings aren't always consistent. Day to day people can change based on their mood, the current situation and the time of day even. Two of my very best friends (one male one female) are like that. One day they are cold and unfeeling, others they care and want to help people and others they aren't either they just want to have fun and mess around.

    It could also be relative, if you are around two people and they are both kind people but one is even moreso than the other the other may seem like more of a jackass. Then the other way around the two may be dickheads but one is less of a dickhead and seems more caring than the other.
  • Re: Why are guys so shallow?

    TPM wrote:

    Not all , but a sickeningly vast majority of guys are so shallow. Why? What drives boys to be so uncaring and deliberately rude and stuff? This is why I get along so much netter with girls than guys. Guys are shallow and girls are caring and understanding and compassionate. Is there some invisable male constitution that dictates that guys have to be assholes, uncaring, and shallow?

    We're good-enough-looking to be able to afford to express it. We are confident in ourselves and want to prove nothing to anyone. As a result we are viewed as shallow, yes, but secure and fun-loving as well.

    Do you value your personality and "depth" because that's all you have to fall back on? Think about it.
    The worse of a reputation I receive the more I know I'm helping. :love1:
  • Re: Why are guys so shallow?

    I think that guys are shallow but a lot of times for reasons. Girls are attracted to shallow guys and then get pissed they can't find a "compassionate" one. If guys are compassionate it makes them look weak and girls are not attracted to that. So really compassionate guys just don't get the attention of girls. Also I think so many girls are crazy. I've heard to many stories about girls doing crazy things in friendships including backstabbing and just generally doing negative things to each other. Maybe my guy friends are just super respectable. of course everyone is different
  • Re: Why are guys so shallow?

    TPM wrote:

    Not all , but a sickeningly vast majority of guys are so shallow. Why? What drives boys to be so uncaring and deliberately rude and stuff? This is why I get along so much netter with girls than guys. Guys are shallow and girls are caring and understanding and compassionate. Is there some invisable male constitution that dictates that guys have to be assholes, uncaring, and shallow?

    Ever heard of a gold digger? Many people are shallow by nature. It is not separated by gender. I almost lol'd at girls being "caring, understanding, and compassionate". Obviously you have not seen girls leave their best friends to chase after a hot fling. In general, I'd rather have a conversation with a man than a woman. They often seem to have more intellectual depth and reasoning, or at least the good ones do.
    "The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical no one will believe in it"-Bertrand Russell

    The post was edited 2 times, last by isitso ().

  • Re: Why are guys so shallow?

    TPM wrote:

    Just because a girl focuses far too much on cloths, boys, ect doesnt mean that thay are shallow (in the sence i am meaning). When i say shallow, i mean completely unconcerned with peoples problems and so judgmental that their pupils are shaped like gavels. So easily manipulated into a 'common' belief: ie- dislike of a person for no reason.

    It sounds like you mean more uncaring or unfeeling than shallow - I think most people think of shallow as 'superficial', which, as many have brought up, some girls tend to be.

    Even if guys are concerned about people's problems, they don't often show it or don't really delve into it. In my experience, it's like "if you want to talk, I'll listen", but they don't ask or pry into it like a girl would, so I guess that could come off as uncaring. I think that's a societal thing, guys grow up essentially being told they are supposed to be tough, and that's one way of showing it.

    I think being judgmental is a human thing - girls are like that as much as guys but might be more censored about what they say out loud. And many teenagers are easily manipulated, no matter what gender they are!
  • Re: Why are guys so shallow?

    Why are guys so shallow?

    Because apparently most girls are attracted by guys who treat them like shit, which makes otherwise caring guys turn into assholes, so they can get all the girls they want, so that the same girls can complain later that they are lonely and can't find a man who loves them.

    You girls are spoiling us. Seriously :(
  • Re: Why are guys so shallow?

    I suppose you could just say that both genders are shallow in their own way..
    It's the stereotype of each gender that gives them the shallow label however..
    A sexy girl wants the perfect guy..
    An up-his-own-arse guy wants the perfect girl..
    Since there is not really such thing as perfect, we're all seeming more shallow than we really are, when actually we're not the girls that dress like tarts, and you're not the guy that wants to have boobies all in their face.

    We expect too much from people - As if they were a superhero.
  • Re: Why are guys so shallow?

    redno wrote:

    It's because nice guys finish last really. If you're a guy, just think about how many times a girl considers you "just a friend" yet goes out with a complete asshole repeatedly.

    It is because deep down, a vast majority of girls really want that, and that's what we need to be.
    No it's because the complete asshole actually makes a move and shows the girl he's interested.
  • Re: Why are guys so shallow?

    I was told by this girl that gives great advice that guys like to have control and feel like they are in charge. They feel as if that's their role but don't let any guy disrepect you.
    [SIZE=3]saved my life. My mother even wrote them a letter to thank them. They give cash and prizes for teens who participate and leave comments. [/SIZE]
  • Re: Why are guys so shallow?

    TPM wrote:

    Not all , but a sickeningly vast majority of guys are so shallow. Why? What drives boys to be so uncaring and deliberately rude and stuff? This is why I get along so much netter with girls than guys. Guys are shallow and girls are caring and understanding and compassionate. Is there some invisable male constitution that dictates that guys have to be assholes, uncaring, and shallow?

    You probably mean the guys YOU hang out with.