my boyfriend, his best friend (who's also my best friend) and I ... yeah I know :S

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    • my boyfriend, his best friend (who's also my best friend) and I ... yeah I know :S

      my bf, his best friend (who's also my best friend) and I ... yeah I know
      So... I'm a med student. My best friend is called john, he's smart, funny, nice...just a great guy. So we were really close the last year and at the end of the year we had this big party. There he introduced me to his school friend charlie. Charlie goes to other college btw. Well during this party john told me he had to tell me something but he didn't. I suspected he liked me and I went away (I didn't like him, just like friends). So I also started talking to charlie and there was chemistry between us. He added me t the msn, we talked a lot and texted a lot too. We dated during december and he became my boyfriend in january. Later (when we were bf-gf) he told me that john had been in love with me and he wanted to tell me during the party but never did. The funny thing is that john helped me out with charlie the whole time (he told me charlie liked me and stuff).
      Charlie and I had the best summer ever. But then classes started. Now I get to see him once a week. I see john 6 hours everyday. We are still close, he even told me during another party: " you understand me, you are the best friend ever". On the other hand, last week on eof my best friends told me she liked john.
      The thing is... I'm scared. I love my boyfriend. But I love john too (not in THAT way... I mean, I love hi as a brother), and I am afraid this feeling turns into something else since i hardly see charly. I share lots of things with john, we work together, have fun, sit together, etc. If I ever get to like him I would be betraying my first boyfriend with his best friend, and I wuould also be betraying my other best friend who likes john...
      what should i DO?? I love to hang out with john... and I once I started to think about leaving my bf since we will eventuallyy have to break uo due to all the work I have... while john will always be there since we r in the same class :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by claudia92 ().

    • Re: my boyfriend, his best friend (who's also my best friend) and I ... yeah I know :

      ok let's summarize it:
      My boyfirend's best friend (jonh) is my best friend too. My other best friend is a girl who's got a crush on john. On the other hand, John had a crush on me and I like him a lot. Yes, a lot, but I'm in love with my boyfriend and I see that guy as a friend. But I'm scared iy may become love.

    • Re: my boyfriend, his best friend (who's also my best friend) and I ... yeah I know :

      Well you said yourself that you don't like John "like that" right now. So what I suggest you do, is wait for a little bit. See if your feelings change towards John. I don't think it would be work it right now to betray your boyfriend/friend for someone you're not even sure you have feelings for. I know not being able to see Charlie as much as you see John is hard, but you guys should try to video once a day to get closer to each other.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling