He likes me, he likes me not??

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    • He likes me, he likes me not??

      So I met this really cool guy online. The thing is, Im not sure if he likes me or not and because of that Im hot and cold on him. He told me he thinks Im gorgeous & at one point he said he loves me (although, now, I think he was joking).

      Last night we spoke to each other on skype for an hour (he told me to come on skype because I didnt talk to him all day the prev day. Maybe he missed me??). It was an awkward conversation with neither of us knowing exactly what to say. Actually, I think I came of as weird and he seemed distant. Anyway, at the end of the conversation he said he will message me to come back on skype. An hour later before I went to bed I messaged him and said "Nice talking to you.. :)" and he said "U as well darling ;)" What does this mean?? Do you think he likes me or not?? What should I do?

      Oh and on his profile he told this other girl she has "sexy lips"
    • Re: He likes me, he likes me not??

      i would approach with caution on this, alot of guys if they meet a girl online only want one thing, now ofcourse thats not all guys, but the majority of guys are pervs, but im generalising here, this guy could be a saint and would never even think of using you, how long have you been talking to each other? like how well do you know him? if you dont know him that long, then i suggest just keep talking to him online, get a better feel for the kind of guy he is, and then maybe try and ask him out. he may indeed like you, and i think you should try and initiate if you really like him, guys tend not to go for it with girls as the fear of rejection can be overpowering at times.
      good look and be careful
    • Re: He likes me, he likes me not??

      Kat_B wrote:

      So I met this really cool guy online. The thing is, Im not sure if he likes me or not and because of that Im hot and cold on him. He told me he thinks Im gorgeous & at one point he said he loves me (although, now, I think he was joking).

      Last night we spoke to each other on skype for an hour (he told me to come on skype because I didnt talk to him all day the prev day. Maybe he missed me??). It was an awkward conversation with neither of us knowing exactly what to say. Actually, I think I came of as weird and he seemed distant. Anyway, at the end of the conversation he said he will message me to come back on skype. An hour later before I went to bed I messaged him and said "Nice talking to you.. :)" and he said "U as well darling ;)" What does this mean?? Do you think he likes me or not?? What should I do?

      Of what difference is it if he does like you or doesn't like you, so long as he acts like he likes you?

      Kat_B wrote:

      Oh and on his profile he told this other girl she has "sexy lips"

      So he does like you. And then, liking you, and only liking you, that is still liking you. Are you asking the wrong question?

      Kat_B wrote:

      & at one point he said he loves me (although, now, I think he was joking).

      And what do you do when the stuff you here you do not confirm? Continue to hold a grudge on him, or verify the rumors are correct?
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Neal ().