Well....it's finally come to an end. Anyone care to interpret?

    • Well....it's finally come to an end. Anyone care to interpret?

      Since my freshman year of high school I have had a “crush“ on the same guy. He was in my swimming class and always seemed nice. Junior year I had him in my lit class and started to go crazy about him. He was funny and just seemed like he had a great personality. I also had the feeling he was interested in me because he would always look over in my direction, etc. We talked a few times but it was never anything very deep.

      Now, I have just graduated high school. Since freshman year he has become hugely popular. He's smart, athletic and plays a mean saxophone. I swear, he is one step away from walking on water. Because of that my hopes of us getting together started dissolving. I wasn't unpopular, but I was relatively quiet and not as outgoing as he was. I grew a lot this year so in March I sent him a message over facebook saying how I was disappointed we never got to know each other and basically just let him know how I felt, but he never responded.

      I don't understand how I could have misinterpreted all the signals he was sending me. He would look at me in the hallway, sometimes even smile. Other times he would lower his head and look at the floor when he walked past if he was by himself. I also noticed his friends looking at me a lot. At one point he was walking by with his friends and one of them looked at me and nudged him while smiling. I just don't get it.

      Since I sent the message, he still looks at me and so do his friends. A few weeks ago he was walking behind me in the hallway with his friend and he stayed right behind me the whole way. They were talking in really stupid voices and just being obnoxious, I couldn't help but feel they were doing it to get my attention.

      Last week we had to do a group project in the class his best friend is in too. He didnt make eye contact with me once, but was talking to me. We also had to look in our books but I didn't have mine so he pushed his over so I could see too. When we were done working he and the other guys in our group started talking about street ball and they brought up his name a few times.

      Also happening last week, I was in the lunch room walking to my table and he was walking past the room (which has big glass windows so you can see the people in the hall) and he made eye contact with me for a good 5 seconds before looking away.

      We also went to a theme park two friday's ago and I saw him a few times. He had sunglasses on but he was turned in my direction and I am pretty sure he saw me. When we were leaving I was on the bus next to his. His bus started to pull away and one of the friends he was hanging out that day (who is also one of his best friends) made eye contact with me through the window the whole time their bus was pulling away. When we got back to school, I walked past his friend and he was looking at me again.

      I just don't understand. His friends are all being nice to me and everything. I tried ignoring him late april in a feeble attempt to get over him. The day I started he must have noticed because one of his friends walked past me in the halls and randomly said the guys name. Not really sure what the point of it was, but he obviously said something about it to his friends.

      Sorry to ramble on about this. Its just really frustrating. I just cant help but feel something is going on here that I am not picking up on. I have never been this way over a guy before and frankly, it sucks. It's killing me inside even though I know it's not logical to be so broken up about this. I have actually cried a few times over the past two days because I will never see him again.

      The last time I saw him was at the post grad party. He kept looking at me throughout it and when they were drawing prizes everyone was crowded in the front of the room so they could see the prize table. I kept back against a wall because I was kind of bummed and extremely tired. After a few people had been weeded out I noticed he kept positioning himself so he could see me, maybe it was just a coincidence, I don't know. Then when he left I was still on the wall by myself and just before he got to the door, he turned around and looked at me, I looked back and we made eye contact for a few seconds, then he turned around and was gone.

      Any idea what happened here? I just need some closure, this is as close I will probably get. Thanks for reading this book.
      [LEFT][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]If a horse runs you over it's because you're in the way. [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=4][/LEFT]
    • Re: Well....it's finally come to an end. Anyone care to interpret?

      horses48 wrote:

      Any idea what happened here? I just need some closure, this is as close I will probably get. Thanks for reading this book.

      What I think happened is you spooked him with the message on Facebook. While most guys are all for girls going for them, it's a little strange when we get a message from a girl on Facebook explaining her feeling towards us. It being strange isn't very significant, but what really tops it off is how impersonal it is. It's just something you don't discuss over Facebook. You really should have gone to him with how you feel and such in person, or at the very least asked him straight up if he had anything to say about the message on Facebook. When confronted with something like that on the Internet it's hard to respond sincerely simply because of how impersonal it is. It's somewhat... taunting, for lack of a better word, so I suppose that's why you didn't receive a reply. You definitely received some good vibes from him, but the Facebook message ultimately did nothing but create some animosity and awkwardness between the two of you. So, in the future, you should definitely avoid repeating this. :p
    • Re: Well....it's finally come to an end. Anyone care to interpret?

      The main reason I sent the message over facebook was because I never saw him when he was alone. And with me being extremely shy, I couldn't just walk up to him. What a mess...
      [LEFT][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]If a horse runs you over it's because you're in the way. [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=4][/LEFT]
    • Re: Well....it's finally come to an end. Anyone care to interpret?

      mmm, well it is possible he may never have got the message, unlikely but still, ya you probably did spook him a little, or maybe he is genuinely shy aswell, some people, guys especially can be the most popular people you will ever come upon but when it comes to girls they are the shyest people ever, and will just be able to look at the girls they like, i think he did like you, if a guy moves to position himself to see you then he may have a crush on you, or maybe you were reading too much into it, are you both finished school now forever?? because if you are then i can see you doing two things, try and engage him in a conversation on facebook maybe, talk about school and stuff, what hes going doing etc, maybe say something about him always looking at you and see his response, but it may not be advisable if you are going to different colleges or whatever you plan to do, or, you can use this time to get over him, i have full confidence though that you will have no trouble in finding a boyfriend in the foreseeable future if that is what you want!! im not sure if this helped at all, but none the less i hope in the next few weeks you feel alot better!!
    • Re: Well....it's finally come to an end. Anyone care to interpret?

      I almost don't want to tell you my experience, but mine was very similar. Except instead of me sending the guy a message, my friend did (telling him about me) through an anonymous account. She claims she didn't, but I heard the guy whispering something about getting a message from some mystery person to his friend once, and they both looked over in my direction. The reason I know it was her is because she was the only I had confided to about my crush. And even though I didn't get to hear about what the subject of the message was, I knew that it was about me liking him, because like a week before, my friend had jokingly told me that if I didn't do her a favor she would "tell him all the details over myspace" (yeah, lol, this was when nobody knew what Facebook was). This happened when I was a sophomore.

      Before this all happened, I used to have this hope that he liked me back because he would do things similar to the stuff your crush described. He would look at me in class sometimes, he would make eye contact with me in the hall then look down, etc. But now I know that I was just reading into all of this stuff because I liked him and really wanted it all to mean something. Now that I look back, I realize that I make eye contact with people all the time and never talk to them, just like I did with him. But when I liked him, I didn't notice that I'd do the same things with other people, just because I was so focused on only him.

      So anyway, over the next few years I felt him looking at me sometimes. His friends would do this too. And sometimes his friends would say his name really loudly when I was around, and then he would just smile and look away from me. Sometimes they would start talking about him really loudly when he wasn't around but when I was near them. They would say things like, "So JAMES came over last night. You know, JAMES? Yeah, and we hung out and stuff. Yeah, JAMES is a cool dude." They were purposely being obnoxious. I think that they were trying to get my attention to see my reaction.

      Although I never got any confirmation about this, I'm pretty much convinced that the reason he and his friends looked at me and tried to get my attention by saying his name and stuff is that they were all making fun of me. They probably saw me as the "weird girl" that liked their friend. You're probably not as weird as I was in high school, so your situation might not be as bad.

      I think the reason he would look at me is that the message obviously put his attention on me. I mean, if I got a message one day telling me that some kid in my class had a huge crush on me, I'd probably notice them a lot more and just wonder about the whole situation (which is honestly a weird one). He was a nice guy, I guess; at least he and his friends were nice enough not to seriously pick on me or tell everyone else in the class. But I think they made fun of me amongst themselves.

      Yours is a little more personal though, because you sent it yourself. The kid I liked didn't even know who the person was that had contacted him to tell him all that stuff about me. So my situation is a little stranger, and I still get pissed off at my friend about it for doing that. To this day she won't admit to doing it.:rolleyes:

      The post was edited 3 times, last by fedupwithmyself ().

    • Re: Well....it's finally come to an end. Anyone care to interpret?

      That sucks...I just don't get it. If someone did this to me and I had no interest in them, I would avoid them. This has been going on since late last year, he would look at me in the halls then, too. So it's not like it all started happening after I sent the note. There was a lot of other things that were happening prior to the note. Sometimes I would look up and he would be watching me. Without me initiating the eye contact.

      What do you guys think about me sending him a message? Only this time I say sorry if I made things uncomfortable and that I'm not mad/upset about the situation. And that I wish I had smiled or just talked to him? I could end by saying good luck in college. I'll probably never see him again, and I do feel bad that I couldnt manage a smile when he looked at me. At the party he kept looking at me, like he wanted to approach me or was waiting for me to approach him. Thoughts?
      [LEFT][SIZE=4][SIZE=3]If a horse runs you over it's because you're in the way. [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=4][/LEFT]