In need if some serious help and advice

    • In need if some serious help and advice

      Did something really stupid a couple of years back and I'm really ashamed of it my best mate and his girl used to play stupid lil pranks on me this was a couple of years back pranks like I'm going to go run away from home or going to kill myself etc etc and I think one day I just got really annoyed and said I was pregnant it was only meant to be a way to get them back at the time I was also with someone so anyway this played along and I told them I'd got an abortion and it was all sorted then my bf found out and broke up with me things went all paired shaped and I blocked evryone out of my life. I've only in the last couple of months got my mojo back and feel great until my exs best mate started flirting with me in dec now I've met him outside of school a few times And I think we've got a relationship going on but my best mate doesn't seem happy about it he's always pulling me down saying how I've lied and how I haven't changed when I no I have cause I ain't that girl anymore but I think my beat mate really pushes me over the edge sometimes like recently his gf cheated on him with one of his boys so he wnts to get revenge by using me but cause I'm with someone and he's away at moment he's like oh dw if u have a fling with me while he's away what he don't know won't harm him and I feel soo down inside today after. Having a long fight with my beat mate saying how he really Pushes me over the ede at times but he don't want to admit anything just thinks he's right I know I've done some stupid things and I really shouldt have but does anyone think that I should stop talking to him?
    • Re: In need if some serious help and advice

      I think you should do what's best for yourself, which in my opinion, would be to stop talking to him. A best friend shouldn't bring you down. They should be the one that brings out the best in you. If he's affecting you negatively, I don't think keeping him as a friend would be in your best interest. You know who you are and what you've been through to get back to the point you want to be at. Don't doubt yourself because of what he thinks. If he can't support you and be a real friend, I suggest you stop talking to him. Ultimately, the decision is yours. Surround yourself with people that are going to respect you and be true friends.
    • Re: In need if some serious help and advice

      Your best mate seems to believe no one can change. You made a boo boo, but boo boos are fixed with band aids and over time they heal. If he expects you to cheat on the man you're involved with, you as a woman would be no better than the girl he just was cheated on. You have a conscious and it's why you're here; I praise you for having the courage to speak your story.

      Personally, I would have been a little upset with you but I wouldn't leave someone I am heavily committed to over a stupid joke; I'd tell you it was stupid, but I would also listen to why you made such claims and just brush it off. He seems like a child..Love is about forgiveness (So long as you're not too radical, such as cheating, etc)..The person you're with now accepts you for who you are now and so should friends. I think you need to calmly tell him that people grow up and people do forgive; maybe he wont, but the right man for you WOULD. You've paid your price and those who dwell on the past too much will never likely be able to move forward in the future.

      Though this is a personal opinion, I personally would push myself away from him. A friend is suppose to be just that - a friend, not someone who brings you down. It obviously affected you immensely and someone shouldn't constantly remind you while knowing how much it hurts..that in itself isn't a friendly quality. His narcissism will eventually catch up to him...or maybe it already has.
    • Re: In need if some serious help and advice

      Thank you sooo much for the help and support I thought I might have been stupid to think that I know I've upset quite a few people and I truly regret doing it but looking back on it jut makes me feel as if I was pushed over the edge a bit it's like he can't admit that he may be wrong in places to. Thanks for boosting my confidence really felt quite down yesterday xx
    • Re: In need if some serious help and advice

      Obviously you need to do what's best for yourself, even if it means cutting off a friendship. However, as your best friend perhaps he deserves a chance to explain himself. I suggest you have a serious conversation with him and allow him to know your feelings on the situation. Hopefully you will get the type of response you want, if not that's when you should stop talking to him. If he truly cares he will come around.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Raylan Givens ().