I don't know how to be happy :/

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    • I don't know how to be happy :/

      So they guy I'm dating always gets frustrated because I'm always deppressed about the way I look. When ever I'm feeling bad about it, it makes him deppressed too so then I feel guilty :\ He tells me I'm crazy when I say something about it but he says things he finds cute about my friends but he never says things like that to me :( i just can't accept it that for any reason he would find me pretty. But I don't know how to just be happy and I'm scared I'm gonna push him away if I don't stop being deppressed. I just don't know what to do
    • Re: I don't know how to be happy :/

      oh i totally understand what how you feel but honestly the solution to fix that is different for every person....
      for me it was that i had to totally give up guys until i was happy with myself and how i looked because i couldn't be happy with someone else if i couldn't be happy with myself first.
      but i don't know... it's different for different people.
    • Re: I don't know how to be happy :/

      Locachick wrote:

      I think it's because even as a kid everyones always told me how ugly or fat or worthless I was, so if anyone tells me other wise I can't accept it. Sometimes I think he only argues with me so I won't cut myself :/

      sorry to hear that. i think teaching someone to hate themself is worse then teaching them to hate someone else. its easier to heal that pain if you surround yourself with people who make you feel good. i hope one day instead of believing what those people told you start to like yourself.
      i am juststayblunted and i approve of this message:D
    • Re: I don't know how to be happy :/

      I could have sworn I replied to this yesterday I recall typing at it too...

      Anyways, its certainly not easy to change one's damaged self perception and you're right that the reason you find it difficult to think positively is because you have been educated to feel negatively about yourself. The change of course will happen from within you, and to take control of that I feel the best result is to take a rational stock of what you feel is the aspects of a beautiful female and talk with those close to you about yourself and what you have and have not achieved. You should also consider your clothing and not merely your bodily appearance; personally it is my clothing that gives me confidence about my appearance more than my own bodily structure.

      I'm sure some people would say "Only shallow people would care" but don't fool yourself, the way you look is important in every aspect of your life from encountering people on the street to employment so you shouldn't be discouraged from making yourself happy with who you are; at the same time don't pick an unhealthy super model standard and feel you should achieve that. In the end you need to be happy with how you present yourself to yourself first before you can be confident with how you present yourself to the world. Take time to stare at yourself in the mirror daily and think of the positive things about you as you make yourself into your ideal woman.

      Also make sure your friends are in on helping you because the positive reinforcement from outside will do you good and they can also help keep you from doing negative things in your desire to reach your preferred physicality. Once you've taken a serious and rational stock of yourself and stepped forward on how to make yourself the way you want than you'll feel more confident in yourself every day.
      Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind. ~Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
      [CENTER]The greatest thing you'll ever learn
      Is just to Love
      And be Loved in return
    • Re: I don't know how to be happy :/

      Locachick wrote:

      Thanks so much your input really helps. I don't think I'm gonna give up tho, but to hear a stranger tell me something positive, instend of the people who always do really helps for some reason

      no problem. sometimes we just need to talk about it get it all out there. If you need anything else pm me.
      i am juststayblunted and i approve of this message:D
    • Re: I don't know how to be happy :/

      First of all, you shouldn't listen to people who call you ugly or worthless. Your not worthless, you gotta keep thinking that. ;) Also, doesn't true beauty come from within - like you can change your physical looks but you can't change what you are like as a person, and what you are like as a person is way more important trust me :)

      Do things you enjoy, focus on the good things that you enjoy. Whether it be going to the cinema, walking in the park, sitting by a lake; Do things that you both will enjoy together and eventually your fears of not being good enough will subside. :)

      Best of luck for in the future :)
      "Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can read." - Mark Twain

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Gonebyfar ().

    • Re: I don't know how to be happy :/

      Don't worry too much about how you look. It's what's inside that matters most. But something you could do is to stand in front of the mirror and take a good look at yourself. Think about what you like about your appearance. And doing something like having your hair cut could be good too. Try a new style and see what you think. Hair is important in the way a girl looks to a lot of people. If you like the new cut then that'll make you feel better about your appearance.