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    • I have a boyfriend, and we fool around and stuff. But, when I go to masturbate, the thing that really turns me on and make me horny, is watching lesbian porn. If a guy gets in the video, its not as hot for me. Does this make me bi? Cause when I actually think about dating a girl and kissing her and stuff, it weirds me out, and I just wanna date guys. Argh, so confusing. Help please?:confused:
    • Re: Sigh...

      Don't worry about it, I've got a similar thing. See I would never really consider dating a guy, I don't really find myself with the same feelings toward them as girls. Yet when it comes to the porn I watch, some gay porn is just as attractive to me.
      I'm not quite sure what causes this, but I don't think we should spend too much time concerned about it. What turns us on in porn doesn't always turn us on in real life, and what turns us on in real life doesn't always do it for us with porn.
      I wouldn't call you bi just because lesbian porn turns you on. I'd say you're straight and just like lesbian porn.