Search Results

Search results 481-499 of 499.

  • Ya, so I've been thinking about buying some skinny jeans (since I've finally lost enough weight that I think it's possible! xD) but I'm not sure entirely sure yet... opinions? If you think they're worth getting, what colour is your preferred? D:

  • New kicks.

    Tieko - - Fashion


    Converse? If not, you should return them and get Converse - have to be the real deal though; Converse Allstar They make my life Wow... didn't even notice the picture. Über failure on my part. Return them for Converse!

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Tieko - - Teen Sexuality


    Hugs all around

  • 3/10 - 6/10 Depending... Robot Chicken!

  • I use Facebook. I originally started because my friends wouldn't leave me alone, it was constantly "OMG You HAVE to get facebook!" but then it became useful for... ... ... .... Okay. It never became useful, but it is addicting! Never has doing homework been so hard with it as a distraction xD! But no, I think I use it mainly as a place to hold pics, and creep what my friends are up to! xD q: Jk about the creeping thing. But ya, it can be useful for keeping in touch since you don't have to type t…

  • In the span of five months she's only said two words to you? Sorry mate but that sounds a little... like an end? But ends are just new beginnings (:. Whether you want to like her still is your choice, but it may be healthier to move on (it's hard for me to give an opinion because I've been crushing on my ex (who is also my best friend) for... wayy too long x_x) It doesn't sound really like you ever got to know her that well... You say you have no trouble hanging around with girls, so I would sug…

  • S: ... You seem to have it pretty much served to you on a plate q: (not to say you haven't worked for it, as I wouldn't know). Anyways, assuming you're the normal kind of guy, the best way to tell a girl you like her is indirectly. There's no real need to make the awkward statement that you like her, hit two metaphorical birds with one stone. Just ask her -bashfully- if she would like to go out. Being bashful is cute she'll like it. Some girls won't catch on that this means you like her, but tha…

  • Quote from tiggerwalker: “Yeah but, if we don't like the same things what will we do?” S: Do what any other teen does? No one ever really bases their dates on their own interests, they almost always follow stereotypical roles. Movies, skating, swimming (;, skating, hiking, going to one another's houses to hang, cottaging... ya... If you really like the person then the setting/activity of the date is just filler, what really matters is that you two would have something to do while you enjoy eacho…

  • Probably not a very good idea. Depriving yourself of favourable foods most of the time will make you want to binge when you do have the opportunity, you'll simply lose control. Moderation is the key. Diets that work - VeGetTaRiAnIsM! D: Eat all the yummy fruits and veggies you want - watch out for grains and nuts though *-*

  • Re: Cartoon Ideas

    Tieko - - Creative Writing


    I'm not exactly sure what your mean by 'modern cartoon' but ya... The thing that ALL of the greatest cartoons have in common is satire (yes it's boldunderline important). If you have no idea what satire is... ouch x_x. Read Swift's A Modest Proposal to get an idea q: Classic satire. As for satirical drawings... I can't think of any off the top of my head except Gin Street and Beer Lane... might be the other way around... but they sucked xD Satire will allow your cartoon to be witty, but also ach…

  • Ummm... Well, there is a saying "Opposites attract", not that I've ever believed it beyond a physics point of view... Your interests do not have to be the cornerstone of your relationship though. I mean... I would never date someone simple because we liked the same things. It is more dependent on you as a person, your character and just whether you're fun to be around in general. And hygiene. Gotta have good hygiene. So umm to answer your problem, no - it should not be a problem unless you make …

  • Re: Found Out

    Tieko - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from petriieplayspool: “how does this have anything to do with sex?” My sexuality is the main leverage this person has. I've told a couple of people about the eating disorders... DeamonD - I know my friends won't care about the issue, I'm more nervous about family (sister goes to school) and just the school populous in general Bebop - I'm well aware of that, and I've told people about the eating disorders so I'm not actually much concerned about that. As for the sexuality... well, ^ see ab…

  • Found Out

    Tieko - - Teen Sexuality


    This has been an interesting half hour for me. I have had an account here only shortly, but I had an account on for a while (which I deleted for the coming reason) until I became wary of a 'friend' trying to find me - under an obvious name. The reason I told said 'friend' is because I was trying to reach out to this guy because he is a really sad case - thinks his life is miserable when it is sooo not (and everyone agrees). Apparently he has informed someone else though, who has stu…

  • Well... if you've reverted back to an awesome friendship why bother messing it up with a relationship? I think you should believe him when he says that he is not ready for a relationship. Even if its not true, you're still having an amazing time with him as a friend, which strengthens the chance that you'll get back together at a later date. Relationships are overrated in our society. Half the time they just make things more awkward than they have to be. One should be able to hug, kiss [with mod…

  • Ummm... I can't say I've ever heard girls talking about that so... I'll say no. Don't feel bad/embarrassed or anything of the like though. As much as I hate to say it, males are by nature sexual beings, and much more prone to actively expressing it. Girls are sexual too, but they tend to retain their thoughts whereas guys... do as you did It's just how we've evolved (more socially, but a bit mentally as well). So ya... it's normal I guess. As for picturing those two girls, that is also very natu…

  • Who says you have to get near her? The emotion of a pretty little card can be even better Just make sure she is the only one who gets it! (and I said CARD not email... cards are so much cuter, and physical objects really do impress upon people meaning). Make sure you include instructions in the card for her to like... let you know that she read it somehow even if she doesn't want to talk... otherwise you could be waiting... and waiting... and waiting x_x

  • Are you American? Sorry but American sex-habits are odd. I mean. Either do it or don't do it, or REALLY do it we've all got the European blood in us. Well not all of us... but I'll assume you have European background yay for stereotypes. Pre-cum shouldn't have sperm in it... and even if it did not enough to make it to your tubes... It would be highly unlikely for sperm to make it through cloth unless your boyfriend is dumping litres on you x_x But ya... I wouldn't worry about it... Being paranoi…

  • Okay... well first let's look at this girl. Is she really nosey/pushy to begin with (not always a bad trait), or is this act of persistence out of character? If it's out of character, she's probably interested in you. Best way to test the subject would be to claim you don't think you're good enough (aka FISH FOR COMPLIMENTS D: ) Then if she's dishing out that's another hint she may like you. If you're gonna tell her, I definitely wouldn't do it in caplock... Subtly is key Be really bashful (she'…

  • The key to solving problems like this is passivity If everyone is telling lies about you, the best thing you can do is say to your ex that she has been misinformed, but you are unable to prove yourself otherwise. Tell her the truth, but acknowledge you can't discredit the others. Then walk away. D: From what I've seen/experienced, people tend to reconsider actions when someone does something like that, as long as its not super lame and needy as if you're begging for them to pity you. The key is …