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  • Girls do dirty dancing O_O? Holy shit i have been missing out on a lot of things :o

  • YOU SIR ARE AWESOME I'm actually suprised at how many people on here know about Matchbox 20 :3 I can go through all my friends and none of them know about them apart from me always listening to them haha

  • Pfft, if i could remember them all O_o....

  • Quote from Anastasia Salikhova: “When I was ten and still living in Russia, there was a boy at one of the schools I attended. his name was Andrew Karkarovich. He skipped a couple of lessons once or twice, went and chilled out and did what he wanted. Then he skipped a couple of days here and there. Then he'd miss more days in a row, eventually he was missing weeks of school. He got back in touch with me four weeks ago. He's seventeen, like me. He just got his grades; I asked him what they were, a…

  • If you feel jealous then think about the great things in life that you have, make it a goal to improve on your life etc. That beaver kid will be nothing soon, 1. His voice will break 2. None of the popular mainstream artists become successful (rarely) 3. Look at all of the people who become bored with fame and have to use drugs and alcohol to reach the high feeling they once had, so many have died that way.

  • Erm, how come i have never heard of sixth form when i am british :o? I always thought that it was like: Year 10 Year 11 Then college Then University Anyways, my brother wanted to join the RAF a year or two ago and he just researched the fields about what he needs to be able to do etc. AFCO seems a good place to go once you know as much as you can from research.

  • Okay, i have been involved with posting my voice in a video for Youtube before and it wasn't exactly acting (5 facts video thing) but it is hard enough to be happy with the sound of your voice. You can record your voice solo by going to Programs>Accessories>Entertainment>Sound Recorder. That should take the pressure of having to record your voice with others listening to you. I'm sure that the team were just trying to have some fun and jokes to break the tension for you hoping you would relax mo…

  • Wow and nobody actually done anything to help you? I guess this is kinda sexual assault so it is him who should be ashamed and embarressed. You shouldn't be so worried about it, things will eventually be forgotten but the story will probably be spoken about in later years.

  • Hey, i missed out nearly a whole year of school because i was being bullied racistly because i moved to France from Wales, i shouldn't have been so blind about it though.... If i wasn't so depressed i probably would have beat the shit out of one of the lads as i'm not useually a push over. I am a lad and from the UK so not sure what things are like for girls in the US who are being bullied but all i can say is don't be a push over like i was, if you have to then actually fight if you must... The…

  • I don't see why you should, unless you're one of them people who confess to sins they have made. Get over it, the woman hates your friend so she is probably gossiping about her not you, just avoid bumping into her when you're with your mum i suppose haha. As for being guilty, meh....Loads of us have done the same thing is guess right?

  • I haven't watched porn for over a week now, i do admit that tonight i felt like watching some but i forced myself to use my imagination....I guess it only haunts you when you know that it is accessable. And most girls hate it when their boyfriends watch porn so i don't want my girlfriend to have that problem for when i ever do get one >.>

  • No harm in going out a long day shopping with your friends looking at some new styles then is there

  • You're single so you can do as you please, if you both want to get back together then it should be you and him kissing instead of with other people. Best thing to do is sit down with him and ask if he wants the same things as you do, and then carry on from there.

  • And i can predict things will be the same for the UK soon.

  • You're definately not ready. Just talk to your boyfriend about the boundaries of what he can and can't do. If he loves you then he should understand, if he gets angry and tries to take advantage then he is obviously in the relationship for the action. You don't actually have to have intercourse to have fun, as you say...Foreplay is good enough for you. If you don't tell him then he will never know and it will be you who is regretting it.

  • A little bit of Snow Patrol and Placebo, i have heard a few of the others but i really dislike them and some of them i've never heard of.

  • I do find that the UK is more cheaper and convienient for like food and clothes and general activities but we do have the most rediculous taxes and stuff, but i reckon that the whole world will eventually be destroyed by greed and recesion.

  • I got a nuke on derail by only quick scoping with my beloved Intervention, but i have gone of MW2 so i probably fail at it now. I find that the Scar + Silencer is the best for getting nukes. And UMP45 is a great rusher gun for nukes. MW2 was a great game while you're addicted to it...Otherwise it is crap.

  • Quote from Dom121: “The first Resident Evil was the only good one, Though Jill Valentine was hot as hell in the second film. :D” Haven't seen the first actually :o I heard it was crap from my brother so yeah...Jill was indeed

  • Quote from dannym2326: “Get a girlfriend an do the same to her :P” Good idea ^^^^ This just gets funnier and funnier!