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  • Re: Bmi

    S1919 - - Health and Fitness


    Wholeon you can't honestly think that article is valid Diets DO work, i've seen it first hand and encouraged my friend when he was dieting. He was fat, now he scores 15 on the bleep test. some studies have shown that fat can protect against “infections, cancer, lung disease, heart disease, osteoporosis, anemia, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis and type 2 diabetes.” The key word here is 'some studies'. It's been proven many times that obesity can lead to cancer, heart disease, high blood…

  • Re: Interesting article

    S1919 - - Debate and Discussions


    Oh i'd done that for a good 4 years or so. Perhaps when my 'metabolism slows down' I will put on some weight. But yeah I do agree with you. My own mother aparently gets fat easily, but manages to keep it low. Thing is the stuff she eats, cottage cheese, low fat yogurt look quite gross. Considering she never eats anything high in fat.

  • Re: Interesting article

    S1919 - - Debate and Discussions


    Actually miss morphine they can im afraid I used to be one of those people. I was lacking muscle too and took in around 300 more calories than the RDA, sitting around playing computer games but still only weighed in at 10 stone for 6'1. I did eventually change that, and went to the gym. Now I weigh 12.5 stone, but I actually eat more than I did before.

  • Re: Dreaming

    S1919 - - Debate and Discussions


    Most of the time I remember them. Lucid dreaming is something I wouldn't like to try and acheive. It is a very hard thing to do, and my own thought on the subject are; If you can control your own dreams, why bother with the real world? You may start to care less and less about the real world.

  • Sasha you really should stop judging the nation of America based on the acts of the few. Is it okay for me to judge Germans based on the actions of the Nazi party? Is it okay for me to judge Russians based on the assassination of Alexander Litvinenko? Infact, you criticize the American legal system - yet the Russian legal system is far more biased and far more corrupt. Just read that. Sasha, you are quite clearly guilt of discrimination against America, something which is on par with racism. If …

  • Re: werid voicemails

    S1919 - - General Advice


    Agreed, no harm done really!

  • Re: Euro 2008

    S1919 - - Sports


    Quote from Trogdor_74: “Well that was a shite match” agreed

  • Quote from Indigo: “I don't like death penalty, I might sound naive but I think that any type of killing is wrong. To murder a murder is also murder, so it's like a paradox, people say they hate murders, and want to murder that person who murdered that innocent child, then they can kill themselves too. And if my dad/mom got a death penalty, if he/she murdered a person, because I love my parents, I wouldn't be happy. Everybody can make mistakes, like murder, and it can be anybody, even your neigh…

  • Re: Did he deserve it?

    S1919 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from saguyako: “It hurts like hell when your not getting raped when you are getting raped they are gonna do it hard and fast YOU will NEVER get over it. just to show you buy a dildo from a sex toy store and use it and see how much it hurts. now multiply that pain times 3 and then you have how much it hurts to be ass raped.:)” You don't get over being raped completely mentally, you are correct about that. However the physical pain of rape is not really camparable to torture and dismembermen…

  • You didn't answer my question. Do you think the vigilantes deserve the death penalty?

  • Quote from stratosfear: “... And I don't really agree with mandatory millitary service in the first place, so I'm not gonna argue about that... ” Okay whether you believe in it is completely irrelevant. The point of that was not to argue whether you believed in it or not, it was to show that in some cases woman have it better than men do, which is infact true. On a brighter note, I do think women should be treated fairly, in regards to all aspects of life. However, I really don't like it when fe…

  • Quote from wholeon: “"Brutally murdering" is completely different than "accidentally killing." That's why the latter is called "manslaughter" and not murder or homocide. Let's learn to read, shall we?” Perhaps it is, but proving that you killed the person in a street brawl in defence can be rather hard to prove. I've also got something for you all to think about. In the sexuality part of these forums there is a thread 'did he deserve it'. Where a man had his dick chopped off, was tortured and ki…

  • Re: Euro 2008

    S1919 - - Sports


    My favourites at the moment are Russia. They outplayed Holland, are very entertaining and I always like the underdog

  • Yeah I agree with the others, you need to eat a lot more, including protein. Try drinking milk if you don't feel like eating, there's a fair amount of protein in milk.

  • Re: Mate backstabbed me

    S1919 - - Friends and Family


    Your friend sounds like a jackass. I'm from Wales and I can take offense from stuff like that. But yeah it sucks when your friend stabs you in the back. Don't try getting revenge, it'll only make him not care about what he did. Just try make him feel guilty.

  • Quote from wholeon: “How can someone be unable to help looking at child pornography? ” By having a mental disorder. Paedophiles really can't help themselves looking at these pictures a lot of the time. They need help not be murdered. A lot of the time they feel very bad about what they do anyway and want help. Where's all the care gone in the world? Since when have we started executing people who need our help. Besides, the death penalty wouldnt be given to someone who just looks at pictures any…

  • Quote from wholeon: “Esmo, I've been thinking on this along with a variety of other things the last few days, and no, I don't believe that people who commit heinous crimes are capable of remorse. I believe that we live in a society that creates and rewards these people. Violence against women is permissible because we say it didn't actually happen, that she asked for it, that she isn't human (or, as Dworkin says, "We count ourselves goddamn lucky when whatever happens falls short of rape"). Viol…

  • Re: Bro or Sis???

    S1919 - - Teen Sexuality


    Yeah it doesn't sound realistic to me.

  • It does sound like he likes you Not the end of the world if he says no anyway!

  • Don't pay too much attention to BMI guys it doesn't give a good indication of how fat you are. You see it in a lot of magazines, or so my sister says and we've always been taught in P.E that it can be really misleading. It doesn't take into account muscle mass, bone mass aswell as others that can vary from person to person. A bodybuilder who weighs like 18 stone and is 5'10 will be classed as morbidly obese, even though he'll have like 5% body fat. So, if it says you're overweight it doesn't nec…