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  • Re: Dildo fun

    S1919 - - Teen Sexuality


    That really is disgusting :eek:

  • Re: Abortion

    S1919 - - Debate and Discussions


    Very hard topic to decide yes or no. Granted, abortion is probably morally wrong whether or not the foetus counts as human, since it is the potential for life. But it's really not that simple, in some circumstances I reckon it is acceptable. And i've got no idea what it feels like to decide - so I wouldn't know. So, if one day I am presented with atleast some of the responsibility of the decision, I'll decide when that day comes what my opinion would be.

  • Quote from Ejayrazz: “No, death penalty doesn't kill the worst offenders, it kills those who aren't able to properly defend themselves merely because of financial issues. I believe the 200th innocent death row mate was released a few years back.” I agree entirely.

  • Yes I am sincere.

  • Re: Did he deserve it?

    S1919 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from [ Sam ];696777: “How the hell could u get over ass rape lol” Well I figure many woman can eventually get over it, even if it takes years. A few people get raped in the worst prisons and get over it eventually, course im not sure I just figure not being able to have sex or wank ever again would kinda suck:eek:

  • Re: Did he deserve it?

    S1919 - - Teen Sexuality


    I'd rather be ass raped than have my dick lopped off. Just opinion, I could get over being raped but having my dick removed I could not get over.

  • Sorry to hear this, but it'll get better don't worry. You'll make new friends who treat you well - just give it time.

  • That's fine, and it's really not what I'm after. All I was trying to do was teach you a lesson in the hopes you might understand. Obviously I was wrong. I just hope you go away with atleast some new understanding of your actions. I'm sorry for likening you to someone with autism.

  • That may be, but atleast she can recognise she did so and apologised.

  • Re: My oldest brother

    S1919 - - Friends and Family


    I agree with Ice here NJG. Please don't take offense but teens going through puberty can often be very tempremental and not even realising they are being so. Sure he is probably over-reacting or annoying you, but if you two can learn to treat eachother with respect things will be a lot better. "Why should i treat anyone with respect is he doesn't treat me with respect and has treated me like crap for as long as i can remember" I know what you mean, but it's a vicious circle. He probably feels th…

  • Quote from *Ama*: “I never insulted her. I said my opinion and she became upset. What is insulting in this statement? "He loves you like family is supposed to love one another... not in a way that is against the law in many places."” Your first statement wasn't, but almost all of your others were. "You're insane... first you fall for your cousin now you love me and some other kid? Please go to jail." "I didn't say anything... I smiled. Why are you arguing with a smile?" Even you should be able t…

  • Quote from *Ama*: “Oh well, stop reading my post. Because I am going to post my opinion, I don't care who likes it. If you want someone just to nod and agree with you even if they really don't feel that way then I am the wrong person. For you to diagnose me with a disease (that I don't have) is just rude and uncalled for. I am not autistic and I do not portray myself as an autistic person I just speak what I feel and if that makes me a bad person then god bless my soul.” LOL. Well with your logi…

  • Ama you were being rude and vindictive, what you said was not constructive. if you can't recognise this then god help you.

  • Luvwithabrokenheart i'm sure you'll get over him. Ama just get's off on being rude to people don't worry. I think she's autistic, she really can't recognise when someone is upset or not. And ama, try to read the damn post this time before trying to make a snide comment, you'll only end up insulting yourself. Back on topic - i'm afraid there is a difference between family like caring and that of lovers. It's probably not a healthy thing to have a crush on him, but hanging out with him may make th…

  • dont worry man she doesn't sound so great from an outside point of view.

  • Re: beach in a little bit

    S1919 - - Health and Fitness


    AR, it is possible to gain noticeable muscle defination in 15 days. I was very thin at the time, but went from no definition to 6 pack in less than that.

  • Re: 5 a day

    S1919 - - Health and Fitness


    I get 8

  • Re: Weed?

    S1919 - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Rocket: “First how do you know how much i smoke or when i smoke or who i smoke with or for how long i've smoked? So for you to make assumptions about my knowing of the long term effects of smoking your going off of pure imagination. Second I was talking about the opossing side to the arguments concerning addiction and mental deterioration (Myths and Facts About Marijuana) not the beneficial affects on AIDS, cancer or MS. Thirdly you said before that you have smoke weed previously. Do …

  • Re: Can anyone else do this

    S1919 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from *Ama*: “Go blow yourself I really don't care, it's still sick to me but ay... it's your body!” Nice, seems like someone can't even read :rolleyes:. I never said anything about condoning the act of blowing yourself, nor did I say I had ever tried. You said you can't fault someone for what they think, and what I said was that you CAN fault someone for what they think. You seem to equate the two as I blow myself. Try thinking a bit more carefully before you post.

  • Re: Can anyone else do this

    S1919 - - Teen Sexuality


    Yeah well thing is I was referring to the principal of people opinions being wrong. Not this thread. I stated opinions can be wrong, and I proved it. I wasn't saying the two things are the same.