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  • Quote from FriendlyGuy92: “Girls, what do you think about boys that seem nervous while they are asking you out. I have always heard that girls like confidence, and I was wondering if it would be a complete turn-off if a guy seemed nervous while he was talking to you or asking you out. I dont think that nervousness means that a guy has a lack of confidence but I wondering what you girls think about this. Thanks!” Allow me to answer you this with the truth. 99 percent of girls do not like a nervou…

  • Re: Shower sex

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Miimii562: “"I've done it all. From licking bloody pussy to licking ass. And yes, I did the shower sex. I like it too. " thts freakin gross lol” Have you ever had it done to you? NO! So I would recommend you to keep quiet until you have it done to you.

  • Re: Final Fantasy 13.

    username #88 - - Video Games


    This fucking game is a bull shit game. LULZ to whoever loves this.

  • Re: Shower sex

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    I've done it all. From licking bloody pussy to licking ass. And yes, I did the shower sex. I like it too.

  • Allow THE MVP to explain to you on how to do this. First thing you gotta do is accept it. Accept it is over. Even in text, by email, or in person. The relationship is over. Don't beg. Do not go over to her and say I love you, I love you, I need you and so on. Just say, I've thought it over and I guess our beautiful relationship does have to end. Tell her that she will be fine wherever she is going to study and make her smile. And just inform her that you would like to be there during her last mo…

  • Awesome. I approve. Computer-Byte Forums

  • I can walk you through to it. I have time now. MSN? [email protected]

  • Re: Craigslist call girl

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from KrazeR: “im 19 years old, Ive never kissed a girl, never dated, never nothing. Been thinking of just calling a call girl and get over it because I feel after Ill have sex i will be more out going and stuff. Any way anyone has any experience with this?” Go for it. What have you got to lose? Nothing. You could meet a girl and get your hopes up and then she spends all your money and get nothing. Or you can just get it over with and pay for it. Experiment. I say go for it. Just make sure …

  • Where is the forum?

  • Re: She's just a girl.

    username #88 - - Creative Writing


    Hmm. Do you need to talk? I mean, I like the dark poems, but if you need to chat, let me know.

  • Re: Beautiful.

    username #88 - - Creative Writing


    I approve. Very sweet. ---------- Post added at 10:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 PM ---------- When I say sweet. I mean it is dark, just the way I like it.

  • Quote from chocolatekisses123: “Yeh basically ive never done it before...Will it hurt? x and for all the stupid peple on my page saying im too young..i dont plan to do it yet, im nt taken and i never have been!!!, its just advice for when im older, cause its a teen forum!!!!!!!!!!!!” No, it will not hurt. Try inserting your finger in your vagina. Not painful, but just pleasurable.

  • Quote from BlackAngel: “My boyfriend, me and him we fight ALOT. Whenever we get into fights he holds me down and yells at me, if i try to leave, he pushes me and holds me back down until he's done ranting. The point is he shows signs of an abusive guy and i don't like it. But i'm in love with him and i can't leave him, what else can i do?” You have to leave him. You are going to end up hurt. This relationship is not going to get any better. Don't expect to be with him for 20 years all lovey dove…

  • Re: Too loose for him.

    username #88 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from BlackAngel: “Soooo, my boyfriend says i'm kinda loose, how can i make myself tighter so it will feel better for him? Like positions we could try or whatever. Thanks in advance!” What the fuck? Hon, do not listen to your bf. Let me tell you something.....I've been around broads left and right and I've seen all kinds of vaginas. Not one time did I see a vagina where I would say, nah, she is too loose. Babe, by looking at your picture, there is no way in hell you are loose. You are petit…

  • Re: World Cup

    username #88 - - Sports


    Quote from DREAM3R: “England” Quote from plax77: “Blah... well we had a good run, 10x better than anyone thought we'd do eh? I'm hoping for spain now” Quote from Monkey Dance: “and england is losing 4-1 against germany....and usa is out. god, i hope mexico beats argentina” That is not going to happen. You kids do not know anything about soccer. Tootles. Argentina will destroy Mexico.

  • Re: World Cup

    username #88 - - Sports


    Quote from Mayank: “Its bad that probably Brazil and Netherlands are going to face the quarter finals =/” Netherlands? I disagree. Brazil or Argentina is gonna take the cup.

  • Re: Windows 7

    username #88 - - Technology and the Internet


    I just bought me a iMAC.

  • Re: World Cup

    username #88 - - Sports


    Quote from DREAM3R: “usa!” fail-stamp.jpg :rofl::rofl::rofl:

  • Quote from jen825: “any tips to get a guy's attention?” Well, in order for me to give you advice, I need more information. You want his attention? Fine. Tell me where do you see him most of the time? In class? In lunch? After school? Mall? Etc.....give me details. Once you provide details, you will get answers. And finally, post some pictures of you up so I know what I am dealing with. Tootles.