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  • Re: Animal Rights/Welfare

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Linda: “I HATE when people say this. My aunt and cousin did this too, and it drives me insane. You're not a full vegetarian, you're a semi- vegetarian.” Okayokay

  • Re: Psychics.

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Fashion: “Facial expressions don't say out everything straight forwardly always though:p Not in such extent, although i get what you're saying.” Have you heard of Derren Brown?

  • Re: France and the Burka:

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Sash: “The banning of burka does not violate the French precept of liberty, since it does not encroach the fundamental rights of any race, gender or social class. ” Since when was liberty about race, gender or social class? Liberty is about what it says on the tin: Freedom to whatsoever one wishes without encroaching on that freedom of others. That includes clothing. Quote from Sash: “Instead, wearing a burka violates two of the three French fundamentals. When wears a hooded religious…

  • Re: Animal Rights/Welfare

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    I converted to vegetarianism (excluding fish) about a week ago. I'd been thinking quite deeply about my relation to meat for some time before and one night this reasoning popped in my head. I have a pet rabbit called Nutmeg. Now, like most people with any pet, I knew that I couldn't kill Nutmeg for food in an ordinary situation, nor would I want to eat him if I'd known his life had been cut short. I had, however, been quite happy in the past to eat rabbit pie made up of wild rabbits that had bee…

  • I would choose fame even though I know fortune would be better for me.

  • Re: Pavement.

    Esmo - - Music


    I'm vaguely aware of Pavement as one of those old skool alternative bands that I should really be into but have not yet forayed deeply into their work. The bits that I have listened to me haven't impressed me in an almighty way, but then come to think of it, many old alternative bands have been slow burners for me until they reach a golden climax of passion.

  • Quote from Sababah: “No stain? The priests are the church, aren't they?” They are part of it. The problem with attempting to blankly state that the Catholic Church is or isn't a force for good is that the very nature of a 'Church' is an aggregate of very different individuals. There's good and there's bad.

  • Re: Thoughts on abortion.

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Sababah: “2009 abortion statistics: USA 1,210,000 UK 189,000” What are you getting at?

  • Re: Interview tomorrow D:

    Esmo - - Education & Jobs


    They might ask you to provide an instance in the past that demonstrates your skills.

  • Re: English homework

    Esmo - - Education & Jobs


    Tres bien, merci!

  • I don't think the Catholic's rules on celibacy within its groups, whilst it has no Biblical basis, is inherently wrong, as monks, nuns, priests etc. do make the personal choice themselves, and from what I've seen so far, the linking of this celibacy doctrine with child abuse is just people saying things. I haven't seen proof that celibacy would have this effect. In that way, the child abuse itself isn't a stain on the Catholic Church. The stain is the measures that the Catholic Church then took …

  • Re: English homework

    Esmo - - Education & Jobs


    Quote from SoniaH: “Hey, please can someone help me with my english homework? This document is a campain against exploiting work* by War and Want. War and Want is an association which is fighting** against poverty. The document's title is « fashion victims »***, a fashion victim is someone who loves fashion, but in this sentence, there is a double meaning****, in fact the true victims of fashion are in Indian factories working for brand***** such as Tesco or Primarck******. In the photograph, we…

  • Re: Thoughts on abortion.

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    *shrugs* No one elaborated on what the rep system was about, so I thought I would.

  • Re: What did you last munch?

    Esmo - - Health and Fitness


    A chocolate eclair.

  • Anything but dying in my sleep, though I put a gunshot as a preferred choice. I wouldn't want to go unconscious, having not at last had that mystical experience that is death.

  • Re: Thoughts on abortion.

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Katie9193: “wow seriously? i get a bad reputation point because i think abortion is wrong. how mature...” Not really. The reputation system is merely a means by which people express agreement or disagreement to another's point of view. The immature thing would be to complain about it.

  • Quote from Aleksandr: “India has a lot of people that name their children Adolf Hitler. I don't see you posting about that, what are double standards anyways?” I was thinking of that, although I don't think it's double-standards on the part of the OP because it's a cultural thing. I think it would be wrong (or if not wrong, then callous and unwise) to call one's child Adolf Hitler in Europe or North America, but not so in India, where it wouldn't have the same effect. Much in the same way that m…

  • Re: Love VS money

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    If the two really were mutually exclusive, I'd go for love. I can live on little quite easily and I almost prefer it that way.

  • Re: Politics

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Aleksandr: “You're just mad because the British lost and the Union won.” Yes. :mad: I had a point though...

  • Re: Thoughts on abortion.

    Esmo - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Batgirl: “Except for the fact that men don't have to push babies out of their penises.” And if they did, using your logic, I could then claim that women shouldn't have a say on the morality of abortion because obviously pushing a baby out of one's penis is much more painful than pushing one out of your vagina. Debate and morality is public property. It belongs to everyone and nobody has any authority to partition it and privatise it into select groups of people who are 'allowed' to di…