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  • And I just found Chinese extra spicy chicken(Forget actual name) so I ate that along with orange juice, apple, and some spinach. Weird combo, I know.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Little Raven - - Teen Sexuality



  • Last thing I ate was a slice of pizza. About to make a sandwich for breakfast : D

  • You are an amazing flirt. You know how to charm almost anyone. You've got the moves and words down. You are both witty and charming. You know how to flirt when the time is right, but you also know when to hold back. You rarely send the wrong signals. You have your flirting under precision control. ----- Incorrect. Flirting God*

  • Is it weird, I'm the only male here? I'm straight, for the record ._. I just like quizzes. And I hate the shopping spree question, I don't even know what the hell a Tiffany's is. And for dream guy I had replace guy with girl >.> Your Dream Engagement Ring Has an Oval Diamond An oval diamond is classic enough to reflect your femininity... While being unique enough to show off that individual style you've cultivated Your creative side will be delighted with the amount of twinkle your diamond showc…

  • Re: How is sex?

    Little Raven - - Teen Sexuality


    Don't let the others persuade you into going out and having sex with some chick you don't really like. Only have sex with those you truly love. Only then, will it be completely pleasurable. ... I don't know? Trying to sound all smart n' stuff in the last sentence. But I was being dead serious with the first sentence.

  • Age: (12) # Of relationships: (2) Longest Relationship: 2 Years 7 Months(I lost her one day.) Shortest Relationship: 4 Days. I ended up being called a psychopath because I wouldn't share 'pictures'. <.< IF you actually count that relationship. ---- Meh, I only get in relationships with people I truly care for and trust. The 4 day one was a mistake, she was just a fake person, and I regret the day I fell for her. YES I know what love is by the way. Not puppy love, but true love. Don't judge me by…

  • Your Hipster Name is Beckett Butch Cool?

  • Harry Potter and Chronicles of Narnia. Narnia books sucked, and Harry Potter was okay. But I saw Harry Potter, wasted money. I saw Narnia, fuck my life.

  • Wal-Mart. The poor man's place to buy clothing.

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “The only reason why I'm getting negative BS thrown in my face, is because I'm right. You're mad that I have the ability to make mature, SMART decisions. And when you grow up to be big girls and boys, you'll too learn how to make smart decisions. And BTW, telling me to leave the thread is only feeding my ego. I'm not going anywhere.:D” I agree weed isn't the best thing. And you're still wrong. Quit being and ignorant and arrogant idiot and leave.

  • Re: Fears

    Little Raven - - General Advice


    It's natural. But don't fear death, it's nothing to be afraid of. Everyone has to embrace it, and it's the way of life. In some religions you reincarnate which is a beautiful and wonderful idea, and in some religions you can go to Heaven which is a hopeful and peaceful idea. Some religions believe that you just die, and your brain shuts off. But even then, it's not a big deal for you won't know you're dead and it won't be a problem. It sounds scary, but it isn't. Just life life to the fullest, a…

  • She may feel you guys are spending way too much time together and she may just want a break sometimes. Just leave her alone sometimes, and it may sound stupid but if you get to missing her too much well, it could mean you have 'feelings' for her. Either way, if it gets to being too much, just talk to her and ask why she's acting like this.

  • Black.

  • Quote from Not another teen: “I refuse to go through 3 months of being limited, and 2 months of therapy again.” That's not the bad, at all. You do what you have to do.

  • Go get x-rays. Sprained parts don't get bruised and turn that purple. I've broken 7 bones, many different times and sprained even more.

  • Quote from Frosty: “Milk.” I sincerely hope you're joking.

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “What brother? I don't have one. Before you go calling other people stupid, please learn how to read.” Dude you need to fucking learn to read, because you still were being a dumbass to me. You make ME want to smoke me, get out of this thread.

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “You my friend, are the ignorant one if you think weed is a good thing. You're obviously a pothead yourself. Go do some research and then come back. Marijuana, like cigarettes causes cancer. Sometimes it contains more cancer causing chemicals than cigarettes. And at least when you smoke cigarettes, your not killing brain cells. And even though smoking cigarettes endanger other peoples lives, weed does it in more ways. Are you getting the point? They aren't good for. Or anyon…

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “I'm tired of this being a debate. Weed is bad for you END OF STORY! The only people who wanted it legalized are dumb asses who already smoke it illegally, and people with health ailments that could benefit from it. One group of of these people has a valid reason to want weed legalized. Which one do you think it is?” You should stay out of debates until you can stop being ignorant. Not everyone who smokes it are dumbasses, and you can smoke weed every once in a while just no…