Search Results

Search results 21-40 of 323.

  • You've Been a Little Ruined by American Culture american-2.jpg Whether you live in the US or not, deep down you're a little American. And there's nothing wrong with loving American culture, but it may have negative effects on your life. Slow down and enjoy what you have. Reconnect with life's simple pleasures. You don't need to be in a consumerist rat race. Life's too short to overwork yourself!

  • You Are Bisexual bisexual.jpg Girls or guys? You'll take either. Or both. You can't make up your mind. And why should you? It pegged me. *shrugs*

  • You Are 9% Homophobic gay.jpg You're open minded, tolerant, and accepting. And you're not homophobic in the least YAY! I have tons of gay, straight, and bi friends. Who gives a crap? They're still people.

  • Your Wrath Quotient: 59% wrath-3.jpg Ouch! You've got a bit of a temper going on there, don't you? Just make sure to keep your revenge fantasies just that... fantasies only!

  • You Are 50% Normal somewhat-normal.jpg While some of your behavior is quite normal... Other things you do are downright strange You've got a little of your freak going on But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself

  • Your Pride Quotient: 49% pride-3.jpg You have your proud moments, but you're also likely to be a little ashamed of them. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's normal to want to make a stellar impression.

  • You Are 58% Vain vain-3.jpg You're a little vain, but more than anything you have a healthy amount of confidence. Thinking the world of yourself is great. Just don't think less of those who aren't as pretty as you!

  • You Have Your Sarcastic Moments sarcastic-2.jpg While you're not sarcastic at all times, you definitely have a cynical edge. In your opinion, not all people are annoying. Some are dead! And although you do have your genuine moments, you can't help getting your zingers in. Some people might be a little hurt by your sarcasm, but it's more likely they think you're hilarious.

  • Your Body Image is 40% Unhealthy, 60% Healthy bodyimage-2.jpg You're body image is quite healthy, though you're sometimes a little bit too hard on yourself. Chances are you've got a rockin' body - so enjoy it

  • Your Power Level is: 40% power-2.jpg You're on the road to success and power, but you're not sure if you'll get there. Stop doubting yourself. Stop waiting for your lucky break. You have all the "luck" you need within you!

  • You Are 45% Addicted to Blogthings blog-girl.jpg You're a Blogthings fiend - addicted but not totally dependent. So what if you know your personality type by heart? And while you may feel like Blogthings is crack... There are people much worse off than you!

  • Your Observation Skills Get A C observant-c.jpg You tend to notice the big things in life... But the details aren't exactly your forte

  • Your Vocabulary Score: B vocab.jpg You have a zealous love for the English language, and many find your vocabulary edifying. Don't fret that you didn't get every word right, your vocabulary can be easily ameliorated! Yay?

  • Guys Think You're Easy to Be With... But Not Easy cheat-2.jpg And you're crafty enough to get away with it! But you probably wouldn't cheat... (Unless the relationship was pretty much over)

  • You Are a Dare Devil dare-devil.jpg For you, life is one big dare. And you're all in for any adventure. Others find you exciting, inspiring, and a bit intimidating. You're biggest challenge at this point is trying to top yourself!

  • You Belong in Generation Y geny.png You fit in best with people born between 1982 and 2001. You are cooperative, flexible, and adaptable. You know the world changes quickly, and you're eager to change with it. You are socially responsible, forward thinking, and open minded. Good, I was born in 1992.

  • Your Heart is Feeling Passionate heart-1.gif Your heart is brimming with passion, intensity, and extreme lust. You definitely have desire for one particular person, and it seems like nothing can squelch your craving. You are ready to walk across fire for the one you love. Deep down, your heart is susceptible to: Distrust and aggression . You're determined to get what you want. Your current outlook on love: Love equals obsession. Love equals mania. Love equals thirst. Your love life will improve …

  • You Are 56% Borderline borderline.jpg You have some symptoms of borderline personality disorder. If you feel like you're more than a little dramatic, you may want to investigate further.

  • You Are 92% Sociopath sociopath-5.jpg You're so manipulative, you could make Hannibal Lector your bitch. You feel superhuman - and you certainly lack human empathy. Geez, i'm not that psycho!

  • You Mostly Have Your Emotions in Check emotions-2.jpg Sometimes your emotions get out of control, but you usually are a pretty stable person. You can find a lot to be happy about, as long as things are going your way. But if a few bad things happen to you, you tend to go in a bit of a downward spiral. Luckily, you usually come out of it okay and no worse for the wear.