Search Results

Search results 81-100 of 202.

  • Re: Going Camping x

    Buck - - General Advice


    Where are you going camping? Unless you are camping in a fenced private camp ground you are safer with a guy there.

  • Re: Height Problem

    Buck - - Health and Fitness


    human growth hormone..... (Don't take that seriously) Learn to be happy with what you are. Turn your quirks into strengths. How old are you? It's possibly you are still growing.

  • btw my bench was 265 when I started 5/3/1 and not 235. I looked over my log today and relised that.

  • The whole point of the Stretch I did by bringing my back all the way up was to get an arch in my back and to keep my back. I am guilty of two bad things during the lift though. Before I break the bar I slid back which did not harm my arch but it did greatly loosen my back muscles which resulted in number 2, what was my elbows flaring out. I was driving my heels you can see my legs twitching, which is from trying to drive them into the ground. The angle is bad so I don't blame you not seeing all …

  • The results are great. It starts off really easy since Jim recremends taking 10% off of your max's but after a few mesocycles you will start to hit a new personal records. Like jesse said you have to leave your ego at the door and fight though the first few easy as hell months. You won't get weaker or smaller during this time but it's almost essential to Jim's theory of 5/3/1. My results Bench 235x1 to 300x1 Squat 225x1 to 355x1 deadlift 225x2 to 365x1 Military press 95x8 to 160x1 This is over o…

  • How old I am - 17 I play baseball and throw the shotput and discus. Football in the fall. How many days a week do i train? 3. I'm also doing Jim Wendlers 5/3/1. If you want to do it buy the damn e-book. There are spread sheets that are going around but honestly there is a lot more to it then what's on the spread sheet. Elite Fitness Systems

  • This is really my first time. The furthest I ever got with a girl. So I'm like uh nervous about it all. If you got AIM and don't mind talking to me I'd love to ask you a few more questions. You seem to know your stuff.

  • What if things did not go as well as they could of. Nothing bad happen I was just not the funny guy I normally am. I have not exactly opened up to her yet. I do want to show her I'm interested and what better way then to ask out on a date? I was talking to this other guy and we came to this conclusion. What do you think about it? Pretty much if she is interested in me she will say yes if I ask her out no matter how I do or and where the date is. If she is not interested in me it will be a no now…

  • Thanks Jasmine that helped a lot. I'd fame you but I can't. lol. So there is a girl that I had in mind when I was writing this. I met up with her twice. First time was with friends this time it was alone. I want to ask her out on a date. Am I ready to do this? She has a strict dad so I don't know how this will work. I was thinking about asking her out first then ask her if it would be a good idea to ask her father for his permission?

  • How long do you hang out/meet up with a girl before suggesting going out on a date? Is dating and meeting up the same if it's obvious you both have an attraction to each other? Typically how many dates do you go on before you are gf/bf? Also do you ask for the girl to be your GF or just after a X amount of dates or getting to know each other it's just implied that you are bf/gf?

  • So I've known her for about a week. We talked a lot over FB and text and once over the phone. We met each other at a hang out spot yesterday and just talked. Did not do anything fun or exciting, just talked. She does not go to my school but lives pretty close. How many more times do I need to meet her in person before asking her out on an actual date. Also do I need to meet her in person to ask her out or is over the phone fine?

  • Re: Age Limit In CANADA

    Buck - - General Advice


    Quote from max123987: “Thats bs I have a friend that got in major trouble for having sex with his gf that was 13 and he was 14. In Indiana, if your 14 or over and has any sexual contact with a person under 14 then its "child molest". >13 with > 13 is fine. 14-16 with 14-16 fine. 17 and 16 fine. 18 and 17 or younger prison and sex offender registry for life. 14 with anyone under 14 possible placement in some type of institution + 10 yr registration on sex offender registry (thats if ya lucky). In…

  • Re: Age Limit In CANADA

    Buck - - General Advice


    Most States in America have a 3-5 year age rule. In Maryland you can legally date someone in a 5 year range under the age of 18. Meaning the oldest guy you can legally date (with no sex or sexual themes) will be 19. Just the second you kiss him to passionately it better be worth it because you won't be seeing him for the next 10 years. Like M G said, The Police are more then eager to "protect" you.

  • Adding family on Facebook

    Buck - - Friends and Family


    I am forced to be friends with my sisters on Facebook or I get in trouble if I remove them or set privacy on them. I get in trouble now when I delete facebook. So now It's like I'm forced to have a facebook account. It really pisses me off that both of my OLDER sisters who are all well over their 20's constantly facebook stalk me and update my mother on any picture I upload or tagged in, comment wrote on my wall, status written, groups I join, and even what I write on other peoples walls. Now my…

  • I won't spend more then $15 on a T-shirt.

  • 15, all though I really should of started at 14. I was walking around looking like a hobo when I was 14. I was just to scared to ask to go get a razor and shaving creame. I used to be embarrassed about that kind of stuff. I don't shave everyday because I hate it. I need to though. In fact I start with a clean shave in the morning and by mid-day I can have stubble.

  • Ok I'm making a scenario. There are 4 girls and you are attracted to both of them. 1 and 2 you are attracted to more based off their personality and 3 and 4 are for looks but they do have good personality to. So you are closer to girl 1, you want to make a move but you think about how girl 3 would feel. When you start to think about girl number 3 then you start thinking about how sad girl number 2 might feel if you choose to go out with her and then you start thinking about girl number 4 how she…

  • Dr. Martens

    Buck - - Fashion


    Where exactly do I buy these in the US. I'm looking for the Original 8 eye steel cap boots. However not a shoe/boot store sells Dr. Martens. The closest thing is Nordstrom Rack which sells the newer 6" boot not steel toed.

  • Re: I'm so strange

    Buck - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Ok I'm going to make myself sound like an asshole but you have Aspergers Syndrome. Most people with that syndrome never date, and if they do it's normally people that also have illnesses.

  • Re: Sneakers: high top or low top

    Buck - - Fashion


    I wear hightops. I feel like there is more protection and stability with high tops.