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  • Quote from mellow: “dont judge what you dont know ;)” I am certainly not judging anything. I am just saying my opinion because I have been on these boards for a pretty long time, and I have seen how several people think in here and how they hurry to judge other people's feelings and character. So, please, don't try to form an opinion about me when you simply do not know what I'm through, how my life is and some basic things about my self that can help you on judging me, even though NO ONE has th…

  • Ah....another one here. Well I am not going to discuss further the issue. I wanted to complain about my school and so I did. That's it. I'm still very stressed up from my school's expectations and high standards, something I dont expect anyone here understand. I'd like a moderator to close this topic please.

  • Quote from hali: “Quote: “Stop complaining. That's the first thing you should do. Are the teachers going to get any smarter if you complain? No! You got to straighten yourself up first.” I see that you enjoy telling people not to complain. This is what the forum is for so we can all vent to each other and get advice from others in the same predicament. What makes you think the author isn't "straightened out"? Did it ever occur to you that frustration is overpowering and sometime you need a fresh…

  • I dont understand a word you're saying....

  • Quote from Mayank: “I don't know who is Harry Pot. But I know who is Harry Potter. Harry Potter is the main character of the Harry Potter Book Series (a Non-Fiction Book written by J.K.Rowling) Even, there are movies coming out on it and they rock! Read more here : -” You mean a fiction book duh. Harry Potter's story is not real so it is fiction. :rolleyes:

  • There is already a topic about it.

  • Re: Beer?

    †Lucifer† - - Health and Fitness


    I fancy beer...I like the mix beer with lemon

  • Well, not really. When I had my first time I didnt want to have sex with the specific guy....but I was ready long ago...It depends on your maturity aswell

  • Re: girlfriend on period

    †Lucifer† - - Teen Sexuality


    I guess there is no problem with that, just to remind you that breasts during period are a little more sensitive, so dont be rough.

  • I have read 'Go Ask Alice' ^ and it is simply a stunning book. My all time favourite book I could say is 'Wuthering Heights' by Emily Bronte and my current favourite is 'Septimus Heap - Magyk' by Angie Sage. Of course my library contains more than 2,000 books so I have many favourites but these are the musts I would pick for reading.

  • Religions suck. Being spiritual is the best thing. I am not fond of any religion anymore, I do not obey anyone and I just believe into something beyond and above us all.

  • It is just unexpectable and surprising that a person with no dating or sexual experience managed to write that.

  • My medication is called 'Olina' and I have a full recovery since I started using it a year ago. I am still taking my daily dose exept on some weekends :p PS: For those who havent understood yet, Olina is my best friend and makes me laugh to death even when I feel dead.

  • You know, there are a lot of STDs out there. I am in no mood to get anything and switching partners frequently is a very good way to get them. And anyway, I dont like that 'just friends and just sex' thingy. I wouldnt join something like that.

  • Well, I am a girl, and I can only say that these girls at your school are simply acting like prostitutes. Sex has no value if done just for the go - at least for me. There always has to be the feeling above all and sex with someone you really love is the most perfect thing in the world.

  • Nice one Sanya Well......I broke up with my boyfriend. We couldnt catch each other or meet for the last 2 weeks and he didnt even call so I called him and broke up. It feels home being single afterall :p

  • Well, I do diet, because my metabolism is low and I gain weight way too easily. I hate it also because I should be loosing 5 kg according to my doctor to be ok compared to my height (1.70 m). I am exercising only at school.

  • Well I suppose I will try to attend a british university 4 years. But now I just cant stand it.....I might ask for a school change.

  • Well I met my current boyfriend through the internet. Thats enough I suppose. Now we're everyday together.

  • I fucking wanna leave my school. It's making me feel sad and unimportant the whole thing. I have the stupidest teachers in the whole school, my classmates and generally all the people there are fucking fashion trend addicts and they do not accept you if you do not follow fashion or if you are fucking fat or if you dont look good generally, I hate doing all these tons of homework we have everyday, I hate being at school 9 hours a day and I wish I was going in another school. Why life is not mercy…