Search Results

Search results 41-60 of 227.

  • Ive known since I was little. Like, I remember having crushes on boys in the second grade.

  • Re: Kid Rock Calls Twitter “Gay”

    Paramore1264 - - LGBT


    Ahh come on. I mean, I hate when people use this language in a negative sense, and of course I try to sway people to not use it in that sense. But like, I hate to say it, almost everyone these days uses it that way. Just because hes a celebrity its a big deal.

  • Re: Tattoos!!!

    Paramore1264 - - Fashion


    I actually just want one. On my left wrist. The "M"-ish Scorpio symbol. =]

  • Don't sweat it. The right girl will come around. I'm almost 15 and haven't ever had a boyfriend. Relationships aren't really something to worry about at your age (and mine, im not exactly too much your senior)

  • Re: Attractions?

    Paramore1264 - - General Advice


    Hmm. Great advice from the first poster. Maybe try his?

  • I'm a virgin. But I also don't have many guys to get close to romantically. Gays are difficult to find around here!! xD But for the views on the sex tidbit, Sex is supposed to be for showing someone; "This is how much I care about you." I would want it to be the idea of love, just in the physical sense.

  • Hey-hey-hello fellow internet surfers. I'm choosing my courses for high school next year, and I'm not sure whether or not to take a level 1 english class. Did any of you take a level 1 english during freshman year? If so, what sort of workload/assignments did you receive? Would you reccomend it? Thanks for any responses guys. <33 P.S. My apologies for posting this in the wrong forum!

  • Re: The Gay Test lmao

    Paramore1264 - - Gay



  • Re: Ouija Boards

    Paramore1264 - - General Advice


    Ouija Boards are tools that supposedly let you contact the deceased. Whether they work or not is beyond me. But they look like this

  • Oh I frigging hate it. Like, heres something you guys probably didn't know, Paramore isn't my fav. band, its in fact Hawthorne Heights. And just because of that I've been labeled as "emo". Like PanicMayRise said, I hate it when people try to use the term for negativity, OR to make they're own reputations better. Like, I hate it when people have the word "emo" in they're aim or myspace URL.

  • Ouija Boards

    Paramore1264 - - General Advice


    Yeah, the title speaks for itself quite a bit. I'd like to know more about them, does anybody have any personal views on this? Do you believe its safe? Any tips for someone using it? I'm not saying that I specifically will use one, but I would really like to know more. =]

  • Cut. Actually happy about it. Haha.

  • Re: i'm think i'm bi

    Paramore1264 - - LGBT


    Hmm. Kind of vague actually. I mean, do you feel emotionally attracted to both sexes? Or is it physical only? But what ever your answers to those questions are, you have to figure out for yourself what your sexuality is. Nobody else on this forum, or this planet for that matter. knows you better than yourself.

  • Re: What kind of guys do you like?

    Paramore1264 - - Gay


    First off, he'd have to be out to everyone. Including his family. But now on to the physical qualities I'd like him taller than me, which shoudlnt be difficult to find, seeing as im only 5'6. I would prefer a dark hair color. Idk why, but I can't ever take blondes seriously for a relationship. No offence anyonee. I'd like him to be the more dominant one in the relationship. Grey or blue eyes are Definitely a turn on. Im not huge on body, but they'd have to be like, decently fit. I dont mean like…

  • Re: Not a good feeling.

    Paramore1264 - - LGBT


    Aww. Im sorry for that. That must sting. But, really, If you two liked eachother for a bit, then she moved, it sounds like she may be in denial about her sexuality too. But if she isnt, and she doesn't like you because of your sexuality.. Then FUCK her. You don't need un-supportive people In your life. But that doesn't mean it wont't be difficult to do. Maybe if you convince her that she liked you (not sexually) before as a person, nothing has changed. -Travis

  • Re: Anger issues.

    Paramore1264 - - General Advice


    No, they arent. Well, my mom isnt anyways. Tyler, i could care less about what his phobias are.

  • Well, I personally, havent really had a fear of that. I have though, been afraid of sleeping outside without like, a tent or anything, (dont ask why I did that, Lmfao), and using my iPod, actually helped me. If you have an mp3 player or an ipod, just listen to that while you fall asleep, and you may be able to concentrate on just that, instead of your surroundings. -Travis

  • I like the BMW, but they're all beautiful cars.

  • Anger issues.

    Paramore1264 - - General Advice


    Alright, I just flipped the fuck out on my older brother. He's 17 and im 14. I said something about a book I was reading, and he called me a faggot. Im gay, and he calls me that a LOT now that im out, and he did it purposely, to piss me off. Its not like he said it accidentally, or anything. But anyways, I threw my knife (I was eating dinner) and my glass of coke at him, and they both hit. He ran and fucking told my mother. Like a bitch. So anyways, she comes downstairs bitching at ME for throwi…

  • Is it a phase?

    Paramore1264 - - LGBT


    Okay, so as some of you may know, my names Travis, Im 14, and im gay. I've always found myself attracted towards the male gender both sexually, and emotionally. Ive also already came out to my friends and family as gay. But, i'm getting freaked out. Ive never been emotionally or sexually attracted to females, but i've heard stories of how guys who think they are gay, are just going through a phase and could be completely straight. And im so scared because although i do not see myself with a fema…