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  • What colour bra are you wearing

    Karifox - - Fashion


    light blue

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    Karifox - - Fashion


    hoodie and jeans

  • wendys

  • Most orgasms in one day?

    Karifox - - Teen Sexuality


    most was 7 regular session is 2

  • Are you gay/bi/straight

    Karifox - - Teen Sexuality


    50 for me I look more for personality then gender

  • wine for my sisters husband's bday

  • yellow bikini

  • Shaving, girls

    Karifox - - Puberty


    can't be bothered to shave everyday but I do like it shaved

  • Wimbledon Dress code

    Karifox - - Fashion


    Quote from Kara Zor-El: “Quote from Karifox: “I love love love the wimbledon all whites. It's a long tradition that has an actual purpose. ” what is the purpose? ” it dates back 100 years ago to the creation of center Court of the purity of the sport (it used to be a members only club. To be a member now is about a 90 year waiting list?) And only amateurs and kids played at the championship

  • Wimbledon Dress code

    Karifox - - Fashion


    yeah I'm glad not all the WTA/ATP masters events and Majors wear white. It makes wimbledon special and it's nice to see

  • Wimbledon Dress code

    Karifox - - Fashion


    I love love love the wimbledon all whites. It's a long tradition that has an actual purpose.

  • PM me

    Karifox - - General Advice


    you can pm me if you would like but yeah there are a ton of weird people looking for bad shit

  • Age/ Nationality. Boys & girls.

    Karifox - - Puberty


    Quote from maseb: “Quote from Username Unknown: “ 13 English ” Profile says 16? ” the questions age of getting public hair

  • If you consider yourself Bi...

    Karifox - - Teen Sexuality


    yes it does for me ay least. Pansexual means attraction regardless of gender

  • Foreskin or not?

    Karifox - - Puberty


    Quote from Sean2001: “Quote from Karifox: “the problem is your concerning your self with things that realistically you have no say in and honestly is none of your business what a pare t decides what they think is best for their child. It's literally none of your business ” You're very touchy! Is there something you are not telling us? I thought America was the land of free speech so I am entitled to express my opinion. ” and I'm not entitled to challenge it with mine? It automatically suspicious…

  • the meaning of the phrase "may you live in interesting times."

  • Foreskin or not?

    Karifox - - Puberty


    Quote from Sean2001: “Quote from Karifox: “or maybe just maybe stop trying to make something out to be evil just because you don't like it? ” This has nothing to do with me disliking it. I have no objection to guys who are old enough to know what it is all about deciding to have their own foreskins cut off if that is what they want, just like people can get tattoos and nose jobs and girls can have breast enlargement/reduction or whatever. What I object to is someone else deciding that a boy shou…

  • Foreskin or not?

    Karifox - - Puberty


    Quote from Sean2001: “Quote from BlackParadePixie: “how do you know? you're not cut...cut guys still feel plenty of sensitivity and pleasure in those areas, trust me. ” Ok, touch something with your finger. You can feel that in your finger, yes? Now imagine that your finger has had to be amputated. Now what would you feel? You'd be able to touch with the remaining fingers and feel something but you can't feel genuine sensations in something that isn't there any more. So I can be pretty certain t…

  • Mixed Couples

    Karifox - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Starlord: “Quote from tfkbuggy: “Quote from Starlord: “Quote from Jaret: “Have you ever dated a person that was of a different race or ethic background than yourself? How did your family or friends react, if they reacted at all? ” I dated a girl who is jewish I am Christian, it was no problem for anyone but anyway it didn't last long lol ” I don't think it's "mixed couple" ” I think jewish and catholic do constitue mixed couple ” the original post says races or ethnic backgrounds