Search Results

Search results 101-120 of 648.

  • >he doesn't have unlimited texting 2uy2cdu.jpg

  • Re: God Stuff.

    xyz123456 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “So do you actually adhere to some of Christianities teachings? It appears as though you have a problem with Christian followers, and not the religion itself. What the hell type of church did you go to? Sounds like a cult.” You might say I'm a deist strongly influenced by Christianity. That's probably it. Nope, it was a Baptist church and actually one of the more lenient ones. While I'm not aware of any rule they had specifically forbidding members to drink alcohol, tha…

  • Re: God Stuff.

    xyz123456 - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from roundsquare: “Well Justin atleast you believe in a god. You'r one step away from becoming a Christian.” I grew up immersed in Christianity and as a result I'm extremely familiar with it, but I no longer align myself with any organised religion. Hell, I have two or three Bibles in my room somewhere. My parents, especially my mom, are very devout. Growing up, I quickly became disgusted with how many Christians behave. From the time I was born until about 13, I regularly attended various…

  • Re: Anal sex hurts!? >.<

    xyz123456 - - Gay



  • Quote from Fashion: “Wow, thankyou very much, it finally works:D I disabled the WEP, now it works. Does this mean the WEP was interfering?” WEP is the encryption that keeps random people/neighbors from accessing your wireless network/internet connection. Now that the encryption is disabled, anyone close enough to your house can hop on your internet. The problem sounds like your password was changed by someone else, and/or you were entering it wrong. By the way, WEP is considered obsolete as it's…

  • Re: Just a memo

    xyz123456 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Jenna: “Do they give you discounts for being a moderator?” :rofl: Of course. :cool:

  • Re: Just a memo

    xyz123456 - - Teen Sexuality


    I agree. Quote from louiebugooey: “It's not like people are trading pics and whoring themselves out.” They certainly try. Keeps me busy.

  • Re: Laptop

    xyz123456 - - Technology and the Internet


    If you love spending $80 on a new charger every 6 months, then by all means, get a Dell.

  • Re: God Stuff.

    xyz123456 - - Debate and Discussions


    I'm gonna go ahead and classify myself as a deist. From the Wikipedia article: Quote: “Deism is a religious and philosophical belief that a supreme being created the universe, and that this (and religious truth in general) can be determined using reason and observation of the natural world alone, without the need for either faith or organized religion. ” Quote: “Deism holds that God does not intervene with the functioning of the natural world in any way, allowing it to run according to the laws …

  • Re: Blushing.

    xyz123456 - - General Advice


    Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “Leave David. :P” No way

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    xyz123456 - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: What do you guys think?

    xyz123456 - - Fashion


    You're cute...need to make an album of pics and fill it up

  • Quote from jesss: “my mom was mad because im 15 and hes 19 :/” That's understandable. He needs to date people closer to his age and avoid the loli. ;/

  • Re: I have proof....

    xyz123456 - - Friends and Family


    Quote from Pranit: “cheaters are always be a Looser. Consider Race or LIFE.” Don't bump old threads please.

  • Quote from animegirl33b: “Abortion is birth control. And a WOMANS choice. Anyone who disagrees can suck my cock. Please and thank you.” No thanks.

  • Re: Blushing.

    xyz123456 - - General Advice


    Awww it's adorable when guys do that :3

  • Quote from Paper Gangsta: “Even if I had a body like Daniel Craig's, I still would refuse to partake in showering in front of other dudes. It's called an invasion of privacy. Any school that does this shouldn't exist.” You do. No it's not. ^____^

  • Re: I said it! Now what...?

    xyz123456 - - LGBT


    Quote from JimSauce: “When I came out to my friend, she was usually the one to initiate conversations about guys with me :p. If she's fine with it then you probably don't have to wait to talk about other guys. Just don't talk about it so much to the point where it's irritating and try to bring it up casually.” Pretty much this right here.

  • >girls :p ...Anyway bro, I do understand where you're coming from about the dressing thing. I myself couldn't care less about my clothes as long as they're clean, but then again I have quite a few friends who do the "style" thing very well. When done properly, dressing nicely is usually always a positive trait...I know for a fact that when it comes to working/getting a job, managers and supervisors tend to look down less on those who take care of themselves, including those times when they happe…

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    xyz123456 - - Teen Sexuality

