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  • Quote from BJade: “I think any real veteran wouldn't want guns, ” i think EVERY Veteran is a "real" vet. I'm not sure what an unreal veteran is. Even if you only spent one tour in war. Heck, even if you NEVER saw combat, you're a REAL veteran. You signed up to potentially die for others.That's a lot. That's everything. I don't think I could do it. But I definitely respect it. And furthermore, I don't think there's any proof I've ever seen that shows that military vets who were trained to use gun…

  • Condoms

    Gabraham247 - - Teen Sexuality


    Idk why everyone is giving the OP such a hard time about worrying about where and how to dispose of condoms. Regardless of age, many people are guarded about their sex lives. And while I'm sure most families don't rifle through garbage, including the OP's family, things can be seen in garbage cans to the naked eye. I think it's a valid question the OP has, and others shouldn't make fun of it.

  • Sleeping after jacking off

    Gabraham247 - - Teen Sexuality


    Im definitely not ashamed to say I jerk off most nights before sleep. I would do it more if it weren't for worry of being caught.

  • Teen boys being commando

    Gabraham247 - - Puberty


    Quote from The: “I am today ” Bruh! Not on mother's day, bro! Jk

  • Can people tell you're gay/bi?

    Gabraham247 - - Gay


    Quote from Jake445: “I'm bi but apart from me hugging all my friends in school, not just the girls, I don't think it was very obvious really. ” Hugging shouldn't be a sign of sexual preference, or anything else other than you are affectionate and not afraid to show it. I hug my male and female friends and I'm straight. I admit I hug them both differently tho. Guys I more just quickly bro hug.

  • How subtle are you.

    Gabraham247 - - Puberty


    I'm super surprised by the majority of the answers here! Which is people eagle they don't try to be subtle and don't try to be quiet. So my three questions are why aren't you subtle/quiet? Don't you care if people here you? What's a typical response from others when you aren't quiet?

  • shaving

    Gabraham247 - - Puberty


    Quote from maseb: “Quote from Gabraham247: “Quote from maseb: “I was 14 before I even had enough to think about trimming. For awhile I went back and forth between trimmed and smooth. Stay smooth now, found a product called Nads for men, down under. A cream that's safe to use on even your scrotum, I love it ” I bought nada once. Still have some. I'm curious, did you buy it alone or have your parents buy it for you? ” I got it Walmart. Was going to use the self checkout but they were busy so went …

  • How subtle are you.

    Gabraham247 - - Puberty


    I can't wait to live alone. Living in an apartment with 3 females is tough. I've tried to be so quiet for so many years that even when I'm home alone I'm quiet lol. I actually just learned that being loud can actually enhance the orgasm. I always thought screaming is more of a female thing. And while it is still I think, A guy being loud probably helps mentally, if that makes sense. (Don't even get me started about how hard it is to get privacy for sex)

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    Gabraham247 - - Fashion


    Teal boxer briefs

  • Blue/Green/teal boxer briefs

  • I have heard military vets say they like to shoot AR rifles at shooting targets once out of serving in the military. I agree that I can't think of a reason for a private citizen to own one, but I also have a hard time telling a human who literally put their life on the line so we can stay at home and play video games and make tiktoks that they can't do something. On the other hand, they once had tanks and bazookas and now can't. I'm divided I guess.

  • shaving

    Gabraham247 - - Puberty


    Quote from maseb: “I was 14 before I even had enough to think about trimming. For awhile I went back and forth between trimmed and smooth. Stay smooth now, found a product called Nads for men, down under. A cream that's safe to use on even your scrotum, I love it ” I bought nada once. Still have some. I'm curious, did you buy it alone or have your parents buy it for you?

  • Multi gender bathrooms

    Gabraham247 - - General Advice


    Ya @Sean2001i think some of it has to do with fear and reputation and power and history and ALL of that. Many girls seeing boys in a girls restroom or hearing that a bit was thinking about her while masturbating will lean to thinking the worst case scenario (when it could be taken as a compliment or just meh or nothing). And switch the scenario, A boy likely may very well lean to thinking the best and taking it as a compliment (when instead it could be nothing or a creepy girl).

  • Quote from Eilae: “socks ” your feet must've got cold Khaki shorts and a blue Australian tshirt

  • Multi gender bathrooms

    Gabraham247 - - General Advice


    Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Bellu: “Just wanna chime in girls can be creepy to Also what the actual hell why did girls get drunk and storm the bathroom to piss in a urinal ” When being drunk enough, doing weird shit may seem like a good idea at the time. xD ” This. In replying to @Bellu and @Pultost and @Sean2001 Imo I think girls have earned themselves the benefit of the doubt. Girls can definitely act drunk and out of control and definitely even pervy. But due to how SOME CERTAIN guys act,…

  • Possibly playing in sand or bike riding

  • Multi gender bathrooms

    Gabraham247 - - General Advice


    Quote from Jake445: “I could see it working just fine. Regardless if mixed or not every bathroom should have real doors not stalls with massive gaps! You could put urinals in a stall too so everyone can use what they want in private. I'm probably biased though because I grew up sharing a bedroom and bathroom with a girl, plus I never felt the need to hide in the bathroom from someone at school etc. ” Same. Also grew up with 2 sisters, sharing a bathroom. Plus I've been at several games and conce…

  • I see that your only other post was back in September when a girl touched your arm, and you asked if she liked you ... If you ask me, I think you think too much about crushes and touches. My advice, be nice. Be friendly. Be funny. Be polite. Be chill and not creepy. Just be you. Ask girls out on dates and see where it goes.

  • Holidays

    Gabraham247 - - Friends and Family


    Sure. I guess. Holidays are fun. I'd rather spend them with Olivia Rodrigo but I doubt that will happen. So I guess my answer is I don't always like doing stuff with my family. But my family is better than most. And I'd rather go somewhere with them than be at home with them. Unfortunately we don't have enough money to go fun places far away. But I like where we've gone.

  • Friendship

    Gabraham247 - - LGBT


    Quote from Kara Zor-El: “it doesn't work like that. Being gay doesn't mean i wanna fuck every girl i see. Go ahead, be friends. ” This