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  • You know - I actually learn quite a lot about females in this thread. For example, that so far, not a single female has yet posted in it - itself tells me about them.

  • Quote from Belgian David: “Okay, so obviously I'm new here. I'm sure you get a lot of people who sign up, ask their question and never come back. I'll try to stick around for a while though Every day I take the bus to school (public transport) and there is this one girl that has been catching my eye for a few months now. All I know about her is the school she goes to, which is a different one than mine. She's usually with who I assume is her best (girl)friend and sometimes the two are accompanie…

  • Re: how do I get his attention?

    Neal - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from jen825: “any tips to get a guy's attention?” Take your pick. The guy's advice is to be a pick-up artists, pursue him. The girl's advice is to just sit still, show more cleavage, and just send more signals. And if he doesn't notice, move on, until another guy pursues.

  • Yes, it's possible. But that's probably not what you meant, right? Quote from accidentalchance: “he said he'd stick to me,” What does that mean? You said you're not in a relationship with him, perhaps you're friends with benefits.

  • Quote from schmedes2: “I meant exactly what I said. How many people, man and woman, put up with a terrible significant other? There are countless people in abusive relationships that stay in them, but I'm not even talking about that.” This sounds like the case where the relationship got worse and worse but still started good at initiation (which was what I was talking about). This is of course, 1 of the correlation issues: the more and more you know someone, the more and more you can tolerate th…

  • Quote from Smilez96: “2) what do u look for I a girl apperence and personality” There are 2 types of heterosexual girls. They are. Heterophobic. And heterophilic. While there's no point defining them other than know what the root words, mean, I'll describe or say the properties of them. A heterophobic girl, for example, is someone who. -Is more comfortable around females than with guys. -Often has (or and prefers to have) more female friends than guy friends. -Is more social around females than …

  • Quote from schmedes2: “Females of every species, even humans, want a male that will be able to protect, provide and make strong babies. For animals it's pretty easy to tell:” I don't think this premise is helpful to get to the conclusion why females evolutionarily like popular guys. For example, what would a female prefer: a strong, masculine male, non-popular, or a physically weak, popular male. In the animal kingdom, I haven't observed much cases of cliques. How many female animal species judg…

  • Quote from Smilez96: “1stly that's a load of absolut CRAP! I am a girl and I hate douche bags. They piss me of beyond words.” If you are different than most girls, why would you take offense this? If you are in the minority, why would you take offense to this? Quote from Smilez96: “I look for ( in order ) 1) sense of humor 2) ability to flirt with me 3) sensitivity 4) body 5)grades 6)how they comunicat with others ( if their agro their out) 7) over all In guys :]” Or in other words, what do all …

  • Quote from bad news: “It pisses me off, especially when there are plenty of good looking, nice, confident guys around. What pisses me off more is when they bitch about their boyfriend treating them like crap and cheating on them. It's their own fault for dating a jerk. And don't give me that "because they're interesting" crap. If you think being an asshole is interesting then you've got serious problems. So, why do girls like douchebags so much?” Didn't you know, women don't ever be the 1st to p…

  • Re: Flirting???

    Neal - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Mr Jack: “It's a big part of it! how to do meet a girl/guy how to you get there attention! So what is the Ability to get the guy/girl then NEAL C? and we are talking first encounters here NEAL C.” As Goddess of Judecca will say, "the ability to get guys comes with age. And boobs."

  • Re: Flirting???

    Neal - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Mr Jack: “What's that supposed to mean NEAL C?” That the ability for a girl to get a guy to like her is not about her ability to flirt. Quote from Mr Jack: “And are we really that desperate to know your name and the 'C'? or are you like a dog pissing on a street corner? leaving your filthy scent? Now back to the topic, I think the main thing with flirting is confidence, are you confident with guys? flirting tends to be a very playful thing, It can be compliments but is in no way limit…

  • Re: Push Ups

    Neal - - Health and Fitness


    69 - January 9, 2006. 63 - January 2, 2006. 60 - end of 10th grade. 56 - end of 9th grade. 52 - mid 9th grade. 50 - 9th grade. 35 - end of 8th grade, exact date I should be able to look up (April 2002). 27 - end of 7th grade (April 2002). 25 - beginning of 7th grade (October 2001). 10 - near end of 6th grade, age ~12.

  • Probably cherry chocolate.

  • Quote from meomiomo: “Sorry, but I Can't Stand when guys play games like this. ” This...?

  • Re: Flirting???

    Neal - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I don't think flirting is the issue here. Neal C.

  • Quote from syphro: “Sorry about the cheesy title! I have a really bad problem that I think could ruin my chances with some great women. I would consider myself good-looking, although I would never admit it to people who know me (confident not cocky). My problem is that beautiful girls in my school blind me. I was transfixed with the one girl for about 3 years and learned from my mistakes (Nice Guy Syndrome...). I still find it really hard to find people I'm attracted too. They are very much in t…

  • Re: Meeting Girls at the beach?

    Neal - - General Advice


    Quote from yankeefan240578: “Hey I'm 17 and going to the beach in 2 weeks. I figure that the beach is a great place to try approaching girls and stuff. I want to meet some pretty and fun girls there and Ive never really been good at "picking up girls." I think I'd be fine once I got to know them but how do I approach. I also dont want to seem like a creeper.” Sorry dude. But there's no way for a random person to approach a girl in a non-creepy way. And then, the more and more skin she exposes, t…

  • So I guess the hardest part is setting up the website, right? Anyways, for what it's worth, my articles and blogs are not anonymous, feel free to take a look.

  • Re: Is it normal?

    Neal - - General Advice


    Quote from Alexa1993: “So here's the thing. I'm the quiteset person in the WORLD!! like, in school classes, i seriously don't talk unless i get asked something. I think everybody thinks of me as the "weird girl" by now. I was supposed to give my opinion about a book in class and everybodys' jaw dropped when i talked. Cuz nobody ever heard me talk!! is that really normal that i'm that quite? Do you have any idea what could be the reason of me being quite?” The Philosophy of Autism

  • Do you really think the girl will be the 1st to bring up sex if you never do? Like 99% of the time, it's the guys that persue the sex.