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  • Best lube for jacking off?

    Sean2001 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from sneasels everywhere: “I used hand lotion when I first figured it out. I got like a burn from that. Since then, I do not use anything. ” Not everything that is safe for skin is safe for mucous membrane which, strictly speaking, the glans is. But I would have expected hand lotion to be reasonably safe. Quote from BlackParadePixie: “but you have to do "clean up" anyways... ” Interestingly, things described as moisturisers aren't necessarily water-based. Some seem to moisturise the skin b…

  • Locker Room Nudity

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from pahern0317: “I guess in Rome do what the Romans do. In our school and every changing room I have ever been in, nudity is not a big deal. You would actually attract attention in doing the towel dance or skipping the showers. on the other hand I wouldn't want to be the only naked boy. I am just glad that I don't have to worry about that. ” I think this may be behind some of the differences. Some people are less bothered about doing what others do. If there are a few people who are confi…

  • Sleeping after jacking off

    Sean2001 - - Teen Sexuality


    For me, I wouldn't say cumming is necessary to be able to sleep but it certainly helps because there is a wonderful relaxed, slightly sleeping feeling immediately after cumming so that is perfect for going to sleep. Also, based on my experience of camping with other guys I would say that most of us j/o last thing at night immediately before sleeping. The only time waking up hard in the middle of the night that sticks in my memory, there was a real sense of urgency to cum, I grabbed my cock and o…

  • I would think almost everyone does this, certainly I do. For a start you may not be able to get together as often are you're horny. Surveys have found that often people in a relationship where they have limited access to each other actually masturbate more because memories of times together, or thinking about getting together, can be a source of arousal. Then, even if you were to move in together, you may not always both be horny at the same time. If you're horny and your partner is not it is pr…

  • The term hermaphrodite is generally used to mean an organism that has both sets of genitals and can there function in either role. I think that would be very unusual in humans. Being intersex is not very common but can happen. Essentially, the default is to be female. In the womb, male babies start to become male because the SRY gene on the Y chromosome cause the embryonic gonads to be testicles rather than ovaries. They make testosterone and that influences the development of various other thin…

  • Limp after ejaculation

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Yes, that's normal. As mentioned in one of the other threads it seems to ejaculation, rather than orgasm, that triggers the refractory period where you need to take a break. If this makes it seem like the fun is over a bit too soon, you may want to learn to edge, i.e. get close to cumming then, before the point of no return, back off a little by slowing/stopping stimulation, then approach that point again. Practice so you can spend quite some time at the point of being ready to cum at any moment…

  • Quote from BJade: “No not giving anyone a nude of me. And for some reason since I became mod no one has asked me since ” Do you mean on here, or generally? I certainly have no intention of sending them.

  • Last Thing You Ate?

    Sean2001 - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from D. Falcon_11: “fresh peach ” Finally, something healthy. The last thing I ate was porridge with Marmalade.

  • 24 hours in A&E. Before that it was "Wild Isles"

  • First ejaculation

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from spacezone: “Did you have any wet dreams after your first ejaculation? If so, how many wet dreams have you had? i have never had one actually. i want one tho that sounds kinda fun ” I have wondered about that too as I have never had one either. I don't think they are quite as common as sex-ed can suggest. The last figure I saw suggested that just over half of guys have them at some point. Sometimes they can be presented almost like a development milestone but really the milestone is st…

  • Quote from royalemeraldbuilder: “...Sexual desire is great, but it should be directed in the right place, not unrestrained. ” Bear in mind I am not religious, but I have been exposed to quite a lot of Christian teaching. Some branches of Christianity have a pretty narrow definition of what is "in the right place" with the most extreme seeming to be "within marriage, for procreation". Most people will find that pretty hard to comply with and the attempt may cause more stress than it resolves. The…

  • Pronouns

    Sean2001 - - Teen Sexuality


    He/his. But I am also not going to go through this exercise with everyone I meet for the first time. If you look male I will use male pronouns and if you look female I will use female pronouns. If that isn't what you want, tell me and I will use whatever you prefer but the onus is on people to tell me, not me to ask the vast majority of people who are content with the obvious choice.

  • Marmalade, sliced banana, marmite. Obviously one at a time, not all at once. Marmite is also available unbranded as "Yeast extract".

  • Quote from Gay-paul: “Does it was hard? ” I like the pun

  • First ejaculation

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from Starlord: “It's only flying up to my chest lol ” That;s pretty good for having only just started to ejaculate. When I first started there wasn't very much or very much force and both of these increased as time went by.

  • Refractory Period (Boys)

    Sean2001 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Starlord: “I have just started to ejaculate, when I do my penis goes back limp like it goes to sleep whereas when I have a dry orgasm it stays hard or at least semi hard and I can continue jacking almost immediately, is this normal ? ” Yes, absolutely. This going limp is the beginning of the refractory period and it does seem to be triggered by ejaculion rather than orgasm. But you should find the refractory period is not very long.

  • Quote from maseb: “I believe it starts in the home. Parents need to be parents, not their children's "friends". Accountability, respect, empathy, being ethical, all traits that lead to a better life and community. ” I think there is some good stuff in this, but I don't believe it is the whole of the solution. There are two reasons mass shooting, including school shootings, happen. 1. Because people feel disengaged and disenfranchised from society to the point that something snaps. 2. When someth…

  • Which hand?

    Sean2001 - - Teen Sexuality


    - Are you right- or left-handed? Right - Which hand do you use to masturbate? I always finish with my right but I do often switch to my left and back again a couple of times before that.

  • First ejaculation

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from royalemeraldbuilder: “Only two: one when I hit myself in the eye, and the other when i aimed for my mouth and the taste was so awful I vowed never to do it again (or ask anyone to swallow when giving me a bj). Those were the only ones that took me completely out of the moment. Everything else I've enjoyed. ” That makes me glad my penis points off very slightly to the left, at least when I have hold of it. I find the times it goes unexpectedly far are generally very intense and enjoyab…

  • Refractory Period (Boys)

    Sean2001 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Gabraham247: “Are you saying as I age, it will take longer for me to cum again in round 2? If so, that sucks. I'm pretty happy with my refractory period rn even tho I never call it refractory period lol. ” For older, are you thinking of "in a few year's time"? From what I've read, it is a real effect but the change is gradual over quite a long period of time and guys don't usually start to notice it much until middle age. As an example, I recently had sex five times in a day and I've …