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  • Sexual orientation and transgenders

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from Vic2022: “ Of course to decide a transition you have to think hard about it. I saw the doctor a bunch of times and did experimentations for her to find out if I have a dysphoria or if it is something else. She didn't rush me through, it was the opposite, she told us to take time to make these experimentations, then be sure of I felt ” Can you clarify a bit on the question of being rushed? It would seem to me that there could be a sense of urgency to start puberty blockers but that, on…

  • Sleeping after jacking off

    Sean2001 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Ryanschmo: “Notice how i said i USED to ” I hope you are not feeling judged by other people questioning what you used to do. I think it would still be interesting to know why you chose to do it that way. Was it that you liked how it felt, to contain the mess or something else? Personally, I choose not to contain the mess but let the cum shoot freely onto my chest/belly. Partly that's because I don't want the need to aim into something to be a distraction from the orgasm and partly bec…

  • Sexual orientation and transgenders

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from collin13: “I'm curious now. What do the puberty hormones blockers do to you? Like how do they make you feel and what do they block? ” I can't speak frpm experience on how they make people feel, but the point of taking them is that some of the changes that happen with puberty are sex-specific, permanent and quite obvious. Prior to pubery, although boys and girls have different genitals, once clothed there isn't really anything to tell the sexes apart other than hair and clothing styles…

  • cumming

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from Abatundra: “is it suppose to be thick or loose. It was thick yesterday when I came, now it's lose like water. ” Various things affect it so it can vary from one time to another just like it did for you. For me, it having been longer since I last came makes it thicker, while being highly aroused for a long time before cumming, for example by doing stop & go/edging, tends to make it thinner. Then, as we go though puberty, it gets thicker on average.

  • Sexual orientation and transgenders

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from Pultost: “Yeah, at the end of the day there are two kinds of people in this world: Those with dicks and those without, regardless of how they identify. ” You can certainly divide people into those two groups but to say that this is more fundamental than, for example, whether have XY or XX chromosomes or whether we have the SRY gene etc. is not so simple because the whole process by which people become one sex or the other and how that affects their gender identity is not quite so simp…

  • Guy Periods?

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from Gabraham247: “So the female cycle is every 30 days and the male cycle (in theory) is every 24 hours. Interesting. Makes definitely don't have menses. Idk if period is the correct term either. I suppose Male Hormone Cycle makes sense. I still think Its fair to say men have periods. It's no surprise that male hormones affect males. And I the study was a very interesting read. It essentially explains why we have morning wood. ” To be pedantic, period refers to a length of time and someth…

  • Guy Periods?

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    I did ask a question that is related to this in another post: Variations in horniness by sex? but, while the response from the guys was interesting, there were too few responses from the girls to learn much there. As this question is wider that just horniness, I would say the same is true for my general mood as for horniness in that it is mostly constant. There can be odd days when I am not as enthusiastic or energetic and there are also odd days when I feel extra horny but again that is normall…

  • shoulder width (for boys)

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    I agree with Corey's diagram. Also bear in mind that the size of the muscles that go over the shoulder, and whose name I forget, will have an effect on the width you see. It is hard to measure the skeleton specifically. As for age, I don't have any kind of note - I think it is something that happened gradually, much like growing does in general. If I was to take a guess I would say the growth would happen mostly during the general growth spurt which is also around the time of fastest change in v…

  • Sexual orientation and transgenders

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    I think it is usual to describe one's sexual orientation from the perspective of the gender you identify as, not the gender assigned at birth, so if you were born a boy but now identify as female and fancy boys then you would identify as a straight girl. In fact, this may be the reason behind some gay people being transphobic. Having got to the point where, in many places, it is ok to be out as LGB, there may now be some fear that being transgender is seen as an alternative, i.e. if the boy in m…

  • Multi gender bathrooms

    Sean2001 - - General Advice


    Quote from Gabraham247: “....It may be slightly hypothetical to say, but I think most time girls are in the boys room, it's just to pee. Boys going into the girls room seems a bit creepy imo.” Certainly, while girls stand to wait less time by using the guys' bathroom the same is not true the other way round so you would have to assume guys in the girls' bathroom have some other motive. Quote from Gabraham247: “...Of course, boys have a different standard of being creepy. To me, peeing in public …

  • How subtle are you.

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    It depends on when and where and, in particular, who might overhear.

  • Fish and chips

  • Last Thing You Ate?

    Sean2001 - - Health and Fitness


    Red onion and goat's cheese lattice.

  • Multi gender bathrooms

    Sean2001 - - General Advice


    Quote from Bellu: “Also what the actual hell why did girls get drunk and storm the bathroom to piss in a urinal ” The getting drunk is probably because that is something people like to do, especially at festivals and the like. As for using the men's bathroom, probably a mix of frustration at how long they would have to wait to the use the ladies bathroom and a lack of inhibition from being drunk. I don't believe there is anything inate about being modest, either in the sense of preferring to sta…

  • Masturbation

    Sean2001 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Ben03: “With me it varies a lot. I binge sometimes and other times I decide to wait for a wet dream. If I hold off for a week or so I generally have one. ” Why do you choose to wait for a wet dream?

  • Chest Hair

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from Ryzen: “Quote from trey_c: “I've heard once you start shaving it'll just start coming in thicker. I'm not sure if that's just a tale but that's what I heard ” It's just a myth. Shaving or cutting hair won't make it grow back thicker. The part of the hair that gets cut is 'dead', only the hair root is alive, so it has no influence on the growth. ” I think the reason for this myth is that shorter hair is stiffer than longer hair. That means if you shave off hair that has started to grow…

  • Multi gender bathrooms

    Sean2001 - - General Advice


    Quote from Gabraham247: “Many times people don't even understand what it means. A lot of times when businesses say they are installing multi gender bathrooms, the public freaks out, but what the business actually means us they are installing single use bathrooms that lock and either gender can use. Those are very popular. Work well. And are no biggie. The only real downside is only one person can use it so it's sort of a waste of space.... ” Many places already have rooms of this sort, i.e. that…

  • Wet dream question for guys

    Sean2001 - - Puberty


    Quote from collin13: “But isn't it the testosterone spikes that causes you to be more horny and jack off more? ” I don't know. We know there is a daily cycle with about 4am being the peak. There may also be variation between one day and the next but I don't know if this has been researched. There certainly could be a mechanism for it, in that girls very obviously have a monthly cycle and it seems our testosterone is regulated by the brain, i.e. it is measuring the level and adjusting how much te…

  • It's May

    Sean2001 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from notthatchrisevans: “Why does it safe time and money, though? ” Possibly compared with taking someone on a date or going somewhere to find someone to get it on with. Of course that may not apply if you have a regular partner. I am not sure we need any encouragement to masturbate but there can still sometimes be a message of "Loser, you should be having sex instead". Maybe we need some reinfocement of the message that it is OK so somethings think "Not tonight, I can't be bothered, I'll …

  • The Coronation Concert.