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  • Quote from heddaa: “Yes especially when adult guests are here late/staying the night I’ve woken up in the morning with sheets suspiciously pulled to the end of the bed, bottoms around my ankle, sticky messes etc so I lock now ” Are you saying you've been sexually assaulted by guests your parents had over?

  • Being active or not

    xols - - Teen Sexuality


    For guys it probably doesn't matter. For girls, the latter gives her more power. In either case, it's not reality which grants the power, it others' perception which gives the person power.

  • Girls in male showers

    xols - - Debate and Discussions


    @IsabeleMarie: Are you asking about the situation of a young cis girl going with her dad into a locker room, or the teenage trans-female issue in school locker rooms?

  • What are You Listening To?

    xols - - Music


    The sound of silence.

  • 6 months on HRT - do I pass?

    xols - - LGBT


    Ah, now I get it. The op is missing. Also, the link doesn't work.

  • Is this weird?

    xols - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    tbh, I think your mom's response is kind of weird. I can't imagine how someone could think that's a weird thing.

  • nudes?

    xols - - Puberty


    Quote from Anna Kadlecova: “I do it ” Boy, will your inbox be flooded lol.

  • Quote from elsa: “Quote from xols: “Quote from elsa: “I’m sure she had good reason ” Why do you make this ASSumption?That sounds like a misandristic attitude. ” Because of the risks involved, if a boy hits back it’s going to hurt more and of course it’s assault - that’s why females are less likely to commit violence against a male Not misandric, just life experience ” It's also assault for a girl to kick a guy in the balls. And you didn't answer the question. He said she kicked him in the ball a…

  • Quote from MelissaRose35: “Thank you to everyone who replied. We kind of drifted apart and stopped talking. I'm not going to start talking to him again. Even if he had good intentions I want to move on and not put myself back in that place. Thanks again for replying. Your opinions were helpful. ” Thanks for the update.

  • It was a little hassle in the beginning but we were careful. Not seeing each other in school everyday was really noticeable. But we talked about it and took actions which made our relationship stronger. Like most difficult situations, if you come through it, you end up stronger for it and our relationship is stronger because of what we had to do to stay together (not that I think covid was worth it).

  • Thank you for returning. How about trashing the whole "My Pubes" thread? It was a request for people to post pics of their pubes and many posts asking others to do so still remains.

  • Morning wood

    xols - - Puberty


    Quote from UwuThemCheeks: “Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Blake_VZ: “or jack off. ” ” As others said not really. I rarely pee when i'm hard and ofc i'd never pee while hard at an urinal. I can pee while hard but it takes 2x concentration. Most guys would jack off quickly or wait till partially soft.Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Blake_VZ: “Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Blake_VZ: “ ” ” ” ” ” I don't usually respond to these type of threads, but I'm curious; why wouldn't you pee when hard at a…

  • Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Artemis Girl Ana: “I'm a big fan of non violence. However context is important. ” Exactly. I someone comes over and start throwing punches, I'm not just gonna stand there and take it, but the way I see it, when someone let the fists fly, it tells me they have poor communication skills. ” True. And equally valid for those who "throw punches" metaphorically.\ Poor communication skills/lack of backbone also manifests itself in being incapable of carrying on a mature …

  • wait do teen nudists have sex?

    xols - - Puberty


    Quote from melissa16: “I never knew there was so many nudist around ” There aren't.

  • Morning wood

    xols - - Puberty


    Quote from Natacha: “Quote from Pultost: “Quote from Blake_VZ: “I usually just tuck it into the waistband of my boxers. Then either try to take a piss or jack off. ” I thought peeing was impossible for you guys when you're hard? ” No I've seen that done perfectly fine. The aiming is a bit off though ” It's dammed difficult to aim. Good thing toilet bowls are large.

  • Gift for male friend

    xols - - Friends and Family


    Quote from Achi_Ac: “Quote from xols: “Sure, why not. Is there some significance to it, other than the concept of yin and yang? ” I thought it as a sign of friendship but i googled it and it said that the one fish stands for a feminine side. Also I only know girls giving it to girls. Is it okey for me to give it to my best friend ? ” I don't see why not, but I don't know if it has any other meaning. It's unfortunate no one else has offered any views. They seem to be tied up with posting fiction …

  • Quote from joannainthemiddle: “Quote from Artemis Girl Ana: “Quote from Alexiswinter: “Side and belly. I roll around a lot ” thats pretty much how I sleep but add in on my back. I seem to mostly wake up on my back.I think I'd be awful to sleep with. ” me too. I slept over at my friend's house with her next to me on the bed and I kept waking her up in the night by rolling over. It must be hard to sleep with someone all the time. ” It sucks when you share the same blanket, but if you have differen…

  • Quote from Symphoteen: “Here's mine ” Is that the best you can do?

  • Me thinks the OP was a troll.

  • your first time with same sex?

    xols - - LGBT


    Quote from TaylerL: “it was about a year and a half ago. We met through my work. She came into my office and just hit it off. We dated for 7 months. My first time with her was at her apartment. It started in the living room while watching a movie and ended up in her bedroom. It was pretty intense and fun. She broke up with me over text after she decided that women weren’t for her and either had a man already or got one soon after the breakup. ” Clearly her loss. What a spineless way to break up.…