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  • Re: Dxm

    Lee Anderson - - Health and Fitness


    Ehh that does sound pretty chill. I hope next time I do the DXM it'll be chill so I can write down my thoughts more accurately during it instead of after. The only bad thing I can say about DXM is about the start of it, the actual ingestion of an entire bottle of cough syrup. It is the most vile liquid known to man.

  • Dxm

    Lee Anderson - - Health and Fitness


    I've gotta say dextromethorphan, DXM, in the form of cough syrup, was the most profound experience I've ever had. My favorite trip. It was... just unexplainably insane, far more insane than diphenhydramine, but a lot more euphoric and not scary like diph. There's a lot of insane stuff that I can't even explain in this story. There weren't any spiders everywhere stalking me like diph. It was just... holy fuck, unexplainable. The fucking visuals, dude... And my eyes were forced to stay wide open a…

  • Not sarcasm, just slight bemusement.

  • Quote from Dayved: “Give a brother a high five. Yeah yeah. Pound it.” O.o Hell yeah..

  • Some fuckin' strawberry candy, yo

  • I tried to take it but my Internet screwed up. Either way, the answers were oddly specific to my personality so I'm pretty sure I would have turned out to be a nerd. Proud of it. Eat a dick, geeks.

  • Shit man, I've been there. I say let it go, it WILL NOT end well.

  • Disliking Math Says You Are Expressive You are an expressive, passionate, and spontaneous person. For you, math is way too cold a subject. You dislike how black and white it is. While some people have extreme passion for math, that would take far more work than you're willing to put in. What you're into changes like the wind, and you could never be forced to choose one thing. You have to be free to follow what you love.

  • Re: Gambling Table: UFC 117

    Lee Anderson - - Sports


    Hmmm yeah sure put me down for Fitch.

  • Zero Day

    Lee Anderson - - Films, TV and Books


    [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] I hope this shit works. This is my favorite scene from my favorite movie. The scene right before the shooting in Zero Day. I've probably watched it at least five hundred times by itself. It's realistic. They're both terrified, and that's realistic. That would be scary as fuck, if you're about to go in and do that. Nobody WANTS to do that. You force yourself. I've imagined it in detail and it gave…

  • Re: Gambling Table: UFC 117

    Lee Anderson - - Sports


    Hmmm well I've never actually bet before, but I'm usually right with my picks. What amount would you suggest?

  • Re: Gambling Table: UFC 117

    Lee Anderson - - Sports


    Haha.. Well, that's easy. Silva, Fitch, Hughes, Guida, Cigano

  • You Should Never Date a Virgo Demanding, picky, and a total perfectionist - there's no way you want to live up to Virgo's standards. It's not that you couldn't please a Virgo... you would just hate yourself for doing it. Instead try dating: Libra, Leo, Aquarius, or Aries

  • Your Taste in Music Says You're Wild Your musical tastes are intense and rebellious. You are intelligent... but in a very unconventional way. You are curious about the world. You love doing something new. In fact, you enjoy taking risks and doing things most people would shy away from. You are very physical. It's likely that you're athletic, but not into team sports. You have the soul of an artist. Beauty and harmony are important to you.

  • Re: I wish____was my best friend

    Lee Anderson - - Music


    Your sarcasm rocks!

  • Re: I wish____was my best friend

    Lee Anderson - - Music


    I wish Wanderlei Silva was my best friend.

  • Re: Porn or no

    Lee Anderson - - Teen Sexuality


    1) What kind of porn do you prefer? A lot of different kinds. 2) Do you watch porn when you're jacking, jilling, or "fapping" (I just discovered that word)? Uh yeah, obviously.

  • You Are Wacky To say you're weird would be a complete understatement. You're definitely one of a kind. You have some interesting theories on life... so interesting that they freak other people out. It's likely that you're into arcane topics of all sorts. You like unusual facts. You are operating at a whole other wavelength. Very few people truly get you.

  • You Are Analytical You see where most of the pieces of life fit together. You are excellent at organizing chaos. You are a natural tinkerer. You're interested in how things work and how you can improve them. You tend to have your head in the clouds, but your daydreams are very important. You're the type of person who could change the world - if you're given enough space and freedom.

  • Quote from Yesterday: “Justin Bieber. Any music coming from Disney. Lady Gaga.” This.