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  • Re: Advice

    Banana - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Ahh this is a biggie... It is hard to face up to wrong decissions but that what we're all going to have to learn to do some time in our lives. We're human, we make mistakes. It's natural. However, the best advice I can give at this time is to try and find a common ground with her. Do you have any classes together that you can get the ball rolling? Or maybe have her added on social networking sites liek Facebook. Just something where you can get the convo off to a start then it'll be easier to as…

  • Re: i need sex.

    Banana - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Heather: “I'm in that boat right now. When I went to visit, we would have sex, but we also enjoyed other time with each other. as long as the relationship finds the right balance for each person involved, it doesn't really matter how much sex you have. Not trying to pick on you Lana, just kinda tying that in.” Lol why would I get offended? That's exactly my point I'm trying to make to be honest. Claival just minunderstood

  • Re: i need sex.

    Banana - - Teen Sexuality


    ... If I was going to say something about your relationship then I would say it and not pussy foot around. I was just adding to my point and how I came to my opinion.

  • Re: i need sex.

    Banana - - Teen Sexuality


    When Mattster and I first got together we had to go up to like 6/7 months without seeing each other and yeah it did suck but we focused more on the relationship to keep it strong and then rewarded ourselves when seeing each other =]

  • Re: i need sex.

    Banana - - Teen Sexuality


    You had your say, so I had mine.

  • Re: i need sex.

    Banana - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Heather: “We didn't say it was everything. But it's awesome. With the right person.” lol some people are making out like it's everything I can understand the pleasure and closeness that we all get from it, but seriously go out together and enjoy clothed time :p sex is just a bonus of a great relationship :p

  • Re: i need sex.

    Banana - - Teen Sexuality


    =/ blimey sex really isn't everything. I went 1 year and 9 months without it when I was single...

  • That's great to hear... If you or her needs to talk about anything else dont' hesitate to ask yeah?

  • Hey I'm sorry no one has responded to this sooner, but I'll try my best to give you help okies? First thing that I thought of when reading you post is that no one can tell you what to try out differently with your gf because everyone's tastes and confidence is different. The thing that you have to do is to build a strong sense of communication, which, looking at your post, you have done and that really is a great thing. Keep it up When you feel the time is right to talk about personal tastes and…

  • Sweetie, he has a girlfriend and it would be wrong of you to try to get close to him when he's committed because I know for a fact you would be devostated if you were in that position. Now that doesn't mean that you can't be friends with him, by all means don't severe the friendship but if I was in your shoes, and as much as it would pain me to do so, you have to set guidelines as to where you stand with you and him. And ensure that he also knows these. If he really does like you and knows deep …

  • The first thing that came to my mind when I read this was that there is no strict time period that one has to wait to start a new relationship after breaking up with an ex. Unfortunately that's life and as much as it may suck for those who may get hurt, there isn't anything that can really be done. But it does show how much the guy felt for the first girl in the first place, moving on within a month... However, when it comes to the friend thing, it really depends on the friendships that are form…

  • I've been in relationships where I've been he straight edge one and my ex has been the drinker... And I won't lie to you, but I was always paranoid about what he was getting up to while he was drinking and if would do something that he would regret. On two occassions it happened where I was right and they were doing God knows what with God knows who. So my experiences aren't that great. BUT, they were both pricks. Which you aren't! So if you're sure that you won't do anything and you can keep co…

  • Hey darling, The hardest bit has already been done. And that's talking/writing about it and being able to address that you may have a problem and need help. Seriously the most diffucult bit is over. However, there still lies the question of who you can talk to about everything that's going on in your life. You've already spoken to two good exaplmes of people I would give which is your school counsellor and your teacher. Althoguh you teacher shouldn't have been making you show her your arms at al…

  • I agree with everything that Kelly has said, and I must point out something important that she said also, she is going to get hurt. But the key to help her is to make sure that you're there for her and you're not too cruel about it. Which I doubt you would be but still. What people fail to realise is that people move on from friends and partners as they grow up. From primary schools to secondary schools to college and then to work. It happens and it's life, no one can change it unless your heart…

  • I can't tell you who to chose you have to feel it inside. Whoever you feel the most for is the guy that you should give it a go with, if they don't recieve it wennt hen it'll be time to move on and just start a fresh. Trying to push yourself with the second guy may cause friction between you and your friend. And to be honest it's not worth th hurt and tears.

  • The best you can do for him right now is just to be there for him as a friend. If he has moved on then maybe you should think about it also, put all this passion into someone else who will appreciate it more than he will at the moment. I'm really stuck what to say at the moment but I do think that if you were to tell him you're just going to get hurt in one way or another because he feels more for someone else. Please let us know how you're doing.

  • i'll take a pic when I recieve them ordered them online =]

  • wwhhyyy

  • Only if it comes with free elbow pads!!!

  • gtlkatyhat.jpg ISN'T IT CUTE And now I'm going to get this too AAAADM3pSx0AAAAAAKMZOQ.jpg But in black Aren't they the most special hats ever.