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  • When was the last time you went camping? Years ago. Where and who with? College. Have you ever been to Brooklyn? No. Are you a YouTube addict? Not addict. Did you play with Play-Doh as a kid? I did. Do you own any beanies? Sure. Have you ever found a four leaf clover? No. Do you remember Shark Boy and Lava Girl? No. Have you ever been to Malaysia? No. Are you good at lighting fires? No. Have you ever run away from home? Kinda. Do you listen to The Outline? No. Pennywise? No. Billy Talent? No. Do…

  • Psychics.

    Fashion - - Debate and Discussions


    So i've gave a little thought about these so called psychics that supposedly predict. Okay, so what is everybody's thoughts on this? I personally don't believe in it, simply because i don't see how ANYONE can go years into a person's future and predict exactly what will happen. I'm not saying there aren't people whom can somewhat have abilities somewhere in this subject, but actually reading a person's future surely can't be possible. I can see them being able to give out a made up prediction an…

  • Well, i find it wrong how animals are treated in every way. I don't hate the taste of meat by any means, but i very much hate how animals are being killed just for us to have meat. And if this is so mandatory in our daily diet and nutrition, i'd not be alive right now as i rarely eat meat! Any form of abuse or testing should be banned!

  • You Are iPod touch You are definitely a music lover, but you love games, movie, and the internet too. You are a gadget geek who wants a device that does it all. You like to be on the cutting edge. You aren't just a consumer, you're also a creator. It's likely that you're a budding filmmaker or artist. For you, inspiration could strike anywhere. And you need a devise that will capture your creativity. What Kind of iPod Are You?

  • =]

    Fashion - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Did you like doing arts and crafts as a kid? Loved it. Have you ever collected soda pop tabs? No. Do you like the Jackass movies, or do you think they're stupid? Probably stupid. Have you seen Wolverine : Origins? No. Have you seen Dinner for Shmucks, if so what are your thoughts? No. What do you think about chicks with small boobies? Great. Are boobies overrated?? Yep. What do you think of Rihanna's style? Never really noticed. Do you read No. Are you into the Perez Hilton gossip? N…

  • Re: iPad

    Fashion - - Technology and the Internet


    It's stupid that they didn't build flash in them considering!

  • You Are Sweet You have a warm personality. Your heart melts easily, and you are very loving. You are always looking to add a little more comfort to your life. You like to feel taken care of. People can count on you to be true to who you are. You don't change, and that's a good thing. People don't realize that you're much more old fashioned than you seem. Values are important to you. The Grilled Cheese Sandwich Test

  • Re: What song is stuck in your head?

    Fashion - - Music


    Madonna - Celebration

  • If your last words had to be a line from a song, what would they be? No idea. Do you listen to Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana? No. What do you think is the most difficult language to learn? Wouldn't know. Smarties or Skittles? Skittles. Is your DP a pic of you? Yes. When you walk into Walmart, what is your first thought? I don't shop there. Does food taste better when its made with love? Huh? Do you go to church? No. What song brings back bad memories for you? Not sure. Do you think everyone deserve…

  • Re: i'm fat.

    Fashion - - Health and Fitness


    Guys love bodies like yours:p

  • Are you in a relationship? It's complicated. How long has your longest relationship lasted? Months. Who was the last person you kissed? A guy. Is there anyone special on your mind right now? Sure. Who was your last text from? Phil. Are you close with your family? Few. Why did you last cry? Not sure. Are you currently attending school? No. Do you have more then one best friend? No. Do you want kids one day? Very much so. What makes you smile, even when you are down? People. If you were cheated on…

  • You Are a Frappucino You are a ton of fun, and you're very energetic. You won't be slowed down by anyone. You are a social butterfly and that's where you focus all your energy. You hate to work, unless your friends are there too. You are popular, and you know how to make friends with anyone. You're very adaptable. You are a natural social organizer, and you're good at making sure a group of friends has fun. Are You a Cappuccino or a Frappuccino?

  • Where Should You Sing?

    Fashion - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Should Sing At Karaoke You love to sing, and you don't care whether you're good at it or not. Singing is its own reward, and you think that everyone should sing. You're a total ham, and you just love being in front of a crowd. For you, singing is celebrating, and you like to sing as much as possible! Where Should You Sing?

  • Re: Dream Location

    Fashion - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Rome you would like to live in historical Rome which is home to nice food and plenty of history to explore. Strange, as i am not much for historical cities, although i definitely would like to visit Rome!

  • I don't think you're ugly at all. Luckily we can change our look by changing our hair style, or wearing a bit of makeup or something. But to be honest you're not ugly, those are just ways to boost your confidence a bit. Some guys will find you appealing just like some guys would find all girls out there appealing.

  • Re: i'm fat.

    Fashion - - Health and Fitness


    Can i just say, you're a perfect weight, you're NOT fat at all!

  • Re: family is important

    Fashion - - Friends and Family


    Most aren't going to completely disagree on this

  • Re: ahh

    Fashion - - Fashion


    Ew, lol

  • Re: what do girls like in guy

    Fashion - - General Advice


    I think it entirely depends on the girl tbh.

  • Horror, Romantic Comedy