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  • Can't quite remember when I first started. I did so quite a while before puberty and didn't understand what I was doing. I just knew "fiddling" felt good. Probably around 7 or 8. Last time I did it: this morning Next time I'll do it: erm. About 10 seconds' time...

  • As said above, it's entirely a societal thing. Some guys may care, but that doesn't matter. If anyone is that worked up about the appearance of your pubes, they're really not worth it at all. You should do what you like. If you genuinely don't like pubes, then sure - go ahead. But you shouldn't feel forced in any way. Personally (whilst this is entirely from a virgin's perspective), I'd never expect a girl to shave and certainly hope I'd never give the strange looks @FKKGirl describes having see…

  • I got pubic hair quite a considerable time before arm pit hair (maybe a year or two or even more before)

  • Quote from Iskandar: “Yes I was. I think it's the sense of high when you get when it's at the peak. That feeling is definitely great. Whenever I feel stress or too tired (sounds contradicting) but yeah I will do it. I'm kinda getting like mixed feelings like should I stop or not from reading online that in the long run, it may hurt your relationship. So I finally am trying to stop..... ” This does beg the question as to what constitutes addiction. Where is the line between liking something and d…

  • Quote from Lisa_c: “Quote from Bye?guy: “Quote from thatguynextdoor: “I was surprised that most girls are just as horny as us guys. Several girls I know masturbate more than you would think. ” I never knew these things either. Some of the things about masturbating that girls post are pretty wild. I wonder if some of it is made up , it's hard to believe all the weird stuff most girls put in their vaginas ” LOL, yes we do masturbate and I'm sure that I'm not the only one who has put something she …

  • Pubic hair spread?

    No longer in Use - - Puberty


    I have quite a lot of pubic hair. I have a lot on top (?) If that's how you describe it - basically the 'bush' part. I have some hair on the shaft of my penis and a fair few on my balls. Then quite a bit near my arse and a bit around my groin (extending from the bush). It also continues in the "landing strip" style to my belly button. I'm fairly happy with it. I occasionally use some scissors to trim the "bush" as otherwise it gets really quite long and interferes with things like masturbating. …

  • Definitely the sexual stuff. I had masturbated before, but it was never a big thing. It was more of a way to pass the time. Then when I started puberty, I actually began to have urges to do it. Also, I think I began a little earlier so was really surprised when I first ejaculated. No one had (at that stage) taught me about it. I learnt about ejaculation a few months later at school. Sweatiness is another thing. Pre-puberty, you could probably (not that I tended to) go a day or so without a showe…

  • Personally, the thing with masturbation is you can't necessarily expect anything. By which I mean, it's unpredictable. Everything feels different for different people and will feel different from session to session. After a while, you'll learn certain things that you like more over others. But even then, one day playing with your foreskin may be all you need, another time, you might really enjoy the sensation of playing with your balls. The main thing is it should feel good. The rest is up to yo…

  • How tall are you?

    No longer in Use - - Puberty


    About 5'10". Relatively happy with my height but wouldn't mind being a couple of inches taller.

  • cumstains

    No longer in Use - - Gay


    Quote from Sean2001: “Quote from No longer in Use: “Very rarely, I use a condom. They're too expensive to use each time, but I love the feeling of my juices surrounding my head. ” I've only done this onec, partly because it seems unescessarily expensive to use a condom for a wank, and partly because I didn't find the condom very comfortable. I did notice how warm my cum felt when the tip held it against my penis head and yes, that was a nice feeling. Those who have long foreskins and have pinche…

  • Boys , Boxers, and Bathrooms

    No longer in Use - - Fashion


    Quote from DaxDax: “Not too many guys use the “opening” it’s just easier to push the undies down ” Yup. Openings are annoying. I prefer underwear without them. Openings are either placed really poorly and makes it more hassle to get your dick out or they come open far too easily and your dick keeps falling out of the opening.

  • 0. Never been particularly keen on jeans, myself.

  • cumstains

    No longer in Use - - Gay


    I tend not to do what @DaxDax does as if I cum freely I end up getting some in my pubes. I find it's really difficult to clean cummy pubes without having a shower - anyone got any tips? But I have a lot of other methods - I've had lots of practice . I like @Comman 's method. No mess. However, I tend to use two socks: it's a bit tighter so the sensation is nicer and I find one sock isn't enough to stop the cum from still shooting out through the sock. Most of the time, I just take off the underpa…

  • First Dildo

    No longer in Use - - Teen Sexuality


    2 inch diameter is going to be quite a bit for a first time. I occasionally use a Sharpie or glove up. I would say start with something a lot smaller: even that will take getting used to. You will need lube to allow it to move smoothly. I would also say use a condom (obviously not for STIs sake or anything) but it prevents anything from getting dirty.

  • Firstly, I'd say you have no obligation to tell your mum anything regarding your sexuality. Ultimately, I think it would be good to get these things out in the open, but it should be when you feel comfortable doing so (there is no pressure/rush, especially in teenage years when you're still working much of this out for yourself). Also, sexuality, ultimately, changes and develops over a lifetime, but the changes are particularly major in these years. Some people develop attractions they never had…

  • Even if he does pull out in time, there's still a risk as sperm can be released before orgasm, apparently. And as with all unprotected sex, you risk picking something up.

  • I'm sure you're not. They may not have meant it in a completely horrible way but were just expressing surprise over something. Whilst "creepy" could describe horrible people like Jimmy Saville etc., it could have been meant light-heartedly like you could describe someone who puts their socks on AFTER their trousers "creepy" in a jovial way if you disagreed.

  • Ah. Lol. Sneaky

  • Hmm. Idk. You should probably speak to someone who knows about computers. Just seems odd that a hacker would simply rearrange stuff without actually doing anything to the functionality.