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  • Re: :L why?

    Linda - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Finn: “That sounds about right :L I stopped liking her. It only really happens when it gets to... serious?” I think you were just scared to confront her, or have to talk to her again. I think you already said that though, so moving on. Were people trying to push you in to the relationship? As the guy below me said, it sounds like you got to nervous from the pressure, as you get the sick feeling when you know you don't like her anymore, but you have to see her again. I think you were s…

  • Re: C'MON....facebook...

    Linda - - General Advice


    Quote from Makis4: “Oh ok.I'll probably change my mobile number, its still there her f****** post....:mad:” Try to make that your absolute LAST resort. Give her a few hours to reply back, she may be out right now, you have to at least give her a chance. Try turning your phone off for a little until the phone calls stop, people can only have fun with such a stunt for a few hours/times until it gets boring and they find something else to entertain themselves with.

  • Re: :L why?

    Linda - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Finn: “Its just i started getting sick every time i thought about her and just couldn't handle talking/seeing her so i may have kind of semi avoided her.” It sounds like you got butterflies/anxiety when she came up in your mind or saw her. Do you think thats about right? Did you stop liking her when you started to feel sick, or did you continue liking her? Does this feeling come up with every girl that you like?

  • Re: C'MON....facebook...

    Linda - - General Advice


    If you don't recognize her, then she might of been doing it to someone else and just got their number wrong and confused it for your number? The other persons number may be only 1 number different then yours, I get phone calls all the time because my number is so close to someone else's. Do you know if the girl is friends with any of your friends? It doesn't sound like you did anything wrong. Is turning your phone off for a day or so until it blows over an option? Just wait for her to message yo…

  • Re: need a girl to talk to

    Linda - - General Advice


    If you want private advice from support leaders only, you can post here: We'll all be more then willing to help you out

  • Re: :L why?

    Linda - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    What do you mean you freaked out and couldn't confront her? I need more details if you want me to help you. I doubt she hates/hated you, especially if she had just recently asked you out. Feelings like that don't change with the snap of two fingers.

  • Re: Help....

    Linda - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Break ups take time to get over, especially when they're break ups from loved ones. I feel like you're trying to rush it, and that'll only make it worse. You have to gradually let her go. Do you have any of her belongings/pictures of you and her anywhere? If so, delete them, or go outside and burn them. Whenever you start to think about her, you have to distract yourself with a new thought. Right now is a really good time to keep busy, go work out with friends, hang out, pick up a new craft, any…

  • Re: 16+ part

    Linda - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: 16+ part

    Linda - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from MasterpieceMesias: “lol one more to 250” Posts: 137 .......

  • Extravagance Feels Like Home to You home-2.jpg You love to pamper yourself, and why should that stop at home? You have the finest furniture and home decor that your money can buy. You know that you'll be spending a lot of time at home, so you try to make it as wonderful as possible. Your home is truly your castle. And it's a very comfortable castle at that! What Feels Like Home to You? Blogthings: We'll Tell You The Truth... Someone Has To!

  • You Are In Stage IV stage-4.jpg Even though you are far from being an elementary school student, you are in the elementary school stage of development. It's hard for you to work hard and be productive sometimes, and you don't like competing with your peers. You can't help but feel inferior or incompetent in some ways, and this sometimes is paralyzing. You strive to feel industrious and competent. You want to be at the top of the class! What Stage of Development Are You In? Blogthings: Take a Qui…

  • If you guys have been hanging out for that long, I don't think him knowing your age will suddenly change what he thinks of you. Just tell him "I really don't want this to change anything between us, I feel awful for lying to you, but I have to be honest with you" and then tell him. If he didn't think that you could handle a relationship with him, I don't think he would of put this much time in to hanging out with you. As for your friends, do you want to be honest with them? Truthfully, if you te…

  • Re: how do i know

    Linda - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    There's no way to really know what she thinks of your looks unless she tells you. There are ways to tell if she likes you, however. She'll give little hints, flirting with you, touching you more then she needs too, giggling, trying to find an excuse to hang out with you, looking at you from across the room and smiling, those kinds of things.

  • Re: girl help

    Linda - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Its kind of hard to tell from that little sentence, and not knowing more of a background. If you're really curious, try asking her about it in a joking way. "So the heart, does that mean you love me? ;)".

  • Re: Homeschooling

    Linda - - General Advice


    Try Pennfoster or Clonlara.

  • I've been in this same situation as you before, and 95% of the time it stems from issues with past relationships. My guess is that her prior boyfriend cheated on her, and thats what makes her so nervous now. Sit her down and ask her if theres a reason why she's so untrusting to you. If there isn't, then you have to explain to her that she has to be able to trust you in order for the relationship to work. Tell her that you trust her, and her not trusting you makes you upset. From my experience (I…

  • Quote from Bradleeyy: “Linda, you are a God send. THANKK YOU! :D” :blush: Aww thank you, anything I can do to help. If you need anything else, just let me know! Ps. Let me know what she says please?!

  • Quote from Bradleeyy: “I could.. But what if it just ends up either at my house or hers, again?” So avoid it, and if she keeps pushing it, make it obvious you just want to hang out. You CAN just hang out without being sexual. Play a board game if you guys do end up at one of your houses, ask to watch a movie, say you just want to cuddle.

  • Quote from Bradleeyy: “I want to ask her to see me again but I don't want to give her the impression I want a repeat of the last time we met.. :” So ask her to go to a public place so that doesn't get the chance of happening again.

  • I can't answer the question if I think she wants more because not enough information is provided. The only way to tell if she wants more is to try hanging out with her, or talking with her again. Try to avoid bringing up what happened and ask if she wants to hang out with you again. Obviously her answer will give you your answer, if she wants more or not. Hanging out with her will also help you decide if you like her or not.