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  • That could be it, maybe you should try to ask him about it. Honestly, I wouldn't be to worried about it if I were you, if you get a vibe that he likes you, then don't let something so small like this bother you. If its really an issue, then ask him about it in a joking way. "I see you deleted some of my DM's, guess I'm not important to you or something? ;)"

  • Re: Jersey Shore

    Linda - - Films, TV and Books


    I definitely am right now. Angelina is such a bitch, the shouldn't of let her back. Bets on if Ronnie and Sammi get back together?

  • Re: UHh

    Linda - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Everyone has different definitions of what cheating is. If you say you're in an amazing relationship, then you should have no need to wait to go outside of that and ruin what you have. If you're questing if its cheating, then yes it is.

  • Re: Eyeball tatoos.

    Linda - - General Advice


    Cost is usually $150-$300 per eye. I googled for a while and couldn't find a place that actually does the procedure, but you should try contacting the few people that have it done, and ask where they got it done. They're not hard to find, just google forms of 'eyeball tattooing' and it'll take you somewhere with their name.

  • Re: Question about layers?

    Linda - - Fashion


    Yes. I know its not the same thing, but I have a bunch of layers in my hair and I curl my hair and it looks cute. The layers probably won't even be noticeable, and if they are, curly hair is layered anyways.

  • Quote from Officer Hernandez: “Lol, haven't you heard that if you wait for something to come everyday, the time will be a lot longer?” Considering their day is jam packed and they have maybe 30 minutes of down time total through the entire day, it doesn't really apply to soldiers. Marking a day off the calendar day by day is something they look forward to.

  • I recently went through the same experience as you, my boyfriend was in the Army. As Jasmine said, communication is key. Letter writing will be your only form of communication for QUITE some time, if you get lucky you MIGHT get a phone call once a month, but it really depends on his DS. Put cute things in the letters, I did that a lot. I'm not sure how NG works, but in the Army they could only receive things that fit into a letter. If thats the case for you, try to make him a calendar with a cou…

  • I think after a few minutes of hanging out again next time, you should be okay. It doesn't look like she cared all that much, so I wouldn't worry about that part if I were you. The past is the past, you can't change it now. However, you can make the future exceptionally good. One of my favorite places to go on a date is Mini Golfing. You might think it sounds lame, but its really fun. It gives you both a good chance to interact and talk. You can also show her 'how to golf' if the moment is right…

  • Re: I want to be a Marine...

    Linda - - General Advice


    Quote from Jaeplus: “I'd love to talk to a recruiting officer, but it'll be hard to do a face-to-face since they are across the border. I'm sure I'll find a way to somehow, though.” You can always call a center and ask if theres a way to have a video chat conversation to make things easier. Recruiters are usually willing to work whichever way with you to help you enlist.

  • I don't think you missed your chance, but I think you might have to try a little harder then you did before to win her back again. Text her and ask her to hang out, make plans with her, take her somewhere nice where you guys can talk and catch up. Hang out with her a few times, gradually get more touchy feely, make a move. See if within those few times you're hanging out she returns all the gestures like she did before. If everything seems to be going good after a few times of hanging out with h…

  • Re: I want to be a Marine...

    Linda - - General Advice


    Quote from Maximus1991: “Sorry for semi-thread jacking. I haven't chosen a specialty yet, however the head of the military science department at my school is a ranger recruiter and I have 4.0 + excellent physical scores so I should get my choice of specialties.” Congrats on all of your physical scores and GPA. What are your PT scores? I hope you know that you can't just join the Rangers though. Rangers is just a title, it wouldn't be a specialty. What did you have your eye on? Are you planning o…

  • Re: I want to be a Marine...

    Linda - - General Advice


    I'm not sure if this is going to help you, but this is what my boyfriend (who was in the Army) told me to do. U.S. Marine Corps Talk to a recruiter. I know that you HAVE to live in America in order to become part of the Marines. I'm not sure how it works with the Marines, but if you're in the Army then they pay for 100% of your college, and living expenses most of the time. If you come to America to go to college, you would have to get a passport of some sort, maybe even a green card, so that wo…

  • Re: My new video!

    Linda - - Creative Writing



  • Re: not "big" enough?

    Linda - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from new cookie: “first let me say, thanks to everyone reassuring me, i feel a bit better now. however, the "doggy" style comment here creeps me out a little bit. im hoping you mean we should try that AFTER we've had a few "sessions" because that seems like a strange position to do it in if its our first time lol. and besides that, from what i've heard women dont usually enjoy doggy; its just something thats kinky to men. but its whatever she likes, because shes the woman :)” Well yes, I w…

  • Re: not "big" enough?

    Linda - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from new cookie: “ i am only slightly longer than 6 inches, and my width doesnt look at all impressive to me. i just feel like maybe it wont be enough for her, but that really bothers me because i want to stay with her and make her happy as long as we're together, which will hopefully be the rest of our lives. by the way, WE ARE BOTH VIRGINS if this fact helps any at all. any advice?” The average depth of the vagina is usually around 6 inches, I think you're in the clear. If you want, you …

  • Quote from Kerosene: “Are we able to share more than one?” Of course

  • Re: Am i ready to have sex??

    Linda - - Teen Sexuality


    When you think about if you're ready for sex or not, think about if YOU ALONE is ready for sex, not you two as a couple. Another thing is, none of us can tell you if you're ready for sex or not. Only you know.

  • Re: The Hurt Locker

    Linda - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from DamnImGood: “ And I thought it was fucked the guy chose war over his family.” I don't think its really that he 'chose', but i think its more like he didn't know anything else. After being deployed for so long, many soldiers find it hard to get back to their homes, reconnect with their wives and children. Some seek to get away and leave it all behind, not to worry about it. Another thing is that they don't really know anything else. Army is their whole life, its like taking a soldier a…

  • Re: I'm nervous!

    Linda - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Are they going to be in the same room as you the entire time?

  • Re: Nervous Guys

    Linda - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from amando96: “Is that 100% true?” For me it is. This is an opinion question, no true or false really apply here.