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  • Re: Deleting File

    The Wolf - - Technology and the Internet


    Haha, okay, thanks.

  • Re: Deleting File

    The Wolf - - Technology and the Internet


    If it is two how would I find it? :p

  • Deleting File

    The Wolf - - Technology and the Internet


    Question, I have a file on my computer that I am trying to get rid of, but I'm having a bit of a problem. I deleted it, but when I do a search of a word that was in the document the document name still pops up. When I try to delete it, or even open it, it says "Can not find this file. Please verify that the correct path and file name are given." If the file was deleted completely wouldn't that mean that it shouldn't pop up in a search? Other files that I deleted around that time aren't doing tha…

  • Re: Okay, I need ideas!

    The Wolf - - Creative Writing


    What can you draw exactly?

  • Re: My random photoshops

    The Wolf - - Creative Writing


    The road is amazing. o.o They are all good, but that one is great.

  • Re: Scribbles.

    The Wolf - - Creative Writing


    Very nice.

  • You can't really just say "They work." or "They don't work.". Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't, just like a relationship that isn't long distance. I think you need to have a lot of patience and have the ability to trust if you are hoping for it to work. There are a lot of sacrifices that have to be made to keep them working, but in the long run if you care about that person it'll work out.

  • Eh, I can see why the whole picture thing would bug you, but that doesn't really sound like a player thing to me. If two guys sent you a picture and asked you to rate them, then you most likely would. If you didn't, then the guy might get offended and over think it. Kind of like you did when he didn't say anything about the picture. =\

  • Quote from xxncbcxx7: “before i asked her out we hung out a few times and also at school. that was for about like... a little less than a month. then we could only see eachother at school cause she couldnt go out that weekend, so im not just gonna hug her. haha. idk i guess i will just see what happens. what do u tell parents if u made out and they ask how the movie was?” Haha. :p If you aren't planning on watching the movie read a review about it online. So, you can still talk about it with you…

  • Um, are you male or female? I can't tell if you are a guy who likes her, or a friend that is a girl that is jealous that she would ask another friend (girl) to go with her.

  • You Should Rule Mercury mercury.jpg Close to sun, Mercury has very long days - and is rarely visible to the rest of the solar system. You are perfect to rule Mercury, because you live for the present - and can truly enjoy a day that goes on forever. Like Mercury, you are quick and elusive. Your wit is outstanding, and you can win any verbal sparring match. Some people see you as superficial, but in truth, you just play many roles and have many interests. A great manipulator, you usually get what…

  • Re: The Snow Test! :]

    The Wolf - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Your Snow Test Says You're Independent snow.png You feel like something good will happen to you in the next few months. You don't really like to work, unless work feels like play. You only are successful when you are doing what you love. You are an independent, individualistic person. You thrive when you're doing your own thing. Your biggest worry in your life is your health. You tend to be a bit of a hypochondriac. When it comes time to relax, you really indulge. You are all about your favorite…

  • That is down right ridicules. Personally, I think he is utter crap for you judging by what you said in that post alone. If he is going to "sleep around" just because he doesn't find attraction in your looks, you shouldn't stick around. You can find someone who will think you are great, inside and out.

  • Your Birth Month is November chrysanthemum.jpg Tolerant and inspirational, you are wise beyond your years. You are universally sympathetic and a great humanitarian. Your soul reflects: Compassion, friendship, and secret love Your gemstone: Citrine Your flower: Chrysanthemum Your colors: Dark blue, red, and yellow

  • Quote from xoxo.allie: “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Universal Orlando Resort :] It's going to be pretty cool, I'll probably be down there in 2010 with my Hogwarts costume. wait I'll be 21 then oh well Lol. I'm stil going to do it! The New one does seem to look like it's going to be a fanastic one maybe we'll see. I stil believe Richard Harris was a better dumbledore.” Oh wow! That's freaking amazing, if I understood it correctly. o.o :eek: Haha, I want to go with you! :p I gradua…

  • Quote from xoxo.allie: “I think Twilight is becoming more popular than Harry Potter, Although HP is coming up all this new stuff like the asument park in Fl in 2010 and a exhibition in science musems. I still think Twilight is on the top of list now. Also the last few HP films I saw were dissapointing.” I hadn't heard about the amusement park. o.o That's kind of cool. Ha, why an exhibition in science museums? :p I agree with you on the movie thing. The last movie "Order of the Phoenix" wasn't al…

  • Which books did you like more, Harry Potter or Twilight? Which movie(s) did you like more, Harry Potter or the Twilight movie? Do you think that Twilight will become more popular, or is more popular then Harry Potter? I was thinking about that after viewing the Twilight movie. Personally, I find it easier to get into the Twilight books V.S. the Harry Potter ones. I enjoyed the Twilight Movie, as well as the Harry Potter movies. :p Those are both pretty great in my opinion. As for the third quest…

  • Re: Adoption

    The Wolf - - Debate and Discussions


    I think it's a good thing to do.

  • I find this a bit scary. :p I use to play RuneScape for hours on end. I'm sure I hit that 20 hour mark over a weekend, or summer break more then once. I don't see why playing would put you into a seizure, but then again I did have enough sense to eat something. :p