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  • It's the principle that's unfair. I don't mind gays in my bathroom. I just think it's a HUGE double standard.

  • Re: WE TV Casting Call

    Manny - - Advertising Agency


    ok thanks

  • Re: lookin fly is underrated

    Manny - - Fashion


    Fitted hats are the ultimate douche bag look.

  • Incest

    Manny - - Debate and Discussions


    Should it be legalized? Why or why not?

  • Re: Homosexual Marriage

    Manny - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from pat93: “No. Just because it's a mammal doesn't mean it's the same species.” So, is it okay for incest to be legalized with gay marriage or not?

  • Re: Homosexual Marriage

    Manny - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from pat93: “Beastiality can't even be related to homosexuality. That's a completely different thing. Different species. And homosexuality was considered common place in the past. The Roman's were always getting it on with 12 year old boys.” Wasn't it Caligula, a roman emperor, that had sexual relations with his pet horse? I hope you agree with incest, because if not, you're being very hypocritical with the species argument.

  • Quote from artizhay: “Wouldn't that be making said straight men uncomfortable to shower with gay men?” That would certainly make me feel uncomfortable. :p

  • They aren't mentioned because the Bible is a story tale.

  • Your Iris Says You're Very Spiritual You are incredibly hopeful and courageous. Even when you've been challenged in life, you have faith that everything will work out. Your feelings run deep, and you are a very grateful person. You are very effected by the world around you. You are thankful for the life you lead.

  • You Are The Homebody You feel happiest in the comfort of your own home. You have plenty to keep you busy. You love to have friends over and entertain. You're proud of the sanctuary you've created. You are content to spend an afternoon baking or reading. You don't need much to feel content. You think nothing is better and cozier than a night in. What could be better than good food, good company, and comfortable furniture?

  • You Are a Modern Chair You are confident and sure of yourself. You don't hide behind anything or anyone. You rock a simple elegance that people are jealous of. You don't feel like you have to dress up who you are. You are usually the coolest person in the room - and you know it. You can't help but be a bit of a snob. You find it difficult to relax or let your guard down. You are afraid of being too sloppy. -- Agreed.

  • Dave Matthews Band. Overrated trash.

  • Re: Homosexual Marriage

    Manny - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Wam0bie: “What these straight guys here opposing to gay marriage are hypocrites, they only find it “disgusting” because of the male on male intimacy, yet notice none of them mentioned how they felt about lesbians marrying each other? Homosexual marriage implies people of the same gender wither its two females or two males tying the knot. But these straight males in here only place the emphasis on gay men marrying one another…. Hypocrites… I however am a straight male and have no issue…

  • Re: Homosexual Marriage

    Manny - - Debate and Discussions


    My opinion on gay marriage: I think anyone has the right to love. I personally love women and think gay marriage is disgusting. That is my opinion, however. Even though I think it is wrong, I don't have a problem with someone else doing it. It's not something I would even consider myself getting into. Also, why is it that homosexuality is viewed as OK, but bestiality is not? What if my friend really loves his donkey? He can't get married to the thing he loves? See where I'm going with this?

  • Quote from Tessa98: “So much ignorance in here, sad Are you all straight guys? With the exception of Die Afrikaaner who seems very well educated.” Ignorant? I think this topic needs to be addressed.

  • Quote from Esmo: “There is a practical argument. If you were to take into account sexuality as well, you would end up with four bathroom types, which is messy and takes up space, so the simplest solution is to go with the heterosexual majority and split it male/female. It has its flaws, but I can't see another solution. Personally, I'm not bothered about anyone seeing my willy, and I'd certainly be more bothered about sharing facilities with women than with gay men. (I'm straight, I'd just feel …

  • So, I was thinking about it. In my college, dorm bathrooms aren't co-ed for obvious reasons. That leaves us with a single-sex bathroom. However, gays are able to take showers with the sex they love. Why can't I? How is that fair? Your thoughts?

  • You Are Contemplative You are a very introspective and even meditative person. You think everything through carefully. You find it easy to get absorbed in your thoughts. You are quite dreamy and wistful. You may have your head in the clouds, but you're still very clever and insightful. You are well informed. You give sound advice and you make shrewd decisions.

  • Re: Lil Wayne!

    Manny - - Music


    He has some good stuff. Tha Carter III was a great album. However, his new shit is absolutely terrible. "I Am Not A Human Being" - I felt embarrassed listening to it.

  • Do you have the guts take this survey? Yea. Would you do meth if it was legalized? No. I've seen what that shit does. I preach the theory of doing everything at least once. In this case, I would stay away. Plus, I believe only 10-20% of people who try meth recover from the addiction. Abortion: for or against it? I haven't been in that situation so I can't say for sure. However, I say it should be legalized because who am I to say that person can't have one? Do you think the world would fail with…