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  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Rainbow Written by: Joshua Ward Listen to the calling of the world You run so fast but you dont show The scars around your wrist, Your neck is bleeding but you dont see how Life is coming back at you, You run on though the troubleshooting expert It's a matter of converse You walk along these streets alone, NOt trying to blend in at all, Your worrying, about something that you cant leave at all You are afraid Of the night when its only you alone Dont be afraid Just tell me you love me, and…

  • Re: Another poem by me.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    You're welcome ~Josh~

  • Re: Another poem by me.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    This is both really romantic and sad at the same time. I love it. ~Josh~

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    haha. Sorry about that. I do write a lot, hence all the poems. Thanks though. ~Josh~

  • Re: Fucking Shallow

    JoshuaWard - - Friends and Family


    People who make fun of others are stupid. It's not nice and not funny. ~Josh~

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Love Poem Written by: Joshua Ward Revolutions of the human heart Keeping track of light so not lost in the dark Keeping close to touch and feel Never too far, yet never nearer still Is this judgment that you seek for me Am I just a piece of your jewelry? Taken by a portal of grace Am I just in an illusion that is a mistake? Take me now, for what I’ve done, Feelings that always keep me on the run Paranoia now sets in Bearing scars of old, I turn myself in To the darkness eternally Given to…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Prisoner of false Love Written by: Joshua Ward ~Prisoner of false Love~ The body drowns in delight as it throws itself at your feet. praise be to the gods for what a splendid occasion this is. New such love, for not ever has one fallen for Posted on a caravan, reminders of the past shall always reminisce To never keep the light from dimming out Again as we travel fourth, we are the complex of the simple, The beauty unseen, unnoticed by all. Such is a good day, when war is not so common, Y…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Passion Written by: Joshua Ward Hearts become one as Moonlight vanishes under the sun. Another night, another romance, truly a blessing to be with such as you. Happiness is felt by me, along with mixed emotions Is this a form of currency, just another way to wrap me around your finger? Tell me now, or am I not enough? Do I not satisfy the craving you seek to have? Truth be told, it’s on your fingertips, this red ribbon of mine. Will you wrap me in it to become yours again, or am I to be l…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Suspense Written by: Joshua Ward Drops of Blood, scented sweet, like a candle flame. Smoke fills the room, the oil in the cans by the furnace, convenient I suppose. Taking the 'right way' or 'wrong way,' it matters not. The choice is yours. Live or die, -play- for keeps... Does the intoxication of smoke intensify the feelings burning of lust for you, Or are you simply mesmorized by the scent of what lies beneath the skin, as time unfolds, you'll know what I mean... Deep, delicious, full o…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Untitled Written by: Joshua Ward Justification, Gratification, Sexual turn-on's and off's. Torn apart by the daily boring sutilties of life. So boring.. Waiting for something new. Grab me and take me somewhere, exciting, thrilling, with blood on your lips as you kiss me. Make it fresh and exciting, whatever I want, cause I want satisfaction, nothing more. Sexual pleasure, is that what you desire, To see me on the floor, seeking pleasure and pain, with a knockback to the floor, My heart is…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Burn Written by: Joshua Ward Hospital beds, and restless nights. Nights of turning from one end to the other, My face drenched in sweat from the thoughts that surround me. Some think of death, some think of life. Some scratch their head, lighting their morning cigarette. A light of morning due sorrounds the planet as the sun rises. Yet to some, who choose not to care, this means nothing. But a deep sorrow, which can never be cleansed, wraps around the helpless humans. Deep, dark secrets -…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Life from a Pen Written by: Joshua Ward A light blush of pink. A soft-shaded blue. Tranquility escapes from the mind to the pen. Deeply concentrated upon your work, Not letting your mind waver the thoughts surrounding you. Like a pencil in flight. Suspended from the fingers, Elegant shadows draw near. As attractive as you are, it's only natural that one would try to take such beauty. Yet they shall not. I shall protect you always. My love for you drives me foreward to do the impossible. A…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Family Written by: Joshua Ward Tears become water that you drink from my eyes. Sensual? No. Just a lover, perhaps -as they say- Kept in these secret, scarlet red chains, I am ~mixed emotions~ Happy for love, Sad for bite. Heh. A small one upon your neck. Touching, isn't it. Blood becomes a rose upon my side, captivating your lips. Unusual? No. Just a friend, maybe -so they say- Emotions are left inside, Like a box upon my heart, left for you to open. Choose wisely. A touch of rose upon th…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Rough Draft 9 Written by: Joshua Ward Whisky -from a bottle- brightly orange, As beautiful as sunlight. The cap is removed, to taste the aroma. Sweet, like caramel, yet slightly stale -as expected- The 'sensual' choice of drink -for such a night- Alone, with ghosts running through the house to 'Keep' you company. Blankets of white and transparency surround you The bottle touching your forehead, you form a smile on your face And -laugh- a little. Set down for another day, you wrap yourself…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Rough Draft 8 Written by: Joshua Ward 'Strong,' you say? I doubt that very much. I lack the strength to protect others. True strength, is strength to protect those precious to you. -- If one cannot -make their way- through the world, One is lost. -- Kept within the hands of a child, one finds -peace- in a locket. A touch of such a thing awakens the thoughts within. A smile appears, a hug, -gentle as it is- takes over my body. This moment of peace and -happiness- is.. Nice. -- The rusty ro…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Rough Draft 7 Written by: Joshua Ward Cold, dark, with rat holes in the walls. I stay here, in this empty cell, for a sentence of a crime Commited by me. Was it wrong for me to do so? Perhaps the gods will tell me one day. The walls around me start to cave, I hug my knees, Listening to the sounds of water come through the rugged roof. It's slowly but surely going to crumble me in two.. A 'just' punishment for a sinner such as I. The bars, though broken, are too much for me to handle. Bare…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Rough Draft 6 Written by: Joshua Ward Rivers pour and mystify Out of a cup that now is dry. Children wait with anticipation For the moment to taste the sweet creation. A smile is formed on a child's face After a mother's loving embrace. Happiness made, chocolate cookies shared Love knows no bounds, even when a dare Is made to care about someone else, Someone different, someone new, someone you -cant- trust. Yet you go, despite the risks, and give a friend a chocolate 'kiss' It is enjoyed,…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Rough Draft 5 Written by: Joshua Ward A box of chocolates is what life is 'like' Sugar, mountains of thrill and delight. Yet not to rhyme is such a purpose of this. Neither 'poetry' nor 'prose' It is, what you make of it. -- Silent nights are danced away Through the rustling of the -sheets- The emptiness, Filling of a void. Space calls to you to be filled. Imagination sparks a song -- Come -together- Be 'yourself' Let go of all your inhibitions Thoughts, cares, the selfless body in which …

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Rough Draft 4 Written by: Joshua Ward 'Thought' A word of countless mysteries Forgotten or sealed are those of the past. A smile lightens the room to snap Slight surprise -of course-- follows. -- Point the gun the other way Not 'fire' or 'passion' in your eyes I see A 'want' -needing- to be filled with what is 'lacking' Lacking truth, lacking 'perspective' These -thoughts- are mere words It matters not how they are -spoken- As those ghosts around us float. -- Invisible to the -human- eye,…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Rough Draft 3 Written by: Joshua Ward A light which fades A dark embrace -- Life becomes dark, light has been sealed from the eyes Begging to 'see' that --light-- A look in the mirror to see what's become And so she sits, -- Death from a page, torn from a -sacred- book Explanations matter not Time is irrelevant' Moving, creeping Slowly for sure. A teardrop follows -- Captivated, in invited soul wanders Aimlessly searching For what is found --is found-- And what -is said- shall be said to …