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  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    This was written out of boredom. I hope you all like it. Title: Forgotten Author: Joshua Ward Music: Crossfade: Colours Touch the silicon on your hand, wrapped on your shoulders blue. The night turns green, aquamarine moments of pure bliss while taking a bath in salty water. It dissolves your skin, transforming you into a friendly specimen for experimentation. You think nothing of the thought, another gun pointed to my chest, I feel no pain, but relief that I am where I am. A floating star, sear…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    This was written out of boredom Title: Thread Written by: Joshua Ward Music: Taku Iwasaki - Robin The rotten plasticine on your wrist hasn't faded from yesterday. Still the marks of red on your neck wont fade away in a single night. You were torn, as was the garbage. He said you were as filth itself, drowning yourself in a false sense of the word love, that you so desperately clung to. Your lungs now dry, water an inch away, you are battered and left for dead. Death doesn't seem so bad when mort…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    This was written out of boredom. Title: Exist Written by: Joshua Ward The forgotten ones we trample on the sidewalk, stamping their name on the backs of our souls. Hearing their words in our ear we cry out a simple sigh that is nothing more then a memory. We are all made up of lies and illusions, casting our magic in the shadows. We fear what we do not understand, naturally. The black ink sinks unto the page. Bit by but we grow together, inhabiting each others gossip, it's true. We are the vanis…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Revenge Written by: Joshua Ward Music: The Spin Cycle: All You Got Life is a whirlpool of sin and drugs, disguised with fake smiles of death, cold glares of the "hello" and the dark secrets of the handshake. Broken and unable to stand, we grit our teeth to make the point of the "can" instead of the obvious, yet so unbelievably oblivious truth, of the cannot. We are unique, wanting to unite the worlds under one roof called home, yet we shut our doors out to those who truly need a roof. Tho…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    This was written out of not really knowing what else to write. Title: Fear Written by: Joshua Ward Music: Paramore: Let the Flames Begin This world is made up of winners and losers who try to cancel each other out by mere intimidation. Such fragility we try to hide as we are not good or macho enough, so we cower in the backgrounds, clinging to our made up defenses to keep us safe. Life is good, if only for the blink of an eye. A single moment of time that is erased when you lose consciousness an…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Happiness Written by: Joshua Ward Music: Inoue Norio - Kaeru Basho Life Rewritten, like candy in a bottle. Opened, vast doors for you to explore. Laughter, crying, pain, happiness. Which will you choose? Be happy with your life, that you are alive. Life is precious, so each of us has value. Not one is scarred, or damaged, we are all clean, little angels wrapped in white cloth. Look inside the eyes of your child tonight, and you will see she looks like you. Her spirit is inside you, and sh…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Hello Written by: Joshua Ward ~Hello~ Hello world of broken dreams. Hello world of endless suffering. Hello to steak knives and rifles. Hello to stupidity. Hello to amusing evils. Hello to broken glass windshields. Hello to inevitability. Hello to the soul. Hello to rotting insides, filled with grief and regret. Hello to pleasureable torment just to feel alive. Hello to these greener pastures beneath dark grey clouds. Hello to whirlpools of wind and turbulence. Hello to these finder thing…

  • Re: My first poem

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    You're welcome

  • Re: My first poem

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    This is cute. ~Josh~

  • The Spin Cycle: 1982

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: For the Ones you Love Author: Joshua Ward Music: The Spin Cycle: 1982 Take care of me when I'm down Protect me when I'm weak Love me when I'm unwanted Pick me a rose that is worn Keep it and treasure the life that you have Don't ever let me go I'll never forget you, that's a promise, kay? I'll take care of you any way I can You're one of the ones that I love, and I care about you, more then these mere words can describe I hurt when you hurt, I laugh when you laugh I'll let you in when day…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    I hope you all like this poem. Title: Hope Author: Joshua Ward Written: 7:03 PM Think of ways to light the darkness Share a joy Poke a turtle on your way out Smile at the turbulence of life Deeply connected by family or fate Life springs anew, giving wake to new life. Birds sing, plants grow, people sing Give a fairy it's blessed wings To fly across the vast escape Of the sky, it's boundless beauty A light, giving thought to tomorrow.. A Child wakes into the night Life in her eyes, she waits for…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: This is Love Author: Joshua Ward Written: 9:52 AM Note: Heya T.F. Just wrote this. Heard it in my head and wrote it. Hope you all like it. ~Josh~ ~This is Love~ Be with me, Be with me And hold me close be with me, Be with me And know that I am not a ghost Come closer, just try it, Reaching out your hand so I can Catch Your Love... We're from millions of places All around the world, So many backgrounds Underneath the streets, where all the Night has Come Your time now has begun Rise to the…

  • Live (not really a poem)

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Written by: Joshua Ward Music: w-inds: still on the street The sun stroked eagle searches for the homeland Wings fluttering through the night. trying desperately to find the young she left behind. Life is, hard sometimes.. We forget what is most important to us; Friends, close friends, and abandon them for someone else.. Surely, we don't mean to, it just happens.. Friends for a second, look again and they're gone.. Yet time goes on, and we look forward, without looking back.. We really are fragi…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Before I post this, I'll apologize. I don't really know why I wrote my previous poems. I hope you all are enjoying them. I like to write. This thread will be updated often, so keep checking it. You all are awesome. Don't forget, kay? ~Josh~ ~~ Title: Dream Author: Joshua Ward Music: Taku Iwasaki: Robin (From the Witch Hunter Robin Soundtrack) Wanting to sleep in the never-ending darkness Slowly losing the life of my consciousness A dream, whatever it may be For me to see, would be a treasure A t…

  • Time

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Time Author: Joshua Ward Time goes ever slowly Ripples in the waters form, separating the lives We each live in different ways, yet a smile shatters the darkened skies Time makes its way through the forest Scattered through the mountains, surfacing through the cracks that devide us Life comes to us anew Gentle eyes and hands of a child A sweet smile she has, to protect the nations To take on the world, one step at a time She fights for love, with her heart as her guide Gentle, serious, to…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Let Me Go Author: Joshua Ward Written: 4:32 PM ~Let Me Go~ Why do you hurt me with your toxic words Your mouth that kisses me, is a poison That I desperately drink. Stop the sentence and seal the breath away I am here, yet I am weak, you make me so I have rights that I signed over to you Marriage is so blind.. Pin me up against the wall, do with me as you will Your puppet for life Tick Tick Tick goes the clock My salvation and reserves, disappearing as I stay in your arms.. Hold me till y…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Calm Author: Joshua Ward Written: 3:15 PM ~Calm~ Wrap me in your colours Red and white, gentle colours As you hug me tight Let me know you love me This gentle curiosity over takes me Kiss me gently Let life fall beneath your feet This broken canvas shall not fall Take in every part of me Let me become yours, your gentle smile fills me Are we crazy, as some have said We are human, love is part of nature, as you taught me Let me wrap you in ribbons gold For the night shall shine with your b…

  • True Love

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: True Love Author: Joshua Ward Written: Just now.. ~True Love~ Love me, hate me, treat me as you please Just don't forget that I'm only a disease Hit me, scold me, your words are cold Colder then a knife whose blade is scratched and old I cry empty tears for you, my face full of sweat I've tried, just for you, to be the perfect pet Your chains wrapped around my neck so I wouldn't get away The wedding ring is proof that I'll just melt away someday Marrying young, what was I thinking, mom al…

  • Re: A Poem I wrote.

    JoshuaWard - - Creative Writing


    Title: Romance Author: Joshua Ward I look at you during classtime. Your piercing eyes, gazing into me. My heart pounds heavily, yet I turn back to my work, as not to be fixated on you. Feeling thoughts of you with me, my heart aches for you to touch me. The bell rings, and you whisper to me at the end, a light shiver and moan escapes my breath. Taking you by the hand, I walk with you, to a small room where no one is. Hands trembling, I surround myself in you. Sudden feelings emerge within me, a …