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  • certainly not...jerking is common with almost all boys ..usually boner comes in the sleep or when I jerk , usually when I bath

  • Swim naked/Skinny Dip

    siRius15 - - Gay


    not so far..but my friend invites me to have skinny dipping in her private farm house..let me try some time

  • Hairless

    siRius15 - - Puberty


    i have seen a few in the locker room..nothing special about it

  • Clit size

    siRius15 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from BlackParadePixie: “Quote from TessTheGreat: “A bigger clit would be called a penis, and so it would be a boy, not a girl. And don't let anyone judge you for preferring them. Anyway, no girls here are going to measure theirs and tell you. It's boys that do measuring, and then they exaggerate the answer. ” not true at all. clits come in various sizes. Yes there ARE some that are freakishly large...but that doesn't mean it is a penis. ” miss. Black Parade Pixie is right....A bigger clit …

  • Lube

    siRius15 - - Teen Sexuality


    additional comfort for masturbating....some girls may insist lube if they feel tight

  • Ejaculation amount

    siRius15 - - Puberty


    As it usually spurted upwards...i could cot measure it ..but i know it may be a good quantity not lesser.

  • Quote from Natalie05: “Quote from sasha12hollandx: “Haha like about 11 years. After that maybe 2 or 3 days. ” Only made it for the first 10 years... and since then I might have gone without maybe 2 days a few times. But I try so enjoy myself at least once a day, no matter where i am or if I am in a relationship or not. Theres always a chance... you are right and it is true...m bating can not be avoided or postponed.. ” you are right ...and it is true...mbating could not be avoided or postponed..…

  • it is just like coffee addiction both for boys and girls..some may boast they not done it for a long..but you temp to do it as and when you see your see your parts ( that too when it is aroused by thoughts ) friends, do you agree with me? if YES give your likes

  • Morning Wood and Pre Cum

    siRius15 - - Puberty


    Quote from Jaret: “I know must guys will wait up with wood, but how often do you also get pre cum? I woke up this morning with it under my foreskin, and since there was no school, it made out to be a fun solo experience. ” yeah...morning wood tempts us to have a ' fun ' ....on the day i will have the ' fun' while bathing

  • any prudent boy \ girl will not reveal this to the parents..we know what will be repercussion

  • Quote from miabee: “My bf was "humping" me with his boxers on and me with my panties on. Is there any chance of penetration'pregnancy? ” absolutely impossible unless otherwise both your organs are in direct touch

  • Foreksin stretching

    siRius15 - - Puberty


    I am uncut...but i guess it is impossible to stretch as the foreskin was already lost

  • First / Last time you had sex?

    siRius15 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from MillieW: “So frist time / last time? 13/ last week With boy or girl? Boy Were did you cam? in a balloon ” Do you mean to say he cam in the condom ?

  • HP vs A1 sauces

    siRius15 - - Health and Fitness


    I am for A1 sauces

  • Masturbating with/wo clothes

    siRius15 - - Puberty


    I prefer to be fully nude to enjoy the m bating

  • hi, good to know the updates...try to get his number very casually not have an emotional approach..first discuss about the lessons..then have a casual inquiry about his family , habits etc.,During the talk , if he occasionally touches your hands just take it with a smile..

  • Boys with Foreskin

    siRius15 - - Puberty


    I am uncut...i could fully pull back the foreskin so easily so that i could expose the glans

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    siRius15 - - Fashion


    it is going to be a bed time...till that a T-shirt and boxer

  • truly speaking....NOTHING

  • Spaghetti ,garlic bread and milk with a spoon of honey