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  • Quote from maseb: “Does FWB count? ” I'd say so.

  • Showering at school after P.E.

    Durango - - General Advice


    Quote from maseb: “Quote from Callum M: “For some reason I've never minded being naked in the locker room at school. But then, I've got brothers, so maybe that has something to do with it? ” I think having brothers, especially those of us that share a room with one or more, makes nudity in front of other boys less of an issue. It can still be a little embarrassing the first time or two with boys you don't know ” Yeah, I think that having brothers helped for me, too, along with skinnydipping with…

  • Quote from BJade: “Quote from topbanana: “I am unhinged. I am ungovernable. I have around 100 accounts created over the past 2 years and I can reactivate all of them to spread the word. But I will not. I am broken. ” can't even tell the truth about that. I know you've used some of those old accounts, and I know you've tried making some new ones or there's more unhinged weirdos around ” Oh, come now, can't you give this person the benefit of the doubt? After all, look at that "evidence" they pres…

  • Is masturbating common

    Durango - - Puberty


    I hope this isn't taken the wrong way, but how is this even a question? Of course masturbation is common!

  • This is a weird idea. (Also commenting just to point out that the OP has been banned.)

  • Quote from Natacha: “Ohh no no. It's my job to hurt people, of course ” Oh, yes, we can see from that "evidence" that you are SUCH a sexual predator, Natasha. What are we going to do with you, you naughty girl?

  • Bleeding

    Durango - - Gay


    Yeah, there can be bleeding if you're not careful. In order to avoid that, you should: Use lube of some sort. The guy who's bottom needs to relax as much as he can down there. The guy who's top needs to go slowly when penetrating and listen to his partner,

  • For guys

    Durango - - Teen Sexuality


    I have, though it's been when I was showering with my boyfriend. I haven't had it happen in a locker room or anything "public" like that.

  • Quote from ParanoidTanner: “My brother comes to cuddle if hes scared. Hes on the top bunk I'm on the bottom. My own room would be great. ” How old is your brother?

  • Giving or receiving?

    Durango - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Calli: “the amount of people here who enjoy giveing more make me concerned that some people have never had good oral which is a true tragedy.(idk maybe im just selfish) ” I think that for me, while I do enjoy receiving slightly more (all right, maybe a bit more than slightly ) I still enjoy giving a lot, too, just because I AM going after another dick, after all (hey, I'm a teenage guy; what can I say?).

  • Teen penis growth

    Durango - - Puberty


    Genetics determine how big you get "down there." It doesn't matter how you sleep or what kind of underwear you wear (or don't wear), although tighter fitting clothing (including underwear) have been shown to decrease sperm production (as sperm needs a slightly cooler temperature to live, which is why your scrotum hangs down from your body).

  • Underwear Model

    Durango - - Fashion


    If the price was right, I would. Now I'm at an age that I wouldn't need parental permission to do so, but if I was younger and needed their permission to do so, I think they'd sign off on it as long as I was fine with it. After all, enough guys in the locker room at school have already seen me in less, and as others have pointed out, standard briefs cover us just much (if not more than) than, say, speedos (and of course if you're talking about boxers, then they cover up as much as guys' non-spee…

  • Quote from BlackParadePixie: “Quote from collin13: “I still look a couple years younger than I am. I'm often mistaken for 14 and I'm nearly 16. ” well what really is the big difference between a 14 yo and a 16 yo?? Especially a guy... ” Admittedly, not much.

  • Swim naked/Skinny Dip

    Durango - - Gay


    We just go swimming. We don't really think about it. I've been swimming a lot of times in lakes and have never seemed any the worse for wear for it.

  • Normally I don't like the idea of locking/deleting general topic threads, but this is one of time's I can see making an exception to that.

  • He Man and Skeletor dirty dancing

    Durango - - Music


    All right, now that was utterly random.

  • Right or left handed?

    Durango - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys



  • First time

    Durango - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Dracaufeu: “I'm stunned by the number who already had sex at 12-13-14 ” For some of us, it just happened. It's not like we set out with the idea of banging someone else while in that age range.

  • shaving differences around the world

    Durango - - Puberty


    I don't shave mine. I've got what I'd consider to be a good bush, but I don't mind, and since my boyfriend (the only other person who'd have any legitimate reason to complain about how much pubic hair I've got) hasn't ever complained either, I see no reason to shave "down there".

  • If I'm wearing anything at all (which is most of the time) I'm usually in just briefs.