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  • For many people it's the opposite. You call your sig oth by their formal name, or a shortened version of it, when around others, and keep the pet names for private.

  • Coming out story

    xols - - LGBT


    Although this is the LGBT+ group, I'm posting anyhow. Reading TaylerL's post and hearing from others, makes me very aware of a stress I've never had to experience.

  • Quote from CayceStars: “I can't believe people seriously answer this shit ” Oh, the answers aren't serious at all.

  • Quote from Pultost: “My bonus mom forgot to knock before entering one time a while back, and saw something she cannot unsee. It wasn't fun, obviously, but it wasn't the end of the world either. ” What'd she see????

  • I'm not a 'wave their flag' American, but... there really is no one American culture. That's a stereotype amongst foreigners who watch too many Hollywood movies. The culture in New York City is very different than the culture in some rural area of the South or in Wyoming. What we have in the USA (as do some other countries as well) is a lot of options. So if you want to live the rat race bec you want to increase your standard of living, or you like the energy of the rat race, you can. If you wan…

  • Don't take the quiz. It's a scam to get you replace your default browser with theirs, which they deceivingly call Chromium,to confuse you to think it's Chrome. They're a company in Republic of Cyprus, with a poor reputation. Don't fall for it and download the program. We can talk all about American culture without subjecting ourselves to a scam.

  • Yes, caricatures of, and ignorance about Americans is common amongst European teens...and adults for that matter. And yet there is a net positive immigration to the USA from all European countries. hmm.

  • Babysitting Adventure

    xols - - Friends and Family


    What a great way to handle it. Sounds like you're a good 'baby'sitter.

  • I appreciate the vote of confidence, but why are you requesting advice about starting a new business from a teen-oriented site? Granted, @lliam dose have some experience with it and gave some good advice, but usually people learn about starting a business, if they're going all into it. Do you know anything about running a business, or starting one? Do you have any ideas on what product/service you'll sell?

  • I don't think I'm wrong?

    xols - - Friends and Family


    Quote from Benni90er: “Quote from xols: “Quote from Benni90er: “I have the same feeling as Alberta. Sounds like he doesn't really love her. Lets be real here: you are not secretly together with someone who has kids without telling the kids anything until one week before living together. I don't know where you live, i wouldn't know the law there anyway, but i guess if she doesn't say anything there is nothing you can do other then talk to her and show her that this is not fair. If he earns way mo…

  • I don't think I'm wrong?

    xols - - Friends and Family


    Quote from Benni90er: “I have the same feeling as Alberta. Sounds like he doesn't really love her. Lets be real here: you are not secretly together with someone who has kids without telling the kids anything until one week before living together. I don't know where you live, i wouldn't know the law there anyway, but i guess if she doesn't say anything there is nothing you can do other then talk to her and show her that this is not fair. If he earns way more then her, he should provide more for t…