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  • Bold the ones you've read: Part One - The Classics Beowulf by Anonymous. The Collected Works of Jane Austen. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. If On a Winter's Night a Traveler by Italo Calvino. Don Quixote by Cervantes. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Coleridge. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad. The Secret Sharer by Joseph Conrad. The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane. The Collected Works of E. E. Cummings. Inferno by Dante. A Christmas Carol by Charles D…

  • Lets start out with Love: Is REAL love indescribable? Pretty much . Have you ever been in Love? Yeah . What feelings do you get when you know you love someone? It's kinda like no matter what they do , you still care about em . And you love em flaws and all . It's hard to explain . Ever get sick to your stomach because you love someone so much? Nahh . Describe in 3-5 words what your description of Love is? It is indescribable . Is love sometimes misunderstood for care? A lot of times it is . If y…

  • 1. How do you usually introduce yourself to people? Hey . I'm Sky . 2. What is the longest plane ride you've been on?: I've never been on a plane . 3. Where do you usually order pizza from?: Pizza Hut . 4. Have you ever been to Houston? Yep . Just got back from there . 5. Have you ever tripped going up steps?: Haha . Yeah . 6. Who was the last person to go to the movies with you? Paul and Le Ann . 7. What's one thing you really hope to do this summer? Go to the beach :] 8. Do you have a best fri…

  • Are you happy with your given name? I am . What is your guaranteed weeping movie? My Girl . What is the one thing you like to do alone? Read . What's a major fear or yours? Rejection - It's the biggest one I have . Are you a pyromaniac? Nah . Do you know anyone famous? Not personally , no . Describe your bed. It's a double twin . And comfy as hell . What type of character would you play in a movie? A preppy , naive girl probably . That's what I look like . What do you carry with you at all times…

  • GUY PART (even if you're a girl) [x] In the winter you love hoodies. [x] Dogs are better than cats. [ ] it's hilarious when people get hurt. [x] You've played with/against boys on a team. [ ] Shopping is torture. [ ] Sad movies stink. [ ] You own(ed) an XBox / XBox 360. [x] Wanted/played with Hotwheel cars as a kid. [ ] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter. [x]You own(ed) a DS, PS2 or Sega. [x] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers. [x] You watch sports on TV. [x] Gory movie…

  • How much should you weigh? Just put an * in the boxes thats fits you. Do you like: Junk- [x] chips [x] fast food [x] soda [x] candy [x] popcorn with butter [x] pretzels [x] peanut butter [x] ranch [ ]chicken wings [x] pizza [x] burgers [x] hot dogs [x] grilled cheese so far: 12 Vegetables- [ ] broccoli [x] carrots [ ] cauliflower [x] green beans [x] beans [ ] onions [ ] tomatoes [x] pickles [x] cucumber [ ] zucchini [ ] celery [ ] capcicum [x] peas [x] potatoes [ ] beets [ ] brussel sprouts [ ] …

  • 1.Would you chew gum after someone else already has? I have before . l0l . But most people I wouldn't . 2. What song describes your relationship status? Never Ever - Ciara . 3. How much does your dog weigh? I'm not sure how much any of them weighs . 4.Are you a heart breaker, or the broken heart? Always the broken heart . 5. Ever been skinny dipping? Oh yes ! 6. Earrings or necklace? Earrings . 7. Who have you talked to most today? Roger . 9. Friend of the opposite sex that lives closest too u? …

  • you own: Hair [x] straightener [ ] curling iron [ ] mousse [ ] hairspray [ ] gel [ ] other sprays [x] bobby pins [x] round barrel brush [x] blow dryer [x] mirror [x] you have dyed your hair [x] you have or had highlights Total: 7 Eyes [x] black eyeliner [ ] other color eyeliner [x] eye shadow [x] mascara [ ] fake eyelashes [ ] eyelash curler [x] eye shimmer [ ] colored contacts [x] stunna shades [ ]eye makeup remover Total so far: 12 Lips/Teeth [x] clear lip gloss [x] red or pink gloss [ ] lip s…

  • RED = ANGER 1. Are you currently mad at someone? Yep . 2. Which of your family members has the worst temper? Probably me or le ann . 3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone? Yes . 4. Does your face turn red when you're angry? I'm not sure . 5. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell? Yell . ORANGE = EXCITEMENT 1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? Nope . 2. Are you easily excited? Sure . 3. What event is coming up that you're most excited about? Moving to Taylor …

  • 1. What would you take from your house if you knew it would be flooded tomorrow: Everything I could . 2. If you could erase anything you ever said to anyone, what would it be? You're a piece of shit and I hate you . 3. Your stuck in a room for an hour with a chalk board, what do you draw on it? Just random doodles . 4. The theme song for your life is called? I'm not sure . 5. If your life was a movie, what category would it be in? (horror, Romance) Drama . 6. Something you wish to accomplish bef…

  • 1. Were you smiling when you woke up this morning? No . Who the hell does that anyways ? 2. When was the last time you met someone new? Uhh . Last weekend . 3. What is irritating you right now? Fucking snitches . 4. When did you last eat pizza? This morning . 5. Who is the last person you held hands with? Hope . 6. How many text messages are in your inbox? 136 . 7. What's the furthest distance you've gone in the past 3 days? Uhh . Just around town . 8. What does the sixth message in your inbox s…

  • You Are Cloudy Like everyone else, you are human. You have your ups and downs. You try to be resilient and weather the storm. You usually can find a silver lining. You struggle to be happy, and so far you are winning the battle. Make room in your life for a little fun every day. It will do wonders!

  • See How Much You’re Really Worth! – This is pretty fun Natural Hair Color: [x] Brown – $100 [ ] Blonde – $50 [ ] Black – $15 [ ] Bald – $5 [ ] Other-$75 Total: $100 Eye Color: [x] Brown – $50 [ ] Green – $75 [ ] Blue $150 [ ] Hazel $100 [ ] Other – $15 Total so far: $150 Height: [ ] Over 7′ – $200 [ ] 6′8″ to 7′ – $175 [ ] 6′0″ to 6′7″ – $150 [ ] 5′5″ to 5′11″ – $75 [ ] 5′4″ to 5′10″ – $85 [x] Under 5′4 – $95 Total so far: $245 Age: [ ] 50 to 56 – $175 [ ] 46 to 50 – $150 [ ] 41 to 45 – $125 [ ]…

  • This is scary but pretty accurate. 1. Which color is better red, black, green, blue, or yellow? 2. What’s your first initial? 3. What month is your birthday? 4. Which color do you like more, black or white? 5. Name one of your friends. 6. Your favorite number? 7. Do you like flying or driving more? 8. Do you like a lake or the ocean more? –Answers– 1. If you chose: Red: You are alert and your life is full of love. Black: You are conservative and aggressive. Green: Your soul is relaxed and you ar…

  • EMO [x] you own at least 5 black shirts [ ] you like skinny jeans [ ] you're listening to music right now [x] you have painted your fingernails black before [x] You have more than 300 songs on your ipod/mp3/itunes [ ] Like the color black [ ] hate most girly girls [x] have dyed ur hair dark [x] sometimes like to be alone [ ] hate popular music [ ] keep hair in front of your face [x] have given people evil stares [x] Hate your parents [ ] Life sucks for you [x] have been called emo [ ] Dislike th…

  • [x] You know how to make a pot of coffee [x] You keep track of dates using a calendar [ ] You own more than one credit card [ ] You know how to change the oil in a car [x] You've done your own laundry [x] You vote in every election (president) [x] You can cook for yourself [ ] You think politics are exciting TOTAL SO FAR: 5 [x] You show up for school/college/work every day early [x] You always carry a pen in your bag/purse/pocket [ ] You’ve never gotten a detention [ ] You have forgotten your ow…

  • Cinderella: [ ] One of your parents is dead [ ] You are expected to do a lot of chores [x] You love to dress up [x] You love animals [x] You are waiting patiently for your Prince Charming [ ] Your mom is really strict [x] You have sisters who seem kind of jealous of you [ ] You're afraid to speak your mind sometimes [x] You have left your shoes at a friend's house before [ ] You have blonde hair TOTAL: 5 Belle: [x] You've kissed someone your friends didn't like [ ] You've been lost in the forest…

  • All you have to do is check bands that you enjoy. ALTERNATIVE [x] Breaking Benjamin [x] Paramore [x] The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus [x] Linkin Park [ ]The Academy Is... [x]Coldplay [x]Three Days Grace [x]Yellowcard [ ]30 Seconds to Mars [ ] Rise Against TOTAL SO FAR: 7 COUNTRY [x] Rascal Flatts [x] Carrie Underwood [x] Leanne Rimes [ ] Garth Brooks [x] Dixie Chicks [x] Kenny Chesney [x] Tim McGraw [x] Faith Hill [x] Shania Twain TOTAL SO FAR: 15 "EMO" MUSIC [x] Hawthorne Heights [x] Panic! At The Di…

  • How do you feel about violence? I don't like it , but I'm not afraid to use it if needed . Do you think natural disasters could be predicted with more caution? Maybe . Do you think you make the ideal partner? No . Why/why not? No one is perfect and I'll be the first to admit that I can be less than perfect a lot of the time . Would you ever get a genital piercing? I'm actually planning on getting one soon , so yes . Do you think happiness is underrated? No . I think there isn't enough of it in t…

  • [ ] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. [ ] You have your own laptop [x] You own a cell phone. [ ] You have an ipod/ mp3 player [ ] Your parents are still together [x] You have a best friend [ ] There is a swimming pool in your backyard T 0 T A L: 2 [x] You dress how you want to. [x] hang out with friends more than once a week [ ] There is a computer/ laptop in your room [x] You have never been beaten up. [x] you NEVER cry more than twice a month. [x] You are allowed to listen to the music you want…