Search Results

Search results 101-120 of 260.

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  • 1. Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced? Yeah . I want it done eventually . 2. Does a kiss make you feel better? Sometimes . 3. Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor? Sadly , yes . 4. Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in? Before . 5. What did you do today? Just worked so far . 6. Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower? No . 7. Have you had more than 3 boyfriends/girlfriends at the same time? No . That's so wrong . 8. Have you eve…

  • (x) Do you ask for a booth when you go out? (x) Have you asked ever asked for another table when you are being sat? ( ) Have you every Asked for another table because the table next to you had a small Child? ( ) Do you cut your server off when they are greeting you? ( ) Do you ask for Extra Lemons when you order water? ( ) Do you totally ignore your server when they approach the table? ( ) Have you ever asked if your sever to wait so you could talk on your cell phone? (x) Do you occupy a table f…

  • You Are What You are a very smart person, and you are happiest when you're learning something new. You're interested in so many things, and you feel like there's always more to discover. You're very curious. You believe that knowledge is empowerment. You do your best not to be ignorant about anything. You are well read and continually adding to your database of information. You never stop learning.

  • Have you ever seen a comet, asteroid, or any other sky event? Yes . Name two celebrities that are over 40 that you'd still bang: Brad Pitt & Halle Berry . Do "your mom" jokes honestly ever get old? Yep . What is the earliest age in your childhood that you can recall? 2 . How often do you have dreams that actually come true? Hardly Ever . Ever experienced that "deja-vu" feeling? Yes . If you were the first man on the moon, what would you have left there? No idea . Have you ever had your palm read…

  • Do you prefer profile pictures by yourself of with someone else? With someone . When's the last time you had Sunny D? A long time ago . Is there anything pink within five feet of you? Yes . Have you ever told someone you hated them and meant it? Yes . Do you and your friends ever make up 'code names' for people? No . Would you rather go out to breakfast, lunch or supper? Supper . Do you know how to work a barbecue? No . Do you find it rude when people text when they're talking to you? No . What …

  • Why do you take surveys? They're addictive. How many questions was the last survey you took? Didn't count. Do you even check? No. Do you hate short surveys? Nahh . Does it bother you when someone says they will call, but they don't? Usually not . I hate talking on the phone anyways . Have you ever spent the night in a hospital? Yes. What were you scared of when you were a child? Not much . What the dirtiest song you've ever heard? No idea. Do you live near the country? Well I'm moving to the cou…

  • What does your last text/IM say? O fun me to . What's your favorite thing about life? That I can do whatever I want . Are you a sensitive person? Lol yeah i guess . Are you an easygoing person? Mostly . What are your views on Harry Potter? I like it . Twlight? I've never really took the time to see if I like it to be honest . Do you listen to the radio often? Yessir ! What's your favorite thing about school? I didn't really like school till I got to college . In college , I liked learning shit t…

  • so, how's life? Could be better. how many hours of sleep would you say you got last night? 5 1/2 . what's the last book you read, was it good? Same Kind of Different as Me && yes it was . what color are the walls in your bedroom? I don't have a room till tomorrow . do you have pictures of your friends, and family in your bedroom? I will . do you have posters of celebrities on the walls in your bedroom? No. who is the last person you said "just leave me alone." to? Idr . ever had a really bad sun…

  • You Are Creative You are the type of person who always has to be creating something - whether it's something beautiful or something useful. You enjoy getting involved in huge projects. Your projects usually don't have a beginning or an ending. You are always ready to mix things up a bit and do something different. You're constantly looking for inspiration. You are unique and special. And you have learned how to uses your strengths well.

  • Re: Getting revenge!!!

    skyanna1990 - - General Advice


    You'd have to let the eggs rot for awhile outside for them to smell bad enough . Plus , you shouldn't give him warning , so wait a few days . Find out where his locker is , then put a stink bomb in it . Or steal his books and fuck them up so he has to pay for em :) Even better yet , find out where he lives and put rice in his yard . Then when he mows , it'll slice him up pretty good :) Haha . I could tell you a million and one things to do . l0l . I'm amazing at getting revenge and am actually w…

  • do alot of people think you are an annoying person? No. do you think personally, you are an annoying person? Maybe a little. if you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? Somwhere tropical chillin on the beach :) have you ever had a friend that got a bf/gf,and then completly ignored you? Pretty much . do you like anyone right now? Sure. are you in a relationship? No. and how's that working out for you? ^ Hate it. do you play any computer games, if so, what ones? I play Sim…

  • Nice . I can really relate to your poem :]

  • That is actually a scam virus . Or at least that's what we call it here in our computer repair shop . It can come up just from you opening up the internet via botnets . That happened to the owner of this shop . The only way to get rid of it is to hook up your harddrive to a different computer and clean it up that way without actually booting up that harddrive because the virus is a rootkit virus. Meaning that it loads before your operating system does . It also comes from clicking links and can …

  • Re: Favorite Lyrics?

    skyanna1990 - - Music


    "Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)" and . . . "So can I get a wish to end the politics And get back to the music that started this shit So here I stand and then again I say I'm hopin' we can make some wishes outta airplanes" both from airplanes by B.O.B. feat . Hayley Williams and Eminem

  • Re: straight guy stuck in a bi body?

    skyanna1990 - - LGBT


    That means you're bi . You just lean more towards heterosexual relationships . But because you are attracted to both men and women you are bi . I find myself in more relationships with women than men so I know what you mean . I just lean more towards the other way . It's completely normal . You are just a bi guy , not a straight guy stuck in a bi body .

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    skyanna1990 - - Teen Sexuality


    i guess i might would HUG him .

  • Re: Is it rape?

    skyanna1990 - - Teen Sexuality


    It isn't rape if it was consensual . The only way it is rape is if you said no and he didn't stop . And you are too close in age for it to be considered statutory rape .

  • Re: colored contacts?

    skyanna1990 - - Fashion


    green or purple I want both colors sooo bad . . .

  • Well , have you guys had sex yet and did you enjoy it ? If so , then you're bisexual . If not , then you are probably straight . Just because you are bisexual doesn't mean you have to be equally attracted to men and women . You would be bisexual but lean straight . Whereas about 60% of the people I date are female so I'm bisexual but lean lesbian . It might help if you knew the correct definition of each term so here they are : Heterosexual (Straight) - a : of, relating to, or characterized by a…

  • Yes it's normal . Most guys do it either because their sex drive is higher than their girlfriend's and they don't want to bug her or because they like the feeling of it . Jacking off and sticking a dick in a pussy have two totally different feelings I'd suppose . As for do they have to think happy thoughts or can they jack off to porn well , i'd hope they'd jack off to porn . It'd be a little weird to think of them just sitting on a bed jacking off with nothing to see to make them want to jack o…