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  • Hmm weird, very weird. If you never start the conversation first, why the hell he cannot understand that you are not interested. Hmm, no wonder you dont have any feelings for him The last option with you is to say it directly, but if he is that clingy, it can burst him into a big emotional depression.....

  • I'm glad you used the word "want" and not "need". So you're on the right track...

  • What are you waiting for? Go forward with your plans to start dating her.....distance doesnt matter and shouldnt, 1.5hrs is nothing.

  • Sometimes girls should also be direct instead of waiting for things to happen. Ask him what exactly is he this!

  • He liked you and you rejected him. But he still carried on with the same feelings, under no circumstances did he kiss you without having those same feelings, moreover he was drunk which confirms it. Now, you have rejected him, so he doesnt want to look like a loser by getting rejected again, so he called it off as a friendly thing. If you like him, get the message across to him, directly or indirectly through a friend or something. See how he comes to you..

  • Ask the same question to yourself, is it okay if your boyfriend has 2 girlfriends?

  • And I thought all girls mastered in the art of turning down a man in the nicest way possible... Guess I was wrong. As a guy, I'd suggest to be direct in saying whats inside you, but that would probably be the last thing you'd do. Woman.....hmm....try something like this : - Talk to him less on msn? Act busy even if you're not? If he asks for a hug or acts so clingy, tell him that you dont really feel like hugging right now, if he acts like in love, be straight and give him hints that you're not.…

  • I hope you did NOT break up with your girlfriend for this girl? And this girl saying she likes you is just a minor crush, she is free to go and do whatever she wants with whichever guy and you cannot say a word to her. If you are a serious type of a guy, better stay away from her, or else if you want to have some fun just, go for her.

  • Re: true love

    Mayank - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I've fucked several years of mine thinking I was in true love, nothing really happened. She ended up dating a Jerk, who was married and had a kid, 12 years older than her. The day I realise I horribly wasted my life for what I thought was true love! I really hate the words true and love together.

  • Someone has said it for a reason, you should NEVER tell people about the girl you like and NEVER to the girl you like it. She should know it herself from guesses that you are interested. Because if someone confirms her 100% that you are interested, the girl thinks "Do I like him?" "Do I feel for him at all?" If she gets a NO, she will run away from you. She gets a chance to be all bossy since she knows you've already fallen for her and she can control you now. You'll be her puppet and she will p…

  • No offense, but girls do NOT like nice guys anything more than a friend. If you're too nice, you're end up being best friend forever but not a boy friend. Every girl wants a jerk, they are just pre programmed from birth to identify a jerk or a nice and they will always go for the jerk. If you're nice, still managed to date someone, they'll end up leaving you for a jerk or she'll try to change you into a jerk PS - Its about time you learn the ways to be a jerk ;) ---------- Post added at 11:41 PM…

  • The worst part is you cannot do anything. Under no circumstances should you bring it up with them because they'll burst. You'll be out numbered 2 vs 1 and things will get worse than what it is now. Sorry, but the only thing you can do is to let it go. People change, it is inevitable. All you should do is to try to not let it worry you. Hard is it?

  • Re: This girl

    Mayank - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Forget the new girl and stay with your girlfriend. And also stop cheating on your girlfriend by kissing and sleeping with this younger girl. Do you want to spoil the 3.5 years relationship for a new girl who is 3 years younger as well?

  • Guys dont play waiting games. If a guy knows that the girl he likes is interested in a relationship, he is not going to waste his time and ask the girl out. The point here is that he is making excuses of not wanting a relationship. The fact that he is still getting close is only for "Benefits" getting physical, kissing etc. If you let him to kiss you, you only do it because you like them and you hope for some future, like a relationship. Think what do you want, get close, kissing etc without a r…

  • 2 days is too short period to judge anything. If this goes on for a longer time then she is probably not feeling attracted towards you. And if she tells you on your face that "I dont want to talk to you" then let it be, leave her alone. It is not good to bug her at that time, give her the space she is demanding from you. And never say "Have I dont anything wrong?" Even if you have done nothing wrong, she'll start feeling inside that its all your fault. And dont believe her when she said "everyth…

  • That confirms that she has some interest for sure. A girl coming and saying Hi all the time is a big sign! Big one!! And if the girl is flirting, you can make out from the way she talks. Okay does she hold her hair sometimes while talking to you? does she smile a lot when talking to you? Does she eye contact you? Did you ever look at her and found her staring you and turned eyes away as soon as you made eye contacted? Anyway from what you said, it definitely looks like she is interested.

  • You didnt tell us anything that can make us judge if she likes you or not. Tell us the hints she gives, give us some more information, how she responds to what you say, etc etc. Tell us whatever makes you feel she likes you, and maybe then we can judge. And DONT give her hints back. Men dont give hints. When time comes, you directly approach them.

  • Re: my friend

    Mayank - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Bamboo: “ If you feel like it, just have sex to clear the tension, then move on. You're both aware that University will provide plenty of opportunities for a potentially more stable relationship.” Why would she have sex knowingly that there is nothing going to work out? That sounds just not right.

  • Re: my friend

    Mayank - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Wait wait, he first told you that he is not interested in relationship at all because this or that reasons. And then he claims that he kinda likes you and gets a little bit physical as well after that? Ahm Ahm, looks like a guy game here. He probably is looking only to have some close/little physical relationship kinda thing till they are off to uni. I am seriously suggesting to back off and be friends ONLY, do not let him get physical to you, even though it is only a bit. A guy honestly is NEVE…

  • Re: Need Help

    Mayank - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    If a girl does not text you first, means one of the following : - 1. You text her often and she knows that you will text her anyway, so why would she do? It even makes it look you're the only one interested. works for the girl! 2. She is not much interested, but if you have good conversations and for hours straight, means she does like talking to you, well you figure it out from the way she talks, flirt a bit, be funny/sarcastic, her replies will tell you. This is not likely the case. 3. She is …