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  • Quote from RollinRightInuit: “Ok, this is Dom: 17-fret Gold Tone Irish Tenor Banjo, most expensive thing I own And this is George: :D” Whoa looks very nice! That is so cool- I want a banjo now My trumpets the most expensive thing I own too. I should totes name it... hmmm now i can't think of a name.

  • Quote from ShadowNinja: “ Cost me 50p :D” :o nice. Quote from Llivio: “ jealously all around hahaa :D” Very much so :p Quote from RollinRightInuit: “I'll take a picture of my banjo tomorrow when it's bright :p Possibly my uke too.” Photos?

  • Quote from Sar-uh?: “Yeah, physically spit on.” People can be complete and utter pigs unfortunately

  • Re: hipster haircut

    Albus Dumbledore - - Fashion


    defs better minus teh mullet

  • Here's my baby. a Bach Stradivarius 180 series Bb trumpet. Had it for 8 years now and never want to give it up. I love it to bits. The mouthpiece is also Bach. It's a limited edition made about 50 years ago. I had to track it down because I wanted its deeper cup. SANY0139.jpg Anyways- your turn

  • I have. I was in a relationship for 14 months 1 week and 3 days. Honestly- It's so much more worthwhile then just going about physical flings.

  • It can take me anywhere from half an hour to 2 hours (depending on how much TV/interwebs I watch while getting ready. I also pack my bag and make my lunch the night before so that cuts down the time and allows for more leisure. I like to take my time in the morning. -wake up/ hit snooz a couple of times -switch computer on and stumble to the bathroom -shower -hair (depending on what's happening I might go to the effort of drying/straightening, otherwise a bit of KMS styling paste'll do the trick…

  • This is some of my favorite time lapse photography of one of my favorite places, Circular Quay Sydney. (the time lapse doesn't actually start untill about 2:30 in [ame=''][/ame]

  • Hmm yeh I ws considering buying Rhode, which are Audio Technica rebranded. The guy recomended them over anything else they had in store including the AKG range, but I can't afford 500.

  • I love timelapse

  • Quote from Esmo: “Does this piece follow a format (eg. sonata, minuet etc.) that you could simply plonk on the title and label '1' after it? If that kind of nomenclature was good enough for the greats, it'll be good enough for you. I have to admit that I think most of the names that have been suggested so far are quite soppy” Nah, it doesn't really follow any real musical form. At the moment soppy titles are the only things that fit. I was also thinking 'Carpe Diem' which roughly translates from…

  • Quote from dusk: “Off topic but I think one day you should try a collab with someone to make a hip hop beat, instrumental or not. Or send some of your stuff to game studios. Or both :cool:” ahaha, quite a way off that yet... but one day I hope to be a professional composer. After many, many years of study and work experience.

  • lol, yeh cos a forum for teenagers is a great place to advertise a production company...

  • gaaah i don't even know how it happened but i tried to mix some music the other night and the drives are brokeded. was given these by a family friend and hence have no proof of purchase to claim warrenty. So now I have to get a new pair of cans and I don't have enough money to by anything as good as the 595s Fortunately i went to the music shop today to test some new ones and the guy recommended the Shure SRH 440s. They're fantastic, especially for 150AUD. I mean they're no HD595s but they'll do…

  • Probably something to do with the boot order. Your computer will be looking for a dvd drive that's not connected to boot before the HDD. One of my friends had this problem when they removed their floppy drive, they had to change the boot order

  • Probably not much tbh. You'd probably only get people buying it for parts and the 8GB model isn't even sold anymore. I know the Apple store in Sydney will trade in old iPods for a discount on a new one. If you're thinking of getting a new one this is probably the way to go.

  • Quote from rmg126: “Kinda like desktop Windows, then. :wink: But here Verizon is the way to go...AT&T sucks, and T-Mobile is a joke. So if/when it does come to Verizon, it'll be worth the wait. I just hope Apple are smart and release a hybrid CDMA/GSM model and not a CDMA-only version, that would be lame. Also, I'm beginning to think the so-called antenna "issue" is really overhyped and fueled mostly by Apple-haters...I've messed with friends' iPhone 4s and when I tried the "death grip", the sig…

  • Quote from rmg126: “Watch, now that I've got this, the BEAUTIFUL DELICIOUS IPHONE 4 WILL COME TO VERIZON and I won't be able to get it without paying $600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 :cries:” mmm... I love it in Australia, all carriers have the iPhone. And as soon as they release a model with a hardware fix for the antenna issue I'ma getting me one on Optus

  • Re: Calling all string players

    Albus Dumbledore - - Music


    I play the trumpet not a string instrument but that's ok cos it's so much better :p

  • Quote from LosingHer: “Yup, the iTouch came out with a camera finally. But no money to buy it.. I'm broke lol >.<” Gaaaahhhhh!!! sorry... But i really really don't like it when people say iTouch. It's called an iPod Touch. Sorry for my rant... that is all