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  • Re: knuckle tats ?

    Kerosene - - Fashion


    It's his body, what right do you have to dictate what he does with it?Make your opinion known, but other than that, accept it. I personally would not get a tattoo that would be visible like that all the time. All of mine are easily hidden but it's just a personal preference as was his decision to get his on his knuckles.

  • Depends. It wouldn't put me off dating them, not at all, I mean, my mom and my relationship was like that,same with my brother's and our mom's. But if I could eventually see myself wanting to spend my life with that person and perhaps have kids,get married etc, I would want their family in our lives to share those things with and I would want the children to be able to see their grandparents on good terms and whatnot. If that couldn't happen than it would definitely cause some problems for me an…

  • Re: Changing my name?

    Kerosene - - General Advice


    Quote from BattleForTheSun: “theres this guy i know that is called Akgo (aahkho) but everyone, even his mother calls him timothy” Same deal with my ex. His name is Sayyannarra(Sigh-a-nara) but everyone calls him Dave.

  • Re: Long one

    Kerosene - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    what do your house keys look like? Like keys?No idea tbh. I can't even remember the last time we locked the front door. measure a strand of your hair.. how long is it? 15 inches. do you have anything signed by a celeb? I have a jersey signed by all the Maple Leaf players. what's the 3rd line to your country's national anthem? True Patriot love, and all our sons command. what do your favorite socks look like? No favorite. do you like peas, corn, or carrots better? Carrots. Corn and Peas have way …

  • Re: Changing my name?

    Kerosene - - General Advice


    Would you only be getting people to call you by this assumed name or do you plan to legally change your name? I know that when I get my wedding certificate in the mail, I'm going to be assuming my husband's last name. Not legally taking it mind you, that's a hassle I don't want to deal with but I can just present my marriage certificate at the government office and change my name on all my IDs and legally, I can go by either my husbands last name or my maiden name but on my birth certificate, my…

  • At your age, you should be focusing on things other than a relationship, especially one you're not comfortable in.

  • Virginity is subjective. Some people consider having oral sex losing their virginity, some people say anal, some people say only vaginal intercourse. It's all up to you.

  • Re: Opinions of Hairstyle

    Kerosene - - Fashion


    He's dreamy, but his hair could be better which means your hair could most likely be better.

  • Re: So theres this guy

    Kerosene - - General Advice


    ^I was in the same situation when I was younger. I had a friend who was 21 and I was 15, we had feelings for each other, messed around a bit but he came to his senses before it got too far.

  • Re: Hmm question?

    Kerosene - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Locachick: “I said it was a mistake I don't find it discusting and I accept it.” Awh! Good for you.^_^

  • Re: Hmm question?

    Kerosene - - Teen Sexuality


    Apparently you aren't since you're referring to it as a mistake. Just saying.

  • Re: Hmm question?

    Kerosene - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Locachick: “Well in my opinion your a jerk.” That's fine. I'm not the one who fucked a family member so I'm okay with that.

  • Re: Hmm question?

    Kerosene - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Locachick: “It was a mistake but I don't think it means I have mental issues” And that is your opinion:)

  • Re: Hmm question?

    Kerosene - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Locachick: “So say if someone is 14 and they have sex with a 16 year old in my state legaly that is rape, so do you think that's discusting? Just because the law says so? And he doesn't live with me anymore he moved out before I even met my boyfriend” No, I don't consider that disgusting because where I live, the law says different and I've grown up with it and am used to it this way. Until recently actually, a 12 year old could legally have sex but it was recently changed to 16. Here…

  • Re: Hmm question?

    Kerosene - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Locachick: “In a legal sense it does. But the people you just happen to get stuck with isn't my idea of family.” What your idea of family is and what your family LEGALLY is is two different things. So in your eyes, you may have just slept with a "roommate" but legally, you slept with a family member that you also have to live with. Imagine how much your man must love that.

  • Re: Hmm question?

    Kerosene - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Locachick: “A peice of paper does not make someone family.” Legally, yes it does make him a family member. That's what marriage does darling, like it or not.

  • Re: Hmm question?

    Kerosene - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Locachick: “Shes right everyone is free to reply, I just don't think that just because the law says what I did is wrong that that makes me a horrible person” I didn't say you were a horrible person, just disgusting. The law says murder is wrong. Is a man a horrible person for murdering a child? I like to think so. The law says incest is wrong. Are you a horrible person for having sex with a family member?no, but it is quite disgusting and therefore makes you a disgusting person in my …

  • Re: Hmm question?

    Kerosene - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Kevmo7: “but is it helping? nope was she asking for advise and help? yep end of story.” She wasn't asking for help. She was asking to hear stories. I shared mine and she mentioned that it was a family member that she lost her virginity to. It's not like she had to mention it, no one beat it out of her. She admit herself that it was a stupid mistake,I was just agreeing in a few more words.

  • Re: Hmm question?

    Kerosene - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Locachick: “I think that's going a little far that's just your opinion , our parents got married when we were older so in no way do I feel like a sibling to him. Would toiu say someone had a mental problem if they slept with a room mate? No you wouldn't and that is as far as our relationship went he was just someone I lived with” I'd say there was something wrong with somebody that slept with a roommate if their parents were already married,yes. But that is just my opinion, like you s…

  • Re: Hmm question?

    Kerosene - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Locachick: “Why? Because I made a mistake once? That obviously makes me a horrible and discusting person.” A mistake is having sex with your friends boyfriend while you're drunk at a party. You having sex with someone who is by all legal standards, related to you is disgusting and requires near retardation or some sort of mental illness to even consider. -_-