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  • What turns you on

    collin13 - - Teen Sexuality


    Vegemite on toast.

  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    How about a little Daughtry?

  • Do you sleep naked?

    collin13 - - Teen Sexuality


    Winter, fall, spring, summer ... doesn't matter. I always sleep naked now. And it isn't sexual, it just is. I mean you can make it sexual, via masturbation or love making, but at the end of the day, you fall asleep.


  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    The Joker and the Thief.

  • Quote from maseb: “Quote from Chris 17: “Quote from corey_stratton: “I hope never ” Agree with you. I want to die with morning wood ” You can have an erection at death, but don't think you want to die this way ” So out of pure morbid curiosity, I asked my step dad about this cos he works in a level one trauma centre and he said it's true. They see that a lot with gun shots to the head and car accidents with broken necks! He said it's always a bad outcome for …

  • Surfing

    collin13 - - Health and Fitness


    I would rather surf than do anything else. Absolutely love it!!!!

  • Questionnaire for the boys

    collin13 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from pahern0317: “ I didn't know that many Canucks were circumcised. ” I live in Canada and most are where I live, it's rare to see a boy here who isn't circumsized. I'm in Ontario.

  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    A little Zeppelin!!!!

  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    Another Greta Van Fleet Song. Some live performance. I can't believe how good this band is.

  • Oral to Uncut

    collin13 - - Teen Sexuality


    I think the taste varies from boy to boy in my experience.

  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    I love this band! And they are from a small little town in Michigan! This was probably their break through song. Great catalog though!

  • My motto in life is "you do you". I don't mean that from a masturbation standpoint, just from the standpoint of do what ever makes you happy as long as it doesn't affect the enjoyment of life by others. So have at it. You are perfectly normal and I don't see any issue with it. Like I said ... you do you!

  • BOYS ONLY: Penis throbbing

    collin13 - - Teen Sexuality


    Happens all the time, particularly if I'm excited. Like Chris said, if I'm super excited, I can feel my pulse in my penis!

  • Teen boys being commando

    collin13 - - Puberty


    Around the house sure, but I don't make a habit of going out into public commando. I'm not even sure how anyone could tell?

  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    We have friends of the family staying with us and one of the kids is a Taylor Swift fan and he asked me if I liked Taylor Swift so I showed him this and made him an I Prevail Fan. There is hope for humanity. Good tune. Great Cover. And I suppose since it's a cover I should post the original. Enjoy!

  • FIFA Womens World Cup 2023

    collin13 - - Sports


    Quote from HannahW: “Quote from BJade: “Co-hosts Australia reached the Women's World Cup semi-finals for the first time as they beat France in an incredible penalty shoot-out at Brisbane Stadium. Australia 0 France 0 Australia win 7-6 on penalties ” What an amazing (agonising) penalty shootout! ” Love love love love it! Although I don't like ending games on penalties. As someone who plays the game, it's a shitty way to lose via a skill competition!

  • Colin's Music at Work

    collin13 - - Music


    When U2 created a spectacle in Los Angelas! And then a pretty kick ass live version of the same song.

  • Boys and anal. have or thinking

    collin13 - - Puberty


    Quote from masong: “I hear it’s like a great bonding experience. Do you guys think it is? Do you feel like you are binding with the other boy when you do it? ” Well it's having sex and making love so I would say that it is a definite bonding experience. At least in my case it has been when I've done it. I actually think it is something that should only really be done when you love someone.

  • FIFA Womens World Cup 2023

    collin13 - - Sports


    I'm really looking forward to this tournament as well! Go Australia!!!!!!