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  • Number of times you masturbate

    collin13 - - Teen Sexuality


    I feel like I'm doing it a lot more lately, especially since school was online for most of the year and I guess because I'm in puberty now (finally). 2 times a day is normal for me now, sometimes I'll do it more. I'm wondering though, once you start getting cum, do you do it less? I read that when you start cumming you can't do it as much?

  • I'm fine with being naked around my brother and step brother but since I started getting pubes, not so much around parents and sisters. I keep shorts on around the house, but could care less in my bedroom (when my step bro is here we share a room because I have bunk beds).

  • Do you masturbate with friends?

    collin13 - - Teen Sexuality


    I do sometimes with my step brother.

  • question guys

    collin13 - - Puberty


    Sounds like you cummed (lucky) especially if it is when you got the shivers. I still get the shivers without anything coming out but can't wait for it. For clean up my step bro uses tissue, just aims at it and cums on that for easy clean up.