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  • Pronouns

    Marleigh - - Teen Sexuality



  • Mostly lesbian

    Marleigh - - Lesbian


    Do what makes you happy. No need to put and label or a box around anything. I have never been with a boy , but that doesn't mean my mind has never wondered or thought...hmmmm what would that be like. That doesn't mean I am bi or into boys. I love girls and my girlfriend . I think everything a girl can offer is the right stuff stuff. I am me and if people want to call me a lesbian than that is what i am, but I am me first and foremost.

  • Attractive

    Marleigh - - Lesbian


    Hair and the eyes.

  • Like Lady Gaga put so eloquently, "Baby I was born this way."

  • How mature do you think 13+ teens are?

    Marleigh - - LGBT


    I think it depends on the person and the way his/her parents raised them. Not going to say this works 100% of the time and I also believe that girls mature and a much faster rate than boys.

  • Confused

    Marleigh - - LGBT


    No need to have guilt. You were at a sleepover with a very close friend who you knew what his interests were. Regardless if you have a physically attraction to your friend or you were caught up in the moment of just being with a close friend you should not feel guilty. I do agree though that if these situations continue to occur that you cannot keep this behind the scenes from your girlfriend. That is not fair to her. So I suppose my advice to you is not to worry yourself over this too much and …

  • When/how does experimenting become real?

    Marleigh - - LGBT


    Each person is different. Each person finds themselves at different times and one is no better than the other. For me I really started to figure things out around 12 years old and then at 14 is when I opened up more and started sharing that with others and making it known. It is obvious that other people it happens earlier than that or even much later and whatever they experiment with during those times is totally up to them and what they are comfortable with. I think when we start putting peopl…