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  • Well, as has been noted, drinking alcohol is just like drinking any other fluid - eventually, drinking enough will make the body need to eliminate that extra fluid. And alcohol can make you pass out, so you're not in a position to relive yourself in a toilet if you need to go, so it's entirely possible that your body will then relive itself wherever you are at the moment.

  • Help!

    Durango - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Giving him the benefit of the doubt, victim shaming is never appropriate. If the OP says he was uncomfortable with what happened (and it didn't seem to me like he was gloating about it in the slightest, unless you and I are operating on VERY different definitions of the word), unless anybody here has psychic abilities that I don't know about, then he was uncomfortable with it and it's not for any of us to say otherwise. Why didn't he report it initially? Maybe he was embarrassed by it (after all…

  • Help!

    Durango - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Kalen, not too sure what to say. I don't want to sound cynical, but usually guys don't go around randomly jacking off other guys in the showers at school, so hopefully you can see why some people might be a bit skeptical here. But giving you the benefit of the doubt here for the moment, I don't know if there is much you can do other than follow the advice given earlier and report it in. Maybe it won't get people to stop thinking that you're gay and in a relationship with this guy (you may be get…

  • The Talk

    Durango - - Puberty


    Well, like HannahW said, for me it was various things over a long period of time. I think I was around 5-6 when my parents had the initial "talk" with me (about how my body would start changing in certain ways in a few years, where babies come from, etc. Stuff like masturbation and protection came later.

  • No nut november

    Durango - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't know who even comes up with ideas like this in the first place. It's just absurd. After all, I asked my boyfriend about this, and he says there's no way he's abstaining from making out with me for a whole month.

  • Yep. It often happens when I'm with my boyfriend, especially if we're getting intimate with each other.

  • Jude's Selection of Awesome Music

    Durango - - Music


  • Embarrassed Moments

    Durango - - Teen Sexuality


    Well, the closest I ever got was when I once swatted my boyfriend in the butt at school when I thought no one was looking (which turned out not to be the case...).

  • Sleep naked with another boys

    Durango - - Gay


    If it's just sleeping, sure, it's perfectly all right to do so (and if you're doing anything,,,*ahem*...physical with each other, then that should only be with the permission of both individuals involved). I share a room with a younger brother, and we sleep (in our own beds) in just our briefs, and let's face it - that's not too far removed from being completely naked, and nobody has any problems with it.

  • 012fedef6b32d6528dc84d4398673cf4--hold-on-so-me.jpg

  • Early puberty boys and girls.

    Durango - - Puberty


    I'm kind of with Sean2001 here. Yeah, I had pubes in 6th grade, but "proud" isn't really the term I'd use about how I felt. I didn't run around showing people. When I'd go skinnydipping, or had to shower in gym class staring in 7th grade, yeah, I knew some of the other guys were looking, and after a while I found I didn't really mind.

  • Ask him if he'd like to hang out some time, just the two of you (you don't have to call it a date - in fact, don't call it a date). Tell him you enjoy his company and that you'd like to get to know more about him. Like naturelover-VT noted, it doesn't have to be any sort of expensive activity - a walk in a park can work well,

  • Giving or receiving?

    Durango - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from MaryPaige: “I have never given or received oral. I let my boyfriend finger me, and I give him handjobs. I know I am a prude. But I am ready to give him a blow job. Evverytime I think about it I get really turned on. ” Like Lisa_c said. you're not a prude just because you want to wait. These kinds of things are best when you and your partner are both ready to do them. No one ever died from waiting to participate in oral sex.

  • Yes, I've bottomed for someone who was noticeably younger than me. My boyfriend's 2 years younger than me, and when we started doing anal, he was tops the first few times. He still likes being tops sometimes, and I don't mind. I also don't think there's a problem with people with disabilities being intimate, as long as they're both capable of agreeing and are willing to accept "No" from their partner.

  • Forced circumcising

    Durango - - Puberty


    I don't know if it would be illegal, but at the same time, how would it (if done properly) be punishment? I have to agree with those who say this sounds a bit fishy.

  • I really only shave my facial hair. When I first started, I used my dad's razor, but as I got older they did get me my own. I didn't even have to ask for it. I don't see why asking for it should be awkward or embarrassing to ask for it when you're old enough to shave (at least face for guys or arms/legs for girls, and you don't get too descriptive if you want to shave something other than in those areas).

  • Elections and Voting

    Durango - - Debate and Discussions


    Honestly, speaking of Donald Trump, the Stalin quote sounds like something he might say (and I'm a bit surprised that he hasn't tried to claim the quote for himself).

  • Submissive

    Durango - - Teen Sexuality


    I wouldn't say there's anything wrong with what you're doing. I wouldn't say I'm submissive myself, but a lot of the time I do let my boyfriend be the one to "take charge," so to speak. when it comes to being intimate. In some ways, I suppose it's because I'm older and physically bigger than he is, so a part of me has always been worried that people might think I'm forcing him or otherwise taking advantage of him if I'm take the initiative too much (I was 15 and he was 13 when we became a couple…

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    Durango - - Fashion


    Just briefs at the moment. Will be getting dressed a little later.

  • pulling out

    Durango - - Teen Sexuality


    I've had sex with two guys, and have never pulled out when I was tops, and the other guy has not pulled out when he was tops.